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1979年生人,1998年考入哈工大,2007年获得博士学位(师从吴群教授),2013年破格晋升教授。 曾获得黑龙江省科学技术二等奖两项(2011年、2018年)、YSGT青年科学家奖(2007年/日本)、CST全球高校优秀论文奖等学术奖项(2013年/德国)。在IEEE T-MTT,IEEE T-AP等国际权威期刊上发表SCI论文100余篇;出版了国内第一部超材料学术专著《左手媒质理论及其应用》;已授权发明专利20余项。完成以及正在承担科研项目30余项。 研究方向为射频天线以及芯片技术,从2013年开始,将液晶高分子材料与电磁超材料以及天线技术相结合,在国内率先开展了液晶超材料相控阵天线的研究工作,并研制出了国内首台液晶超材料相控阵原理样机,对于促进我国低成本相控阵技术的快速发展发挥了重要作用。 学习和工作经历 1998.9 -2002.7 , 哈工大航天学院电子与通信工程系(现电信院),本科,导师:吴群教授 2002.9 -2004.7 , 哈工大航天学院电子与通信工程系(现电信院),硕士,导师:吴群教授 2004.7 -2007.7 , 哈工大航天学院电子科学与技术学科,博士,导师:吴群教授 2007.8 -2011.8 ,哈工大电信院,讲师 2011.9 -2013.11,哈工大电信院,副教授、硕导 2013.12至今, 哈工大电信院,教授、博导 2010.6-2011.5, 韩国光云大学,Research Professor 2016.11-2017.11,美国中佛罗里达大学,高级访问学者 学术获奖 2022年中国创新创业大赛全国总决赛优秀奖(液晶相控阵-项目带头人) 2014年指导的硕士研究生吕月珑(现工作于南京十四所)获得在日本举办的ICMM2014国际会议设立的优秀青年科学家旅行奖。(全球共9人获奖,吕玥珑同学是中国大陆唯一获奖者) 2013年入选哈工大青年拔尖人才计划 2013年获得CST 高校优秀论文奖(德国) 2011年、2018年两次获得黑龙江省科学技术二等奖 2007年获得YSTG青年科学家奖励(日本) 2008年获得哈工大优秀博士学位论文奖 2009年获得微软杯IEEE中国优秀论文奖 2009年获得全国微波毫米波学术会议优秀论文奖


1. 液晶相控阵天线以及其它新型低成本电控扫描天线 液晶全息扫描低剖面相控阵天线 液晶反射式扫描相控阵天线 液晶透镜式扫描相控阵天线 二极管波束扫描漏波天线 2. 液晶微波芯片术 液晶微波芯片电磁模型构建 液晶微波芯片设计以及电磁仿真 液晶微波芯片大规模制造工艺 液晶微波芯片关键材料 3. 频率选择表面与超表面 液晶电调控吸波表面 液晶电调控带通、带阻频率选择表面 液晶与二极管数-模混合调控超表面技术 4. 超大规模非周期阵列的快速电磁仿真计算 大规模以及超大规模相控阵、多波束天线阵方向图快速计算 超表面电磁散射快速计算 频率选择表面快速计算


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He L(硕士生), Lv J F, Ding C, Meng F-Y*, et al. All‐metallic near‐field convergent lens design using cross‐Jerusalem slot elements[J]. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2022, 32(3). Lv J-F(博士生), Ding C, Meng F-Y*, et al. A Tunable Metamaterial Absorber Based on Liquid Crystal with the Compact Unit cell and the Wideband Absorption[J]. Liquid Crystals, 2021, 48(10): 1438-1447. Lv J-F(博士生), Ding C, Zhu Z, Li XJ, Meng F-Y*, et al. Tunable liquid crystal frequency selective surface with the compact unit cell, large tuning range, and the passband of flat-top and sharp roll-off[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2021, 54(31). Lv J-F(博士生), Meng F-Y*, Zhang K, et al. Tunable liquid crystal metamaterial filter with polarization-insensitive characteristic[J]. Liquid Crystals, 2022, VOL. 49, NO. 10, 1338–1346 Lv J-F(博士生), Meng F-Y*, Zhang K, et al. Tunable liquid crystal metasurface with polarization selection characteristic[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 55 (2022) 375001 (14pp) Ding C(博士生), F. Y. Meng*, Jin T, et al. Tunable balanced liquid crystal phase shifter based on spoof surface plasmon polaritons with common-mode suppression[J]. Liquid Crystals, 2020, 47(11): 1612-1623. Ning Y M(硕士生), Ma S, F. Y. Meng*, et al. DOA Estimation Based on ESPRIT Algorithm Method for Frequency Scanning LWA[J]. IEEE Communications Letters, 2020, 24(7):1441-1445. Ma S(博士生), Meng F Y*, Jin T, et al. DOA estimation method of electronically controlled beam-scanning LWA based on ESPRIT algorithm[J]. IET Communications, 2020, 14(8): 1285-1292. Ma S(博士生), Wang P Y, Meng F Y*, et al. Electronically controlled beam steering leaky wave antenna in nematic liquid crystal technology[J]. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering, 2020, 30(6): e22188. Che, B. J.(博士生) , Meng, F. Y.* , Lyu, Y. L. , Zhao, Y. Q. , & Wu, Q. Reconfigurable holographic antenna with low sidelobe level based on liquid crystals. