Cottingham, A., Hall, N., Potter, I., (2016), Factors influencing growth of Acanthopagrus butcheri (Sparidae) in a eutrophic estuary have changed over time, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 168, , pages 29 - 39.
Veale, L., Coulson, P., Hall, N., Potter, I., (2016), Biology of a marine estuarine-opportunist fish species in a microtidal estuary, including comparisons among decades and with coastal waters, Marine & Freshwater Research, 67, , pages 1128 - 1140.
Tweedley, J., Hallett, C., Warwick, R., Clarke, K., Potter, I., (2016), The hypoxia that developed in a microtidal estuary following an extreme storm produced dramatic changes in the benthos, Marine & Freshwater Research, 67, 3, pages 327 - 341.
Tweedley, J., Warwick, R., Potter, I., (2015), Can biotic indicators distinguish between natural and anthropogenic environmental stress in estuaries?, Journal of Sea Research, 102, , pages 10 - 21.
Gardner, M., Chaplin, J., Potter, I., Fairclough, D., (2015), Pelagic early life stages promote connectivity in the demersal labrid Choerodon rubescens, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2015, 472, pages 142 - 150.
Coulson, P., Platell, M., Clarke, K., Potter, I., (2015), Dietary variations within a family of ambush predators (Platycephalidae) occupying different habitats and environments in the same geographical region, Journal of Fish Biology, 86, 3, pages 1046 - 1077.
Bartels, H., Docker, M., Wrede, C., Potter, I., (2015), Variations in the presence of chloride cells in the gills of lampreys and their evolutionary implications, Journal of Fish Biology, 86, 4, pages 1421 - 1428.
Cottingham, A., Hall, N., Potter, I., (2015), Performance and contribution to commercial catches and egg production by restocked Acanthopagrus butcheri (Sparidae) in an estuary, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 164, , pages 194 - 203.
Salas, C., Yopak, K., Warrington, R., Hart, N., Potter, I., Collin, S., (2015), Ontogenetic shifts in brain scaling reflect behavioral changes in the life cycle of the pouched lamprey Geotria australis, Frontiers in neuroscience, 9, 251, pages 1 - 18.
Veale, L., Coulson, P., Hall, N., Hesp, S., Potter, I., (2015), Age and size compositions, habitats, growth and reproductive characteristics of a terapontid (Pelates octolineatus) in coastal waters, Journal of Marine Research, 66, , pages 535 - 548.
Wakefield, C., Potter, I., Hall, N., Lenanton, R., Hesp, S., (2015), Marked variations in reproductive characteristics of snapper (Chrysophrys auratus, Sparidae) and their relationship with temperature over a wide latitudinal range, ICES Journal of Marine Science: journal du conseil, 72, , pages 2341 - 2349.
Potter, I., Tweedley, J., Elliott, M., Whitfield, A., (2015), The ways in which fish use estuaries: a refinement and expansion of the guild approach, Fish and Fisheries, 16, 2, pages 230 - 239.
Coulson, P., Black, B., Potter, I., Hall, N., (2014), Sclerochronological studies reveal that patterns of otolith growth of adults of two co-occurring species of Platycephalidae are synchronised by water temperature variations, Marine Biology: international journal on life in oceans and coastal waters, 161, , pages 383 - 393.
Valesini, F., Tweedley, J., Clarke, K., Potter, I., (2014), The importance of local, system-wide and regional spatial scales in structuring temperate estuarine fish communities, Estuaries and Coasts (Formerly Estuaries: 0160-8347), 37, , pages 525 - 547.
Fletcher, L., Coimbra, J., Rodger, J., Potter, I., Gill, H., Dunlop, S., Collin, S., (2014), Classification of Retinal Ganglion Cells in the Southern Hemisphere Lamprey Geotria australis (Cyclostomata), Journal of Comparative Neurology, 522, , pages 750 - 771.
French, B., Potter, I., Hesp, S., Coulson, P., Hall, N., (2014), Biology of the harlequin fish Othos dentex (Serranidae), with particular emphasis on sexual pattern and other reproductive characteristics, Journal of Fish Biology, 84, 1, pages 106 - 132.
Cottingham, A., Hesp, S., Hall, N., Hipsey, M., Potter, I., (2014), Marked deleterious changes in the condition, growth and maturity schedules of Acanthopagrus butcheri (Sparidae) in an estuary reflect environmental degradation, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 149, , pages 109 - 119.
Tweedley, J., Warwick, R., Clarke, R., Potter, I., (2014), Family-level AMBI is valid for use in the north-eastern Atlantic but not for assessing the health of microtidal Australian estuaries, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 141, , pages 85 - 96.
Valesini, F., Tweedley, J., Clarke, R., Potter, I., (2014), The Importance of Regional, System-Wide and Local Spatial Scales in Structuring Temperate Estuarine Fish Communities, Estuaries and Coasts (Formerly Estuaries: 0160-8347), 37, 3, pages 525 - 547.
Veale, L., Tweedley, J., Clarke, R., Hallett, C., Potter, I., (2014), Characteristics of the ichthyofauna of a temperate microtidal estuary with a reverse salinity gradient, including inter-decadal comparisons, Journal of Fish Biology, 85, , pages 1320 - 1354.