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Strickland, D., Fear, V., Shenton, S., Wikstrom, M., Zosky, G., Larcombe, A., Holt, P., Berry, C., von Garnier, C., Stumbles, P., (2014), Persistent and Compartmentalised Disruption of Dendritic Cell Subpopulations in the Lung following Influenza A Virus Infection, PLoS One, 9, 11, pages -.
Rinaldi, C., Penhale, W., Stumbles, P., Tay, G., Berry, C., (2014), Modulation of Innate Immune Responses by Influenza- Specific Ovine Polyclonal Antibodies Used for Prophylaxis, PLoS One, 9, 2, pages e89674 -.
Seydoux, E., Rothen-Rutishauser, B., Nita, I., Balog, S., Gazdhar, A., Stumbles, P., Petri-Fink, A., Blank, F., von Garnier, C., (2014), Size-dependent accumulation of particles in lysosomes modulates dendritic cell function through impaired antigen-processing, International Journal of Nanomedicine (Online), 9, , pages 3885 - 3902.
Blank, F., Stumbles, P., Seydoux, E., Rothen, B., Holt, P., Strickland, D., von Garnier, C., (2013), Size-Dependent Uptake of Particles by Pulmonary Antigen-Presenting Cell Populations and Trafficking to Regional Lymph Nodes, American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology (Print), 49, 1, pages 67 - 77.
Prakash, N., Stumbles, P., Mansfield, C., (2013), Initial Validation of Cytokine Measurement by ELISA in Canine Feces, Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 3, , pages 282 - 288.
Tenaya, I., Heel, K., Stumbles, P., Wilcox, G., (2012), Flow cytometric analysis of lymphocyte subset kinetics in Bali cattle experimentally infected with Jembrana disease virus, Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 149, 3-4, pages 167 - 176.
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Blank, F., Stumbles, P., von Garnier, C., (2011), Opportunities and challenges of the pulmonary route for vaccination, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 8, 5, pages 547 - 563.
Fear, V., Burchell, J., Lai, S., Wikstrom, M., Blank, F., von Garnier, C., Turner, D., Sly, P., Holt, P., Strickland, D., Stumbles, P., (2011), Restricted aeroallergen access to airway mucosal dendritic cells in vivo limits allergen-specific CD4+ T cell proliferation during the induction of inhalation tolerance, Journal of Immunology, 187, 9, pages 4561 - 4570.
Stumbles, P., Strickland, D., Wikstrom, M., Thomas, J., von Garnier, C., Holt, P., (2010), Identification and isolation of rodent respiratory tract dendritic cells., Methods in Molecular Biology, 595, , pages 249 - 263.
Burchell, J., Strickland, D., Stumbles, P., (2010), The role of dendritic cells and regulatory T cells in the regulation of allergic asthma, Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 125, 1, pages 1 - 10.
Wikstrom, M., Batanero, E., Judd, S., Wiqvist, K., Holt, P., Stumbles, P., (2010), Lung homing T-cell generation is dependent on strength and timing of antigen delivery to lymph nodes, Immunology and Cell Biology, 88, 6, pages 658 - 666.
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Berry, C., Abdad, M., Mansfield, J., Jacobsen, H., Rezazedeh Vind, A., Stumbles, P., Bartlett, E., (2007), Differential activities of alpha/beta IFN subtypes against influenza virus in vivo and enhancement of specific immune responses in DNA vaccinated mice expressing haemagglutinin and nucleoprotein, Vaccine, 25, 10, pages 1856 - 1867.