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2020, 53(31), 315302 (8pp). Jun-Xiang Li(硕士生) , Tao Jin, Daniel Erni, Fan-Yi Meng*, Qun Wu et al Design and numerical demonstration of a 2D millimeter-wave beam-scanning reflectarray based on liquid crystals and a static driving technique[J] Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 52 275103 Ding C(博士生), Meng F Y, Han J Q, et al. Design of Filtering Tunable Liquid Crystal Phase Shifter Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons in PCB Technology[J]. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2019.2. Ding C(博士生), Meng F Y, Mu H L, et al. Bifunctional co-design of liquid crystal phase shifter and band-stop filter[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 52(41): 415002. Ding C(博士生), Meng F Y, Mu H L, et al. Design of filtering tunable liquid crystal phase shifter based on coplanar waveguide and split-ring resonators[J]. Liquid Crystals, 2019: 1-7. B. J. Che(博士生), F. Y. Meng, Y. L. Lyu, and Q. Wu, "Reconfigurable dual-band metamaterial antenna based on liquid crystals," Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, vol. 51, pp. 185102(6), May 2018. Y. L. Lyu(博士生), F. Y. Meng, G. H. Yang, Q. Wu, and K. Wu, "Leaky-Wave Antenna With Alternately Loaded Complementary Radiation Elements," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 17, pp. 679-683, Apr 2018. Lyu, Y. L(博士生)., Meng, F. Y., Yang, G. H., Wang, P. Y., Wu, Q., & Wu, K. Periodic Leaky-Wave Antenna Based on Complementary Pair of Radiation Elements. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. (2018). P. Y. Wang(硕士生), T. Jin, F. Y. Meng, Y. L. Lyu, D. Erni, Q. Wu, et al., "Numerical investigation of nematic liquid crystals in the THz band based on EIT sensor," Optics Express, vol. 26, pp. 12318-12329, Apr 2018. P. Y. Wang(硕士生), T. Jin, F. Y. Meng, Y. L. Lyu, D. Erni, Q. Wu, et al., "Beam Switching Antenna Based on a Reconfigurable Cascaded Feeding Network," Ieee Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 66, pp. 627-635, Feb 2018. Y. L. Lyu(博士生), F. Y. Meng*, G. H. Yang, D. Erni, Q. Wu, and K. Wu. "Periodic SIW Leaky-Wave Antenna With Large Circularly Polarized Beam Scanning Range." IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 16: 2493-2496, 2017 Shuang Ma(博士生), Guo-Hui Yang, Fan-Yi Meng*, and Qun Wu, "Liquid crystal leaky-wave antennas with dispersion sensitivity enhancement", IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging & Manufacturing Technology, 2017(99): 1-10. Bang-Jun Che(博士生), Tao Jin, Fan-Yi Meng*, and Qun Wu, "Electrically Controllable Composite Right/Left-Handed Leaky-Wave Antenna Using Liquid Crystals in PCB Technology", IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging & Manufacturing Technology, 2017(99): 1-12. Yue-Long Lyu(博士生), Xiao-Xin Liu,Peng-Yuan Wang,Daniel Erni, Cong Wang, Qun Wu, Nam-Young Kim, and Fan-Yi Meng*, “Leaky-wave antennas based on noncutoff substrate integrated waveguide supporting beam scanning from backward to forward”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2016(64),6: 2155-2164 Yue-Long(硕士生), Lyu, Fan-Yi Meng* and Qun Wu, “A Method of Using Nonidentical Resonant Coils for Frequency Splitting Elimination in Wireless Power Transfer”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2015(30),11: 6097-6107 Lei Zhu(博士生), Fan-Yi Meng*, and Qun Wu, “Magnetic metamaterial analog of electromagnetically induced transparency and absorption”, Journal of Applied Physics, 2015(117), 17: 17D146. Lei Zhu(博士生), Fan-Yi Meng*, Qun Wu, Liang