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交通系统建模与仿真、智能交通系统、交通系统规划与设计、交通安全 Traffic Flow & Capacity Analysis Traffic Control & Operations Traffic Safety Analysis and Accident Modeling Intelligent Transportation Systems Transportation Systems Network Design and Optimization Urban Public Transit Planning and Optimization Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure Design and Maintenance



查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Lina Wu, Yusheng Ci*, Yunpeng Wang, Peng Chen. Fuel Consumption at the Oversaturated Signalized Intersection Considering Queue Effects: A Case Study in Harbin, China. Energy. 2020, 192(116654): 1-9. (SCI、EI, IF=6.082, Q1) Ahmed Ibrahim Zaki Mohamed*, Yusheng Ci, Yiqiu Tan. Safety Performance Evaluation of the New Mega Elliptical Roundabout Interchanges Using the Surrogate Safety Assessment Model. Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A Systems. 2020, 146(12): 04020137 (1-13)(SCI、EI;Q4) Ahmed Ibrahim Zaki Mohamed*, Yusheng Ci, Yiqiu Tan. Methodology for Estimating the Capacity and Level of Service for the Mega Roundabout Intersection. TRB2020. Lina Wu, Yusheng Ci*, Yichen Sun, Wei Qi. Research on Joint Control of On-ramp Metering and Mainline Speed Guidance in the Urban Expressway based on MPC and Connected Vehicles. Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2020, 2020(7518087): 1-8. (SCI、EI, Q2) Ahmed Ibrahim Zaki Mohamed, Yusheng Ci*, Yiqiu Tan. A Novel Methodology for Estimating the Capacity and Level of Service for the New Mega Elliptical Roundabout Intersection. Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2020, 2020(8467152): 1-18. (SCI、EI, Q2) Ahmed Ibrahim Zaki Mohamed*, Yusheng Ci, Yiqiu Tan. Mega Elliptical Roundabouts Versus Grade Separation Interchange. Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers-Transport. DOI: 10.1680/jtran.19.00024. 2019: 1-38 (SCI、EI;Q4) Zhenning Li, Yusheng Ci, Cong Chen, Guohui Zhang*, Qiong Wu, Sean Qian, Panos Prevedouros, Tianwei Ma. Investigation of Driver Injury Severities in Rural Single-vehicle Crashes under Rain Conditions using Mixed Logit and Latent Class Models. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2019, 124: 219-229 (SSCI、EI;Q1) Zhenning Li, Xiaofeng Chen, Yusheng Ci, Cong Chen, Guohui Zhang*. A Hierarchical Bayesian Spatiotemporal Random Parameters Approach for Alcohol/Drug Impaired-Driving Crash Frequency Analysis. Analytic Methods in Accident Research. 2019, 21: 44-61 (SSCI、EI, IF=9.333, Q1,交通领域排名第一) Yusheng Ci*, Lina Wu, Jiafa Zhao, Yichen Sun, Guohui Zhang. V2I-based Car-Following Modeling and Simulation on the Signalized Intersection. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2019, 525: 672-679 (SCI、EI; Q2) Zhenning Li, Qiong Wu, Yusheng Ci, Cong Chen, Xiaofeng Chen, Guohui Zhang*. Using Latent Class Analysis and Mixed Logit Model to Explore Risk Factors on Driver Injury Severity in Single-vehicle Crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2019, 129: 230-240 (SSCI、EI;Q1) Li Zhenning, Ci Yusheng, Chen Cong, David T Ma, Zhang Guohui*. A Spatiotemporal Bayesian Hierarchical Approach to Analyze Alcohol/drug Impaired-Driving Related Traffic Crashes by Severity. TRB 2019. Wu Qiong, Ci Yusheng, Chen Cong, Zhang Guohui*. Examining Driver Injury Severity in Single-Vehicle Crashes: A Two-Step Study using Cluster Analysis and Mixed Logit Model. TRB 2018. Li Zhenning, Ci Yusheng, Chen Cong, Zhang Guohui*, Zhen Qian, Panos D. Prevedouros, David T. Ma. An Empirical Assessment and Investigation of the Driver Injury Severities in Rain-related Rural Single-Vehicle Crashes using Mixed and Latent-class Logit Models. TRB 2018. Li Zhenning, Chen Cong, Ci Yusheng, Zhang Guohui*, Wu Qiong, Cathy Liu, Zhen Qian. Examining Driver Injury Severity in Intersection-related Crashes using Cluster Analysis and Hierarchical Bayesian Models. