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Physics Education: Methods of Engagement Renewable Sustainable Energy: Devices, Development, Construction and Characterisation General Education: Quality and Standards


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Thurgate, S., Jiang, Z., van, R., Creagh, C., (2004),Auger-Photoelectron Coincidence Spectroscopy Studies from Surfaces,In: Correlation Spectroscopy of Surfaces, Thin Films, and Nanostructures, Wiley-VCH, pages 197 to 204. Laslett, D., Creagh, C., Jennings, P., (2014), A method for generating synthetic hourly solar radiation data for any location in the south west of Western Australia, in a world wide web page, Renewable Energy, 68, , pages 87 - 102. Creagh, C., (2014), Work-It-Out: A Strategy for Teaching First Year University Students "Things They Should Already Know", International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 22, 6, pages 77 - 91. Creagh, C., Parlevliet, D., (2014), Enhancing Student Engagement in Physics Using Inquiry Oriented Learning Activities, International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 22, 1, pages 43 - 56. Creagh, C., Parlevliet, D., (2014), Enhancing Student Engagement in Physics Using Inquiry Oriented Learning Activities, International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 22, 1, pages 43 - 56. Jennings, P., Jiang, Z., Wyatt, N., Parlevliet, D., Creagh, C., Yin, C., Widjaja, H., Mondinos, N., (2013), Characterization of silicon nanowires grown on silicon,stainless steel and indium tin oxide substrates, Applied Physics A: materials science & processing, 113, , pages 723 - 728. Creagh, C., (2008), Diagrams: Useful tools for investigating a student's understanding of buoyancy., Teaching Science, 54, 4, pages 48 - 50. Jiang, Z., Wilkie, P., Thurgate, S., van, R., Creagh, C., (2003), The Ag M5 N45 N45 Auger photoelectron coincidence spectra of disordered Ag0.5Pd0.5 alloy, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 130, , pages 33 - 41. Creagh, C., Thurgate, S., (2001), The use of Auger photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy to deconvolute the M45N45N45 AES of Palladium, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 114-116, 0, pages 69 - 74. Creagh, C., (1999), Auger photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy of the 2p1/2 line in coincidence with the L3-M45M45 peak of copper, Surface Science, 432, , pages 297 - 304. Creagh, C., (1998), More Auger photoelectron coincidence spectra from copper, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 93, , pages 209 - 214. Creagh, C., Parlevliet, D., Lee, G., (2012),A CONSIDERATION OF QUALITY, STANDARDS AND COMPLIANCE,In: Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education. Creagh, C., Parlevliet, D., (2011),Teaching External Physics Students,In: Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (ACSME) (2011). Creagh, C., (2008),Implementing A Focus On "Diagrams for Understanding" In a First Year Physics Unit,In: 18th Australian Institute of Physics (AIP) National Congress (2008). Creagh, C., (2008),Do students' experiences of a service subject correspond to their expectations?,In: Symposium Presentation, UniServe Science Proceedings Visualisation 2009. Creagh, C., (2007),You Teach Mine and I'll Teach Yours: A case study in collaborative teaching of Physics across Australia,In: Collaborating to Offer Small Courses/Subjects Forum (2007).