Dong, Wan Chen, Jia-Hui Fu. Passive polarization agile antenna based on electromagnetically induced transparency-like (EIT-like) effect[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2014(47), 41: 415006. Ban-Jun Che(硕士生), Fan-Yi Meng*, et al. "Omnidirectional Wireless Power Transfer for Moving Receiver", Applied Physics A, 2014(116),4: 1579-1586 L. Zhu(博士生), F. Y. Meng*, L. Dong, J. H. Fu, X. M. Ding, and Q. Wu, “Tunable Transparency Effect in a Symmetry Metamaterial Based on Subradiant Magnetic Resonance,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2014(50), 1:1-4,. L. Zhu(博士生), F. Y. Meng*, L. Dong, J. H. Fu, and Q. Wu*, “Low-loss magnetic metamaterial at THz frequencies by suppressing radiation losses,” IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol. 3, no.6, pp. 805-811,2013. Fan-Yi Meng, Rui-Zhi Liu, Kuang Zhang, Daniel Erni, Qun Wu, Li Sun, and Le-Wei Li, “Automatic Design of Broadband Gradient Index Metamaterial Lens for Gain Enhancement of Circularly Polarized Antennas”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 2013(141):17-32 Lei Zhu(博士生), Fan Yi Meng*, Liang Dong, Jia Hui Fu, Fang Zhang, Qun Wu. Polarization manipulation based on electromagnetically induced transparency-like (EIT-like) effect. Optics Express, 2013, 21(26): 32099-32110. Lei Zhu(博士生), Fan-Yi Meng*, Fang Zhang, Qun Wu, Jia-Hui Fu, and Xu-Ming Ding, “An Ultra-Low Loss Split Ring Resonator by Suppressing the Electric Dipole Moment Approach”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 2013(133):239-254 Fan-Yi Meng*, Qun Wu, Daniel Erni, Ke Wu, and Jong-Chul Lee, “Polarization-Independent Metamaterial Analog of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency for a Refractive-Index-Based Sensor”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2012(60), 10:3013-3022 Fan-Yi Meng*, Yue-Long Lv, Qun Wu, and Le-Wei Li, “A Detached Zero Index Metamaterial Lens For Antenna Gain Enhancement”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 2012(132):463-478 Fan-Yi Meng*, Kuang Zhang, Jia-Hui Fu, Qun Wu, Jun Hua, “Analogue of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in a Magnetic Metamaterial”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2012(48): 4390-4393 Lei Zhu(博士生), Fan-Yi Meng*, Jia-Hui Fu, and Qun Wu, “Multi-band slow light metamaterial”, Optics Express, 2012, 2 (4): 4494-4502 Lei Zhu(博士生), Fan-Yi Meng* , Jia- Hui Fu ,and Qun Wu, “Electromagnetically induced transparency metamaterial with polarization insensitivity based on multi-quasi-dark modes, ” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,2012( 45): 445105 Lei Zhu(博士生), Fan-Yi Meng* , Jia-Hui Fu , Qun Wu , and Jun Hua, “An approach to configure low-loss and full transmission metamaterial based on electromagnetically induced transparency,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,2012(48): 4285-4288 Fan-Yi Meng*, Jia-Hui Fu, Kuang Zhang and Qun Wu, “Metamaterial analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency in two orthogonal directions”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2011(44): 265402 Fan-Yi Meng*, Fang Zhang, Kuang Zhang, and Qun Wu, “Low-Loss Magnetic Metamaterial Based on Analog of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2011(47): 3347-3350 Fan-Yi Meng*, Qun Wu, Daniel Erni, and Le-Wei Li, “Controllable Metamaterial-Loaded Waveguides Supporting Backward and Forward