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Trend, S.E., Strunk, T., Lloyd, M.L., Kok, Y., Metcalfe, J., Geddes, D.T., Lai, C.T., Richmond, P.C., Doherty, D.A., Simmer, K.N., Currie, A.J. 2016, 'Levels of innate immune factors in preterm and term mothers’ breast milk during the 1st month postpartum', BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION, 115, 7, pp. 1178-1193. Detail
Cannon, A.M., Sakalidis, V.S., Lai, C.T., Perrella, S.L., Geddes, D.T. 2016, 'Vacuum characteristics of the sucking cycle and relationships with milk removal from the breast in term infants', Early Human Development, 96, pp. 1-6. Detail
Alsaweed, M., Lai, C.T., Hartmann, P.E., Geddes, D.T., Kakulas, F. 2016, 'Human milk cells and lipids conserve numerous known and novel miRNAs, some of which are differentially expressed during lactation', PLoS ONE, 11, 4, Detail
Alsaweed, M., Lai, C.T., Hartmann, P.E., Geddes, D.T., Kakulas, F. 2016, 'Human milk cells contain numerous miRNAs that may change with milk removal and regulate multiple physiological processes', International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17, 6, Detail
Gardner, H., Kent, J.C., Lai, C.T., Mitoulas, L.R., Cregan, M.D., Hartmann, P.E., Geddes, D.T. 2015, 'Milk ejection patterns: An intra- individual comparison of breastfeeding and pumping', BMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH, 15, 1, pp. 1-6. Detail
Perrella, S.L., Lai, C.T., Geddes, D.T. 2015, 'Case report of nipple shield trauma associated with breastfeeding an infant with high intra-oral vacuum', BMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH, 15, 1, pp. Article 155. Detail
Cannon, A.M., Kakulas, F., Hepworth, A.R., Lai, C.T., Hartmann, P.E., Geddes, D.T. 2015, 'The effects of leptin on breastfeeding behaviour', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12, 10, pp. 12340-12355. Detail
Zhang, G., Lai, C.T., Hartmann, P.E., Oddy, W.H., Kusel, M.M.H., Sly, P.D., Holt, P.G. 2014, 'Anti-infective proteins in breast milk and asthma-associated phenotypes during early childhood', Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, 25, 6, pp. 544-551. Detail
Arthur, P.G., Niu, X.-W., Huang, W.-H., DeBoer, B., Lai, C.T., Rossi, E., Joseph, J., Jeffrey, G.P. 2013, 'Desferrioxamine in warm reperfusion media decreases liver injury aggravated by cold storage', World Journal of Gastroenterology, 19, 5, pp. 673-681. Detail
Hassiotou, F., Hepworth, A.R., Williams, T.M., Twigger, A.-J., Perrella, S., Lai, C.T., Filgueira, L., Geddes, D.T., Hartmann, P.E. 2013, 'Breastmilk Cell and Fat Contents Respond Similarly to Removal of Breastmilk by the Infant', PLOS ONE, 8, pp. 11pp. Detail
Christen, L., Lai, C. T., Hartmann, B., Hartmann, P.E., Geddes, D.T. 2013, 'Ultraviolet-C Irradiation: A Novel Pasteurization Method for Donor Human Milk', PLOS ONE, 8, 6, pp. 7pp. Detail
Khan, S., Prime, D.K., Hepworth, A.R., Lai, C.T., Trengove, N.J., Hartmann, P.E. 2013, 'Investigation of short-term variations in term breast milk composition during repeated breast expression sessions', JOURNAL OF HUMAN LACTATION, 29, 2, pp. 196-204. Detail
Christen, L., Lai, C.T., Hartmann, B.T., Hartmann, P.E., Geddes, D.T. 2013, 'The Effect of UV-C Pasteurization on Bacteriostatic Properties and Immunological Proteins of Donor Human Milk', PLOS ONE, 8, 12, pp. 9pp. Detail
Hassiotou, F., Hepworth, A.R., Metzger, P., Lai, C.T., Trengove, N., Hartmann, P.E., Filgueira, L. 2013, 'Maternal and infant infections stimulate a rapid leukocyte response in breastmilk', Clinical & Translational Immunology, 2, 4, pp. 10pp. Detail
Geddes, D.T., Sakalidis, V.S., Hepworth, A.R., McClellan, H.L., Kent, J.C., Lai, C.T., Hartmann, P.E. 2012, 'Tongue movement and intra-oral vacuum of term infants during breastfeeding and feeding from an experimental teat that released milk under vacuum only', Early Human Development, 88, pp. 443-449. Detail
Hassiotou, F., Beltran, A, Chetwynd, E, Stuebe, AM, Twigger, A., Metzger, P, Trengrove, N, Lai, C.T., Filgueira, L., Blancafort, P., Hartmann, P.E. 2012, 'Breastmilk is a novel source of stem cells with multilineage differentiation potential', STEM CELLS, 30, pp. 2164-2174. Detail
Morton, J., Wong, R.J., Hall, J.Y., Pang, W.W., Lai, C.T., Lui, J., Hartmann, P.E., Rhine, W.D. 2012, 'Combining hand techniques with electric pumping increases the caloric content of milk in mothers of preterm infants', Journal of Perinatology, 32, pp. 1-6. Detail
Khan, S., Hepworth, A.R., Prime, D.K., Lai, C.T., Trengove, N.J., Hartmann, P.E. 2012, 'Variation in Fat, Lactose, and Protein Composition in Breast Milk over 24 Hours: Associations with Infant Feeding Patterns', JOURNAL OF HUMAN LACTATION, 2013, pp. 1–9. Detail
Sakalidis, V., McClellan, H.L., Hepworth, A.R., Kent, J.C., Lai, C.T., Hartmann, P.E., Geddes, D.T. 2012, 'Oxygen Saturation and Suck-Swallow-Breathe Coordination of Term Infants during Breastfeeding and Feeding froma Teat Releasing Milk Only with Vacuum', International Journal of Pediatrics, 2013, pp. 1-10. Detail