Opto-electronic device fabrication and characterisation
Electrical conductivity and photoconductivity studies
Charge transport, Charge mobility and recombination
Spectroscopy, optical interference, light absorption, photoluminescence
Development of novel techniques for device and material characterization
1. A Review of Charge Transport and Recombination in Polymer/Fullerene Organic Solar Cells.A. Pivrikas, G. Juska, R. Österbacka, and N.S. Sariciftci (I am a corresponding author).Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 15, 677 (2007). Impact Factor 7.712.This paper summarizes out achievements in charge transport and recombination in organic solar cells.
2. Measuring internal quantum efficiency to demonstrate hot exciton dissociation.A Armin, Y Zhang, PL Burn, P Meredith, A. Pivrikas (I am a corresponding author).Nature Materials 12 (7), 593-593 (2013). Impact Factor 35.7. Funded by DE120102271.In contrast to a widespread believe (results published at high impact journals), this work shows that the excess energy of excitons is not utilized to increase efficiency organic solar cells because the dissociation itself already very efficient.
3. Bimolecular recombination coefficient as a sensitive testing parameter for low-mobility solar-cell materials.A. Pivrikas, G. Juska, A.J. Mozer, M. Scharber, K. Arlauskas, N.S. Sariciftci, H. Stubb, and R. Österbacka.Physical Review Letters 94, 176806 (2005). Impact Factor 7.943.For the first time we have observed an unexpected non-Langevin bimolecular recombination in organic materials. This discovery led to numerous clarifications of photophysics and performance of organic solar cells.
4. Charge carrier mobility in regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) probed by transient conductivity techniques: A comparative study.A. Mozer, N.S. Sariciftci, A. Pivrikas, R. Österbacka, G. Juska, and H. Bassler.Physical Review B 71, 035214 (2005). Impact Factor 3.767.This paper demonstrates the novel charge transport characterisation technique in organic semiconductors, quantifies the specific parameters and highlights the borders of technique applicability.
5. Time-dependent mobility and recombination of the photoinduced charge carriers in conjugated polymer/fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells.A. J. Mozer, G. Dennler, N.S. Sariciftci, M. Westerling, A. Pivrikas, R. Österbacka, and G. Juska.Physical Review B 72, 035217 (2005). Impact Factor 3.767.For the first time we have reported a novel result quantifying the time-dependent charge transport in strongly disordered organic solar cells. This led to further progress in the field..
6. Charge carrier mobility and lifetime versus composition of conjugated polymer/fullerene bulk-heterojunction solar cells.G. Dennler, A. J. Mozer, G. Juska, A. Pivrikas, R. Österbacka, D. A. Fuchsbauer, and N. S. Sariciftci.Organic Electronics 7, 229 (2006). Impact Factor 4.021.Previously overlooked relation between charge carrier mobility and lifetime product is reported. It highlights the importance of both in organic solar cells.
7. Substituting the postproduction treatment for bulk-heterojunction solar cells using chemical additives.A. Pivrikas, P. Stadler, H. Neugebauer, and N.S. Sariciftci (I am a corresponding author).Organic Electronics 9, 775 (2008). Impact Factor 4.021.Novel technique is reported allowing to control the nanoscale morphology and improve the efficiency of organic solar cells. The reason behind the improvement are quantified.
8. Mobility and density relaxation of photogenerated charge carriers in organic materials.R. Österbacka, A. Pivrikas, G. Juska, K. GeneviCius, K. Arlauskas, and H. Stubb.Current Applied Physics 4, 534 (2004). Impact Factor 1.782.For the first time we have reported a novel result quantifying the time-dependent charge transport in strongly disordered organic materials. Experimental results well matched with theoretical predictions demonstrating the validity of the theory.
9. Langevin recombination and space charge perturbed current transients in pi-conjugated polymers.A. Pivrikas, G. Juska, R. Österbacka, M. Westerling, M. ViliS«nas, K. Arlauskas, and H. Stubb.Physical Review B 71, 125205 (2005). Impact Factor 3.767.Space charge limited current transient for the first time observed in organic semiconductors. Paper highlights the specifics of classical theory to measure carrier mobility in organic materials.
10. The impact of hot charge carrier mobility on photocurrent losses in polymer-based solar cellsB. Philippa, M. Stolterfoht, P. L. Burn, G. Juška, P. Meredith, R. D. White and A. Pivrikas (I am a corresponding author).Nature Scientific Reports 4, 1 (2014). Impact Factor 5.078. Funded by DE120102271.Groundbreaking results demonstrating the nature of charge transport and fallacy of photocarrier lifetime measurements in organic solar cells and disordered materials in general.