Waves”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2011(59), 9:3400-3411 Fan-Yi Meng*, Kuang Zhang, Qun Wu, and Jong-Chul Lee, “Reconfigurable composite right/left-handed magnetic-metamaterial waveguide at sub-wavelength scale”, Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 109(7): 07A309(3) Fan-Yi Meng*, Kuang Zhang, Fang Zhang, QunWu, and Jong-Chul Lee, “Reconfigurable subwavelength waveguide based on magnetic metamaterial”, Applied Physics A, 2011(102): 509-515 汤奇(硕士生), 孟繁义*, 吴群, 李乐伟, “法拉第手征介质反射电磁波的极化特性研究”, 物理学报, 2011(60), 1: 014206 Qi Tang, Fan-Yi Meng*, and Qun Wu, “A balanced composite backward and forward compact waveguide based on resonant metamaterials”, Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 109(7): 07A319(3) Fan-Yi Meng*, Kuang Zhang, Qun Wu, and Le-Wei Li, “Polarization conversion of electromagnetic waves by Faraday chiral media”, Journal of Applied Physics, 2010, 107(5): 054104(6) Fan-Yi Meng*, Qun Wu, Ying Liang, and Le-Wei Li, “Design, Fabrication, and Testing of Three-Dimensional Miniaturized Rectangular Cavity Resonator Based on Metamaterial”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2009(45):4329-4332 Fan-Yi Meng*, Qun Wu, Le-We Li, “Transmission characteristics of wave modes in a rectangular waveguide filled with anisotropic metamaterial”, Applied Physics A, 2009(94): 747-753 Fan-Yi Meng, Yiang Liang, Qun Wu, Le-Wei Li, “Invisibility of a Metamaterial Cloak Illuminated by Spherical Electromagnetic Wave”, Applied Physics A, 2009(95): 881-888 孟繁义, 吴群, 傅佳辉, “三维各向异性超常媒质交错结构的亚波长谐振特性研究”, 物理学报, 2008(57), 第10期:6213-6220 孟繁义, 吴群, 傅佳辉, “各向异性超常媒质矩形波导的导波特性研究”, 物理学报, 2008(57), 9:5476-5484 Fan-Yi Meng, Qun Wu, Jia-Hui Fu, “Miniaturized rectangular cavity resonator based on anisotropic metamaterials bilayer”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2008(50), 8: 2016 - 2020 Fan-Yi Meng, Qun Wu, Jia-Hui Fu, “Design and Negative Refraction Investigation of a Compact Left-Handed Metamaterial”, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2008(3), 6: 599-603 Fan-Yi Meng, Qun Wu, Jia-Hui Fu,“An Anisotropic Metamaterial-Based Rectangular Resonant Cavity” , Applied Physics A, 2008(88), 4: 573-578 Fan-Yi Meng, Qun Wu*, Jian Wu%2B, and Le-Wei Li%2B, “An Ultra-Small Cavity Resonator Loaded with LHM and RHM Layers,” Applied Physics A, 2007(87):329-333 Qun Wu*, Fan-Yi Meng, Jian Wu%2B, and Le-Wei Li%2B, “Broadband Characteristics Investigation of Waves in a Left-Handed Miniaturized Waveguide Loaded with ISRRs,” Applied Physics A, 2007(87):305-308 Fan-Yi Meng, Qun Wu%2B, Bo-Shi Jin , Hai-Long Wang , Jian Wu%2B , Comment on “Waveguide Miniaturization Using Uniaxial Negative Permeability Metamaterial”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2007(55):1016-1017 Ming-Feng Wu, Fan-Yi Meng, Qun Wu%2B, Jian Wu%2B, and Jong-Chul Lee%2B, “An Approach for Small Omnidirective Microstrip Antenna Based on the Backward Wave Property of the Double Negative Medium Substrate,” Applied Physics A, 2007(87):193-198 Fan-Yi Meng, Qun Wu%2B, Bo-Shi Jin, Hai-Long Wang and Jian Wu%2B, “Design and DNG Property Verification of C Band LH Metamaterial”, Microwave and Optical Technology letters,2006(48):1732-1736 Fan-Yi Meng, Qun Wu%2B, and Jian Wu%2B,“Design and modeling for 1.7—2.7 GHz broad-band left-handed material with miniaturized unit cell and its characterization”, Acta Physica Sinica,2006(55):2194-2199 Fan-Yi Meng, Qun Wu%2B, and Jian Wu%2B,“Design