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My major research interests include e-learning, information technology education and user security behaviour.


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Thompson, N., McGill, T., (2014),The Application of Affective Computing Technology to E-Learning,In: Pedagogical Considerations and Opportunities for Teaching and Learning on the Web, IGI Global, pages to 109. Bax, S., McGill, T., (2009),From Beliefs to Success: Utilizing an Expanded TAM to Predict Web Page Development Success,In: Cross-Disciplinary Advances in Human Computer Interaction: User Modeling, Social Computing and Adaptive Interfaces, IGI Global, pages 37 to 54. Rojas, M., McGill, T., Depickere, A., (2008),Project Management in Student Information Technology Projects,In: Adapting Information and Communication Technologies for Effective Education, Information Science Reference, pages 190 to 204. McGill, T., Bax, S., (2007),Learning IT: Where do lectures fit?,In: Integrating Information & Communications Technologies into the Classroom, Information Science Publishing, pages 99 to 111. McGill, T., Dixon, M., (2007),Information technology certification: A student perspective,In: Intergrating Information & Communications technologies into the Classroom, Information Science Publishing, pages 203 to 215. McGill, T., Klisc, C., (2007),End User Perceptions of the Benefits and Risks of End User Web Development,In: End User Computing Challenges and Technologies: Emerging Tools and Applications, Information Science Reference, pages 124 to 142. McGill, T., (2005),The Effect of End User Development on End User Success,In: Advanced Topics in End User Computing, IDEA Publications, pages 21 to 41. Dixon, M., Karlsson, J., McGill, T., (2005),Data Communications and E-Learning,In: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Idea Group Reference, pages 685 to 690. McGill, T., Dixon, M., (2005),Staying Up to Date with Changes in IT,In: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Idea Group Reference, pages 2605 to 2609. McGill, T., Klobas, J., Hobbs, V., (2004),Perceptions, User Satisfaction and Success: Testing the DeLone and McLean Model in the User Developed Application Domain,In: Advanced Topics in Information Resources Management, Idea Group, pages 87 to 116. McGill, T., (2003),A Comparison of End User and Expert System Quality Assessments,In: Advanced Topics in End User Computing, IDEA Publications, pages 105 to 124. McGill, T., (2003),Introducing Information Systems Students to Research with a Structured Group Project,In: Current Issues in IT Education, IRM Press, pages 26 to 33. McGill, T., Dixon, M., (2003),How Do IT Students Stay Up to Date with Employers' Skill Requirements,In: Current Issues in IT Education, IRM Press, pages 144 to 152. McGill, T., Armarego, J., Koppi, T., (2014), Australian academic leaders' perceptions of the teaching- research-industry-learning nexus in information and communications technology education, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 10, 1, pages 79 - 88. McGill, T., Klobas, J., Renzi, S., (2014), Critical success factors for the continuation of e-learning initiatives, The Internet and Higher Education: a quarterly review of innovations in post-secondary education, 22, , pages 24 - 36. Wright, R., McGill, T., (2013), The adoption of multimedia occupational health, safety and environment inductions, Journal of Information Technology Management, 24, 2, pages 32 - 46. Schreuders, Z., Payne, C., McGill, T., (2013), The functionality-based application confinement model, International Journal of Information Security, 12, 5, pages 393 - 422. Schreuders, Z., McGill, T., Payne, C., (2013), The state of the art of application restrictions and sandboxes: A survey of application-oriented access controls and their shortfalls, Computers & Security, 32, , pages 219 - 241. Martin, R., McGill, T., Sudweeks, F., (2013), Learning Anywhere, Anytime: Student Motivators for M-learning, The Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 12, 1, pages 51 - 67. McGill, T., Armarego, J., Koppi, T., (2012), The teaching-research-industry-learning nexus in information and communications technology, ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 12, 1, pages -.
