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哈尔滨工业大学管理学院教授、博士生导师,战略与创新系主任、技术经济及管理硕士点负责人。现任中国企业管理研究会新兴技术未来分析与管理专业委员会副会长、中国技术经济学会理事、中国技术经济学会技术孵化与创新生态分会秘书长、中国科学学与科技政策研究会企业创新与产业政策专委会委员等,《管理科学》创新创业管理领域副主编。 致力于从事创新管理、技术管理、产业技术经济分析等方面的研究,主持包括国家自然科学基金项目、国家社会科学基金重点项目子课题在内的省部级以上科研项目10余项,出版专著1部,发表论文100余篇,多次获得黑龙江省社会科学优秀成果奖。 工作经历 2006.12-2010.11 讲师,硕士生导师 哈工大管理学院工商管理系 2010.12-2016.12 副教授,博士生导师,工商管理系副主任,技术经济及管理硕士点负责人 哈工大管理学院工商管理系 2011.01-2012.06 SPURS Fellow、博士后 麻省理工学院(MIT) 2016.12-至今 教授,战略与创新系主任,技术经济及管理硕士点负责人 哈工大经济与管理学院战略与创新系 2017.09-2018.09 院长助理(挂职) 哈工大研究生院 教育经历 1997.09-2001.07 技术经济及管理 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院 本科 2001.09-2006.10 工商管理 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院 硕士、博士




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Coupling relationships and synergistic mechanisms between technology management capability and technological capability in product innovation: a simulation study Weiwei Wu, Zhou Liang, Qi Zhang & Huandi Zhang ( 2020 Technology Analysis & Strategic Management Exploring the different combinations of technological capability and technology management capability in different stages of new product development Liu Yexin, Wu Weiwei, Gao Pengbin, Liu Kangjia 2019 IEEE Access nvironmentally responsible closed-loop supply chain models for joint environmental responsibility investment, recycling and pricing decisions. Wu Weiwei, Zhang Qi 2020 Journal of Cleaner Production Effects of corporate environmental responsibility strength and concern on innovation performance: The moderating role of firm visibility Wu Weiwei, Liang Zhou 2020 Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management A new model for competitive knowledge diffusion in organization based on the statistical thermodynamics Jong Ju-Yong,Wu Weiwei , So Sung-Ryol 2020 Advances in Mathematical Physicsw A new model for knowledge transfer in a multi-agent organization based on lattice kinetic model u Weiwei, Ma Qin, Liu Yexin, Kim Yongjun 2020 Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics 31(1):156- 167 The psychological mechanism linking employee work engagement and turnover intention: A moderated mediation study Rafiq M, Wu Weiwei, et al. 2019 Work 62(4): 615-628 How innovative knowledge assets and firm transparency affect sustainability-friendly practices Wu Weiwei, Liu Yexin, Zhang Qi, Yu Bo 2019 Journal of Cleaner Production 229: 32-43 Employee’s ubiquitous learning engagement: Impact of innovativeness-oriented learning system design factors and the mediating role of imagery Shang Dawei, Wu Weiwei 2019 Telematics and Informatics 41: 156-167 Employee usage intention of ubiquitous learning technology: An integrative view of users’ perception regarding interactivity, software and hardware Wu Weiwei, Shang Dawei 2019 IEEE Access 7: 34170-34178 The effect of technology management capability on new product development in China’s service-oriented manufacturing firms: A social capital perspective Wu Weiwei, Liu Yexin, Chin Tachia. 2018 Asia Pacific Business Review 24(2): 1-21 Will green CSR enhance innovation? A perspective of public visibility and firm transparency Wu Weiwei, Liu Yexin, Chin Tachia 2018 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(2): 268 How does emotional conflict affect innovation behavior? The moderating roles of leader-member exchange and team-member exchange Wu Weiwei, Liu Yexin, Kim Yanggi 2018 International Journal of Conflict Management 29(3):327-346 Study on Dynamic Development Process of Technological Capability from a Knowledge Perspective Wang Yan, Wu Weiwei, Dominik S 2019 Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies 21(2) Employee well-being and turnover intention: Evidence from a developing country with Muslim culture Wu Weiwei, Rafiq M, 2017 Career Development International 22(7): 797-815 Understanding mobile shopping consumers’ continuance intention Shang Dawei, Wu Weiwei 2017 Industrial Management & Data Systems 117(1):213-227 How China’s manufacturers achieve technological catch-up: The periphery-core mode of R&D cooperation Li Weibao, Wu Weiwei 2017 Chinese Management Studies 11(1): 139-162 Success probability orientated optimization model for resource allocation of the technological innovation multi-project system Dai Weixu, Wu Weiwei, Yu Bo 2016 Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics 27(6): 1227-1237 Simulation of the performance optimization of Harbin Yingbin industrial park in China Liu Fangliang, Wu Weiwei, Liu Yexin, Klimov 2016 International Journal of Simulation Modelling 15(1):56-69 研发项目群人员创新效能感对创新行为的影响 吴伟伟;刘业鑫;高鹏斌 2019 科研管理 40(8):243-252 研发项目群人员创新绩效提升的内在驱动机制:自我认知视角 吴伟伟,刘业鑫,戴维序,李婧婷 2017 预测 36(5): 24-29 管理机制、技术知识资产与企业市场绩效 吴伟伟,阚红莲,刘业鑫, Kim Yanggi 2017 科学学研究 21.35(5):754-762,770 技术管理与技术能力匹配对产品创新的内在影响机制 吴伟伟,刘业鑫,于渤 2017 管理科学 30(2):3-15 技术管理对产品创新的影响——社会资本的二阶段调节机制 吴伟伟,刘业鑫,高鹏斌,于渤 2016 科学学与科学技术管理 37(5): 34-43


中国企业管理研究会新兴技术未来分析与管理专业委员会,副会长 2020-今 中国技术经济学会技术孵化与创新生态分会,秘书长、常务理事 2018-今 中国科学学与科技政策研究会企业创新与产业政策专委会,委员 2019-今 中国技术经济学会技术管理专业委员会,理事 2017-今 黑龙江省数量与技术经济学会,常务理事 2017-今 《管理科学》(国家自然科学基金委管理科学A类重要期刊),副主编 2016-今 《Chinese Management Studies》(SSCI),区域副主编、编辑 2016-今 《Asia Pacific Business Review》(SSCI),客座编辑 2017