of C band planar LH metamaterial and verification of the BW property”,Acta Physica Sinica,2006(55):2200-2205 Fan-Yi Meng, Qun Wu%2B, Bo-Shi Jin, Hai-Long Wang, Jian Wu%2B,“Numerical verification of the NIR features for 2D isotropic LHM”,Acta Physica Sinica,2006(55):4514-4519 Ming-Feng Wu, Fan-Yi Meng, Qun Wu, Jian Wu, “Design of left-handed microstrip based on DGS and double layers SRRs structures”,Acta Physica Sinica,2006(55):5790-5794 Ming-Feng Wu, Fan-Yi Meng, Qun Wu, Jian Wu,“Investigation on the miniaturization of the microstrip antenna based on the back ward wave property of left-handed medium”,Acta Physica Sinica,2006(55):6368-6373 Ming-Feng Wu, Fan-Yi Meng, Jia-Hui Fu, Jian Wu, Qun Wu, “Novel miniaturized planar left-handed metamaterial transmission lines verified by the backward wave property”,Acta Physica Sinica,2008(57):822-826 Qun Wu, Hai- Long Wang, Fan-Yi Meng, Jian Wu, and Le-Wei Li. Properties of Near and Far Field for the Electric Line Source Illumination of a Lossless Metamaterial Covered Conductor Cylinder. Applied Physics A. 2007(87), 2:335~341 Kuang Zhang, Fan-Yi Meng, Qun Wu, Jia-Hui Fu, and Le-Wei Li. Waveguide connector constructed by normal layered dielectric materials based on embedded optical transformation. EPL-Europhysics Letters. 2012, 99: 47008-1-6. Kuang Zhang, Qun Wu, Fan-Yi Meng, and Le-Wei Li. Metamaterials With Tunable Negative Permeability Based on Mie Resonance. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 2012(48), 11: 4289~ 4292 Kuang Zhang, Qun Wu, Fan-Yi Meng, and Le-Wei Li. Near-Perfect Electromagnetic Cloak With Two Diagonal Components of the Permittivity and Permeability Tensors as Constants. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 2011(47), 10: 3728-3731. Kuang Zhang, Qun Wu, Fan-Yi Meng, Le-Wei Li, “Material parameters characterization for three-dimensional pyramidal cloak”, Journal of Applied Physics, 2010,107(9): 09A950 (SCI, IF: 2.2) Qun Wu, Kuang Zhang, Fan-Yi Meng, and Le-Wei Li. Electromagnetic Characteristics of Metamaterial Cloak Covered Dielectric Cylinder Illuminated by Electric Line Source. IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation. 2010, 4(10): 1680-1688. Kuang Zhang, Qun Wu, Fan-Yi Meng, and Le-Wei Li. Arbitrary waveguide connector based on embedded optical transformation. Optics Express. 2010, 18(16): 17273-17279. Qun Wu, Kuang Zhang, Fan-Yi Meng, Le-Wei Li, “Material parameters characterization for arbitrary N-sided regular polygonal invisible cloak”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2009(42): 03458 Qun Wu, Kuang Zhang, Fan-Yi Meng, Le-Wei Li, “Investigation of the Far/Near Field Properties of the Inhomogeneous and Anisotropic Invisible Cloak Covered PEC”, Applied Physics A, 2009(95):335-341


《液晶与显示》青年编委 中国控制与指挥协会空中多智能体协同控制专委会委员 IEEE高级会员(Senior Member)、IEEE哈尔滨天线与传播专业委员会副主席 国家高层次人才计划评审专家; 国家重点研发计划评审专家 国家自然科学基金评审专家 中国教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金评审专家 黑龙江科技成果评审鉴定专家 广东省科技评审专家 中国科协人才奖项评审专家 金砖国家工业创新大赛评委 国际期刊The Scientific World Journal 副主编; 2014年亚太国际天线与传播会议(APCAP)TPC主席 GSMM2012微波毫米波国际学术会议技术程序委员会委员 ICMMT2022国际微波毫米波学术会议技术程序委员会委员 2023年全国天线会议技术程序委员会委员 担任多个国际权威期刊特邀审稿专家:IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation; IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques; IEEE Transactions on Magnetics; Journal of Applied Physics; Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics; Applied Physics A等
