McLeod, G., Sherriff, J., Hartmann, P.E., Nathan, E., Geddes, D., Simmer, K. 2016, 'Comparing different methods of human breast milk fortification using measured v. assumed macronutrient composition to target reference growth a randomised controlled trial', British Journal of Nutrition, 115, 3, pp. 431-439. Detail
Alsaweed, M., Lai, C.T., Hartmann, P.E., Geddes, D.T., Kakulas, F. 2016, 'Human milk miRNAs primarily originate from the mammary gland resulting in unique miRNA profiles of fractionated milk', Scientific Reports, 6, Detail
Trend, S.E., Strunk, T., Lloyd, M.L., Kok, Y., Metcalfe, J., Geddes, D.T., Lai, C.T., Richmond, P.C., Doherty, D.A., Simmer, K.N., Currie, A.J. 2016, 'Levels of innate immune factors in preterm and term mothers’ breast milk during the 1st month postpartum', BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION, 115, 7, pp. 1178-1193. Detail
Simmer, K.N., Kok, C., Nancarrow, K., Hepworth, A.R., Geddes, D.T. 2016, 'Novel feeding system to promote establishment of breastfeeds after preterm birth: a randomized controlled trial', JOURNAL OF PERINATOLOGY, 36, 3, pp. 210-215. Detail
Cannon, A.M., Sakalidis, V.S., Lai, C.T., Perrella, S.L., Geddes, D.T. 2016, 'Vacuum characteristics of the sucking cycle and relationships with milk removal from the breast in term infants', Early Human Development, 96, pp. 1-6. Detail
Alsaweed, M., Lai, C.T., Hartmann, P.E., Geddes, D.T., Kakulas, F. 2016, 'Human milk cells and lipids conserve numerous known and novel miRNAs, some of which are differentially expressed during lactation', PLoS ONE, 11, 4, Detail
Alsaweed, M., Lai, C.T., Hartmann, P.E., Geddes, D.T., Kakulas, F. 2016, 'Human milk cells contain numerous miRNAs that may change with milk removal and regulate multiple physiological processes', International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17, 6, Detail
Melnik, B.C., Kakulas, F., Geddes, D.T., Hartmann, P.E., John, S.M., Carrera-Bastos, P., Cordain, L., Schmitz, G. 2016, 'Milk miRNAs: Simple nutrients or systemic functional regulators?', Nutrition and Metabolism, 13, 1, Detail
Gridneva, Z., Hepworth, A.R., Ward, L.C., Lai, C.T., Hartmann, P.E., Geddes, D.T. 2016, 'Bioimpedance spectroscopy in the infant: Effect of milk intake and extracellular fluid reservoirs on resistance measurements in term breastfed infants', European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 70, 7, pp. 843-851. Detail
Geddes, D.T., Sakalidis, V.S. 2015, 'Ultrasound Imaging of Breastfeeding - A Window to the Inside: Methodology, Normal Appearances, and Application', Journal of Human Lactation, 32, 2, pp. 340-349. Detail
Sakalidis, V.S., Geddes, D.T. 2015, 'Suck-Swallow-Breathe Dynamics in Breastfed Infants', Journal of Human Lactation, 32, 2, pp. 201-211. Detail
Perrella, S.L., Hepworth, A.R., Simmer, K.N., Geddes, D.T. 2015, 'Influences of breast milk composition on gastric emptying in preterm infants', Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 60, 2, pp. 264-271. Detail
Mortazavi, S.N., Hassiotou, F., Geddes, D.T., Hassanipour, F. 2015, 'Mathematical Modeling of Mammary Ducts in Lactating Human Females', Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 137, 7, pp. 071009-1-071009-8. Detail
Gardner, H., Kent, J.C., Hartmann, P.E., Geddes, D.T. 2015, 'Asynchronous milk ejection in human lactating breast: Case series', Journal of Human Lactation, 31, 2, pp. 254-259. Detail
Gardner, H., Kent, J.C., Lai, C.T., Mitoulas, L.R., Cregan, M.D., Hartmann, P.E., Geddes, D.T. 2015, 'Milk ejection patterns: An intra- individual comparison of breastfeeding and pumping', BMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH, 15, 1, pp. 1-6. Detail
Perrella, S.L., Lai, C.T., Geddes, D.T. 2015, 'Case report of nipple shield trauma associated with breastfeeding an infant with high intra-oral vacuum', BMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH, 15, 1, pp. Article 155. Detail
Perrella, S.L., Hepworth, A.R., Gridneva, Z., Simmer, K.N., Hartmann, P.E., Geddes, D.T. 2015, 'Gastric Emptying and Curding of Pasteurized Donor Human Milk and Mother's Own Milk in Preterm Infants', Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 61, 1, pp. 125-129. Detail
Twigger, A.J., Hepworth, A.R., Tat Lai, C., Chetwynd, E., Stuebe, A.M., Blancafort, P., Hartmann, P.E., Geddes, D.T., Kakulas, F. 2015, 'Gene expression in breastmilk cells is associated with maternal and infant characteristics', Scientific Reports, 5, pp. Article 12933. Detail
Alsaweed, M., Hepworth, A.R., Lefèvre, C., Hartmann, P.E., Geddes, D.T., Hassiotou, F. 2015, 'Human Milk MicroRNA and Total RNA Differ Depending on Milk Fractionation', Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 116, 10, pp. 2397-2407. Detail
McClellan, H.L., Kent, J.C., Hepworth, A.R., Hartmann, P.E., Geddes, D.T. 2015, 'Persistent nipple pain in breastfeeding mothers associated with abnormal infant tongue movement', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12, 9, pp. 10833-10845. Detail