Deditius, A., Smith, F., Utsunomiya, S., Ewing, R., (2015), Role of vein-phases in nanoscale sequestration of U, Nb, Ti, and Pb during the alteration of pyrochlore, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 150, , pages 226 - 252.
Baldermann, A., Deditius, A., Dietzel, M., Fichtner, V., Fischer, C., Hippler, D., Leis, A., Baldermann, C., Mavromatis, V., Stickler, C., Straus, H., (2015), The role of bacterial sulfate reduction during dolomite precipitation: Implications from Upper Jurassic platform carbonates, Chemical Geology, 412, , pages 1 - 14.
Deditius, A., Utsunomiya, S., Sanchez-Alfaro, P., Reich, M., Ewing, R., Kesler, S., (2015), Constraints on Hf and Zr mobility in high-sulfidation epithermal systems: formation of kosnarite, KZr2(PO4)3, in the Chaquicocha gold deposit, Yanacocha district, Peru, Mineralium Deposita: international journal of geology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of mineral deposits, 50, 4, pages 429 - 436.
Gilligan, R., Deditius, A., Nikoloski, A., (2015), Leaching of brannerite in the ferric sulphate system. Part 2: Mineralogical transformations during leaching, Hydrometallurgy, 159, Jan 2016, pages 95 - 106.
Knipping, J., Bilenker, L., Simon, A., Reich, M., Barra, F., Deditius, A., Lundstrom, C., Bindeman, I., Munizaga, R., (2015), Giant Kiruna-type deposits form by efficient flotation of magmatic magnetite suspensions, Geology (Boulder), 43, 7, pages 591 - 594.
Gilligan, R., Deditius, A., Nikoloski, A., (2015), Leaching of brannerite in the ferric sulphate system.Part 2: Mineralogical transformations during leaching, Hydrometallurgy, 159, 2016, pages 95 - 106.
Knipping, J., Bilenker, L., Simon, A., Reich, M., Barra, F., Deditius, A., Walle, M., Heinrich, C., Holtz, F., Munizaga, R., (2015), Trace elements in magnetite from massive iron oxide-apatite deposits indicate a combined formation by igneous and magmatic-hydrothermal processes, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 171, , pages 15 - 38.
Deditius, A., Reich, M., Kesler, S., Utsunomiya, S., Chryssoulis, S., Walshe, J., Ewing, R., (2014), The coupled geochemistry of Au and As in pyrite from hydrothermal ore deposits, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 140, , pages 644 - 670.
Reich, M., Deditius, A., Chryssoulis, S., Li, J., Ma, C., Parada, M., Barra, F., Mittermayr, F., (2013), Pyrite as a record of hydrothermal fluid evolution in a porphyry copper system: A SIMS/EMPA trace element study., Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 104, , pages 42 - 62.
Gilligan R., Deditius A.P. and Nikoloski A. (2016) Leaching of brannerite in the ferric sulphate system. Part 2: Mineralogical transformations during leaching.Hydrometallurgy, 159, 95-106.
Knipping J.L., Bilkner L.D., Simon A.C., Reich M., Barra F., Deditius A.P., Lundstrom C., Bindeman I., and Munizaga R. (2015) Giant Kiruna-type deposits form by efficient aggregation of magmatic magnetite suspensions. Geology, 43, 591-594.
Knipping J.L., Bilkner L.D., Simon A.C., Reich M., Barra F., Deditius A.P., Lundstrom C., Wälle M., Heinrich C.A., Holtz F., and Munizaga R. (2015) Trace element distribution in magnetite as key to a new magmatic-hydrothermal model for Kiruna-type iron oxide-apatite deposits. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 171, 15-38.
Balderman A., Deditius A.P., Dietzel M., Fichtner V., Fisher C., Hippler D., Leis A., Nickel C., Mavromatis V., Stickler C.P., Strauss H. (2015) The role of bacterial sulfate reduction during dolomite formation: Implications for Upper Jurassic platform carbonates. Chemical Geology, 412, 1-14.
Deditius A.P., Utsunomiya S., Sanchez-Alfaro P., Reich M., Ewing R.C. and Kesler S.E. (2015) Constraints on Hf and Zr mobility in high-sulfidation epithermal systems: Formation of kosnarite, K(Zr,Hf)2(PO4)3 in the giant Yanacocha gold deposit, Peru. Mineralium Deposita, 50, 429-436.
Deditius A.P., Smith F.N., Utsunomiya S. and Ewing R.C. (2015) Role of vein-phases in nanoscale sequestration of U, Nb, Ti, and Pb during the alteration of pyrochlore. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 150, 226-252.
Deditius A.P., Reich M., Kesler S.E., Utsunomiya S., Chryssoulis S.L., Walshe J.L. and Ewing R.C. (2014) The coupled geochemistry of Au and As in pyrite from hydrothermal ore deposits. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 140, 644-670.
Reich M., Deditius A.P., Chryssoulis S., Li J., Ma Ch., Parade M.A., Barra F. and Mittermayr F. (2013) Pyrite as a record of hydrothermal fluid evolution in a porphyry copper system: A SIMS/EMPA trace element study.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 104, 42-62.
Deditius A.P., Pointeau, V., Zhang J.-M., and Ewing R.C. (2012) Formation of nanoscale Th-coffinite. American Mineralogist, 97, 681-693.
Deditius A.P., Utsunomiya S., Reich M., Kesler S.E., Ewing R.C., Hough R. and Walshe J. (2011) Trace metal nanoparticles in pyrite. Ore Geology Reviews, 42, 32-46.
Reich M., Hough R.M., Deditius A.P., Utsunomiya S., Ciobanu C.L., and Cook N.J. (2011) Nanogeoscience in ore systems research: Principles, methods, and applications. Introduction and preface to the special issue. Ore Geology Reviews, 42, 1-5.