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2018, 120: 139-151(SSCI、EI;Q1) 慈玉生*, 赵家发, 吴丽娜. 基于Lotka-Volterra的城市客运走廊机动化交通方式竞争模型. 交通运输系统工程与信息. 2017, 17(3): 39-45(一级科技期刊、EI) Shumin Feng, Zhenning Li, Yusheng Ci*, Guohui Zhang. Risk Factors Affecting Fatal Bus Accident Severity: Their Impact on Two Types of Bus Drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2016, 86(1): 29-39 (SSCI、EI;Q1) Qiong Wu, Guohui Zhang*, Yusheng Ci, Lina Wu, Rafiqul A. Tarefder, Adélamar "Dely" Alcántara. Exploratory Multinomial Logit Model-based Driver Injury Severity Analyses for Teenage and Adult Drivers in Intersection-Related Crashes. Traffic Injury Prevention. 2016, 17(4): 413-422 (SSCI/SCI;Q3). Shumin Feng, Baoyu Hu, Cen Ni, Xianghao Shen, Yusheng Ci. Empirical Investigation of Topological and Weighted Properties of a Bus Transport Network from China. Chin. Phys. B. 2016, 25 (3): 030504, 1-7 (SCI、EI; Q2) Shumin Feng, Baoyu Hu, Cen Ni, Xianghao Shen, Yusheng Ci. Games-Based Competition Models between Bus Routes. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 2016, 142(3): 1-9(SCI、EI; Q1) Cong Chen, Guohui Zhang, Xiaoyue Cathy Liu, Yusheng Ci, Helai Huang, Jianming Ma, Yanyan Chen, Hongzhi Guan. Driver Injury Severity Outcome Analysis in Rural Interstate Highway Crashes: A Two-level Bayesian Logistic Regression Interpretation. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2016, 97(1): 69-78 (SSCI、EI;Q1) 慈玉生*,吴丽娜,李潇逸,刘志士. 路侧停车区域非机动车避险行为及冲突概率分布. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2015, 47(2): 46-49 (EI) Lina Wu, Jiangwei Chu, Yusheng Ci*, Shumin Feng, Xingwang Liu. Engineering Solutions to Enhance Traffic Safety Performance on Two-lane Highways. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2015, 762379: 1-7 (SCI、EI;Q3) Lina Wu, Yusheng Ci*, Jiangwei Chu, Hongsheng Zhang. The Influence of Intersections on Vehicle Fuel Consumption in Arterial Road Traffic. Plos One. 2015, 10(9): e0137477, 1-10(SCI;Q1) Shumin Feng, Yusheng Ci*, Lina Wu, Fenglin Zhang. Vehicle Delay Estimation for an Isolated Intersection under Actuated Signal Control. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2014, 356707:1-7 (SCI;Q3) CI Yu-sheng*, WU Li-na, LING Xian-zhang, PEI Yu-long. Operation Reliability for On-ramp Junction of Urban Freeway. Journal of Central South University of Technology. 2011, 18(1): 266-270(SC、EI;Q3) Y.G. Wang*, K.M. Chen, Y.S. Ci, L.W. Hu. Safety Performance Audit for Roadside and Median Barriers Using Freeway Crash Records: Case Study in Jiangxi, China. Scientia Iranica, 2011, 18(6): 1222-1230(SCI、EI;Q3) 冯树民*, 慈玉生. 居民出行产生量BP神经网络预测方法研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2010, 42(10): 1624-1627(EI) CI Yusheng*, WU Lina, PEI Yulong, LING Xianzhang. Gap Acceptance Capacity Model for On-ramp Junction of Urban Freeway. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology. 2009, 9(4): 116-119(EI)


2008年~今 黑龙江省国家司法鉴定人 2011年~今 (交通运输部)交通安全设施试验检测师 2011年~今 美国交通工程师学会会员 2013年 世界银行WB(中国)项目咨询专家 2014年~今 北京市自然科学基金评审专家 2015年~今 教育部学位与研究生教育评估专家 2015年~今 亚洲开发银行ADB项目咨询专家 2016年~今 黑龙江省道路运输行业评审专家 2016年~今 黑龙江省道路运输安全生产技术专家 2011年~今 公路交通科技、东南大学学报、哈工大学报、交通运输工程学报、长沙理工大学学报等国内期刊审稿人(EI为主) 2011年~今 IJACT Editor and Reviewer 2013年~今 IEEE ITSC,TRB,CICTP等领域著名会议的 Reviewer 2013年~今 Transport Policy,Journal of Clean Production, International Jouranl of Sustainable Transportation,IEEE ITS, TPR,IJSTR, JAT,JTSS,IJICSP,AJSE,AME,PO等20多个行业著名期刊 Reviewer(SSCI,SCI) 2017年~今《城市交通》杂志特约编辑 2017年~今 COTA国际会议论文征集领域编辑 2018年~今 WTC技术委员会委员 2020年~今 交通运输工程学报(EI收录)青年编委
