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[1] Zhang Chen, Ni Zhiwei, Ni Liping, Tang Liyang. Feature selection method based on multi-fractal dimension and harmony search algorithm and its application. International Journal of Systems Science, 2015: 1-11. (SCI)
[2] Tang Liyang, Ni Zhiwei. Emerging opinion leaders in crowd unfollow crisis: a case study of mobile brands in Twitter. Formal Pattern Analysis & Applications, 2015:1-13. (SCI)
[3] Zhang Chen, Ni Zhiwei, Ni Liping. Multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis between PM2.5 and meteorological factors. Physica A Statistical Mechanics & Its Applications, 2015, 438: 114-123. (SCI)
[4] Jin Feifei, Ni Zhiwei, Chen Huayou. Interval-valued hesitant fuzzy Einstein prioritized aggregation operators and their applications to multi-attribute group decision making[J]. Soft Computing, 2015, 1-16. (SCI)
[5] Tang Liyang, Ni Zhiwei. Applying Overlapping Community Detection Based on Data Field Theory for Twitter Audiences Classification. International Journal of u-and e-Service, Science and Technology, 2015, 8(5): 23-36.
[6] 倪志伟, 王超, 胡汤磊. 面向流数据的多粒度时变分形维数计算. 软件学报, 2015, 28(10): 110-120.
[7] Ni Zhiwei, Zhu Xuhui, Niliping, Cheng Meiying, Wang Yiling. An Improved Discrete Optimization Algorithm Based on Artificial Fish Swarm and its Application for Attribute Reduction. Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2015, 12(6): 2143-2154.(EI)
[8] Ni Zhiwei, Cheng Meiying, Wu Zhangjun, Xiao Hongwang, Zhu Xuhui. Binary Ant Colony Algorithm with Particle optimization Feature For Attribute reduction Problem. Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2015, 12(8): 3051-3061.(EI)
[9] 金飞飞,倪志伟.基于犹豫模糊偏好关系的雾霾影响因素评价.模式识别与人工智能, 2015, 28(9): 839-847.
[10] 张琛,倪志伟,姜婷. 基于WPTMM的PM2.5与气象条件关系的联合多重分形分析. 系统工程理论与实践, 2015,35(8): 2166-2176.
[11] 倪志伟,梁婷,伍章俊,肖宏旺.面向数据中心虚拟机部署的智能优化策略. 模式识别与人工智能, 2015,28(4):306-315.
[12] 王会颖,倪志伟,伍章俊. 基于MapReduce和多目标蚁群算法的多租户服务定制算法. 模式识别与人工智能, 2014, 27(12):1105-1116.
[13] Tang Liyang, Ni Zhiwei, Xiong Hui, et al. Locating targets through mention in Twitter. World Wide Web, 2014, 1-31. (SCI)
[14] 程美英,倪志伟,朱旭辉.基于生命周期的二元蚁群优化算法. 模式识别与人工智能,2014,27(11):1005-1014.
[15] 倪志伟,王会颖,吴昊. 基于MapReduce和多目标蚁群算法的制造云服务动态选择算法.中国机械工程,2014(20):2751-2760.
[16] 吴晓璇,倪志伟,倪丽萍,张琛. 基于互信息和分形维数相结合的选择性聚类融合算法研究. 模式识别与人工智能, 2014, 27(9): 847-855.
[17] 倪志伟,薛永坚,倪丽萍,肖红旺.基于流形学习的多核SVM财务预警方法研究.系统工程理论与实践,2014,34(10):2666-2674.
[18] 薛永坚, 倪志伟.基于MapReduce的大规模数据集流形学习降维研究. 系统工程理论与实践, 2014(S1), 34: 151-157.
[19] Wu Zhangjun, Liu Xiao, Ni Zhiwei, Yuan Dong, Yang Yun, A Market-Oriented Hierarchical Scheduling Strategy in Cloud Workflow Systems. the Journal of Supercomputing, 2013,63(1):256-293. (SCI)
[20] Zhang Yiwen, Ni Zhiwei, Jin Ying, et al, Large-scale Partner Selection of Virtual Enterprise on the Cloud Manufacturing Service Platform. Journal of Information &Computational Science, 2012, 9(14):3995-4006.
[21] Xiao Liu, Zhiwei Ni, et al.A Novel Statistical Time-Series Pattern based Interval Forecastting Strategy for Activity Durations in Workflow Systems.Journal of Software and system,2011,(84),354-376.(SCI)
[22] Liping Ni, Zhiwei Ni, YaZhuo Gao.Stock trend Prediction Based on Fractal Feature Selection and Support Vector Machine.Expert system with applications,2011,(38),5569-5576.(SCI indexed)
[23]Xiao Liu,Zhiwei Ni,et al.A probabilistic strategy for temporal constraint management in scientisfic workflow systems.Concurrrency and Computation :Pratice and Experience,2011,23(16),1893-1919.(SCI indexed)
[24] Xiao Liu, Zhiwei Ni, Zhangjun Wu, Dong Yuan, Jinjun Chen, Yun Yang: A Novel General Framework for Automatic and Cost-Effective Handling of Recoverable Temporal violations in Scientific Workflow Systems, Journal of Software and System,2011,(84),492-509. (SCI indexed )
[25]Zhiwei Ni,Junfeng guo ,et al.An Efficient Method for Improving Query Efficiency in Data Warehouse.Journal of software,2011,6(5),857-865.
[26]高雅卓, 倪志伟等.连续属性上的OLAP查询建模方法研究.情报学报,2011,30(4),372-379.
[31] Zhangjun Wu, Zhiwei Ni, Lichuan Gu, Xiao Liu: A Revised Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization for Cloud Workflow Scheduling, 2010 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS2010), Nanning, China, 11-14 Dec. 2010 (EI indexed)
[32] Xiao Liu, Zhiwei Ni, Zhangjun Wu, Dong Yuan, Jinjun Chen, Yun Yang: A Framework for Handling Fine-Grained Recoverable Temporal Violations in Scientific Workflows, 16th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS2010), Shanghai, China, December 7-11, 2010, on Sept. 05, 2010 (EI indexed).
[33] Yazhuo Gao, Zhiwei Ni, Yuxiao Zhao.A scheduling strategy for OLAM tasks and its application in a financial BI system Business Intelligence and Financial Engneering .2009会议论文集: 435-440 (EI收录)
[34] Zhiwei Ni, Dan Han, Gongrang Zhang, Yazhuo Gao.Extension CBR Retrieval.AICI2009:224—227 (EI收录)
[35] Zhangjun Wu, Zhiwei Ni,Chang Zhang, Lichuan Gu. A Novel PSO for Multi-stage Portfolios Planning, IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence (AICI2009),71—77 (EI收录)
[36] Chang Zhang, Zhiwei Ni, Zhangjun Wu,Lichuan Gu. A Novel Swarm Model with Quasi-Oppositional Particle, International Forum on Information Technology and Applications (IFITA 2009), pp.325-330 (EI收录)
[37] Li Fenggang, Wang Xiaolu, Ni Zhiwei, Ni Liping. Semantic Analysis Based Literature Transaction System of Xi-An Medical Authority, Intelligent Information Management Systems and Technologies (2010),Volume6,No.3 ,219-226
[38] Xiao Liu, Jinjun Chen, Zhangjun Wu, Zhiwei Ni, Dong Yuan, Yun Yang.Handling Recoverable Temporal Violations in Scientific Workflow Systems: A, Workflow Rescheduling Based Strategy,2010,pp.534-537
[39]Chao Wang ,Zhi-wei Ni ,Jun-fen Guo.A Fast Bidirectional Method for Mining Maximal Frequent Itemsets,The Third International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization (CSO 2010),447—450
[40]倪志伟,高雅卓,李伟东,束建华.基于矩阵的增量式关联规则挖掘算法.计算机工程与应用, 2008,44(13):153-155
[42]王丽红,倪志伟, 高雅卓.改进的蚁群算法求解多目标车间作业调度问题.计算机技术与发展,2008 ,18(10):49—52
[45]倪丽萍,倪志伟,吴昊,叶红云.基于分形维数和蚁群算法的属性选择方法.模式识别与人工智能, 2009,22(2):293—298(EI收录)
[47]倪志伟,吴姗,胡汤磊.联系发现在证券客户划分中的应用研究.计算机工程与应用, 2009, 45(18):201--204
[48]Dan Han, Zhiwei Ni, Gongrang Zhang, Hongyu Wang, Jun Yan. Research and Design the Extension Case Base Based on CBR. BIFE International meeting, 2009,:210—214 (EI收录)
[50]王园园,倪志伟,赵裕啸,伍章俊.基于决策树的模糊聚类评价算法及其应用.计算机技术与发展, 2009,19(9):232-235
[51]严军,倪志伟,王宏宇,韩丹.案例推理在汽车诊断中的应用.计算机应用研究. 2009,26(10):3846-3848
[53]刘慧婷,倪志伟.基于EMD与K-means算法的时间序列聚类.模式识别与人工智能,2009.10 :803—808
[54]倪志伟,李建洋,李锋刚, 杨善林.案例决策技术及案例决策支持系统研究综述.计算机科学,2009,36(11):18—23
[55]郭峻峰, 倪志伟, 高雅卓, 伍章俊.一种提高数据仓库查询效率的有效方法.计算机集成制造系统, 2009,15(12):2451-2457 (EI收录)
[56]高雅卓,倪志伟,郭峻峰,胡汤磊.用户兴趣驱动的冰山数据立方体构建及更新方法研究.计算机科学, 2009,36(12):179-182
[57]赵裕啸,倪志伟,王园园,伍章俊.SQL Server 2005数据挖掘技术在证券客户忠诚度的应用.计算机技术与发展, 2010,20(2):229-232
[58]李锋刚,倪志伟, 郜峦.案例推理和多策略相似性检索的中医处方自动生成.计算机应用研究,2010, 27(2):544—547
[60]赵敏,倪志伟,刘斌.K-means与朴素贝叶斯在商务智能中的应用.计算机技术与发展, 2010,20(4):179-182
[61]王宏宇,倪志伟,严军,韩丹.灰度关联理论在CBR中的应用研究.计算机技术与发展, 2010,20(5):96-100
[62]罗义钦,倪志伟,杨葛钟啸.一种新的数据流分形聚类算法.计算机工程与应用, 2010,46 (6): 136-13
[64] Case base maintenance based on outlier data mining,Proc. 4th Intl. Conf. on Machine Learning and Cybernetics,IEEE Press, China, 2005.8,2861-2864
[66] 基于相似粗糙集的案例特征项的约简维护, 计算机科学,Vol.32,No.8.A , 2005,93-96
[67] 数据流管理与挖掘研究, 合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版), Vol.28, No.9, 2005,1157-1162