The central part of my research to date has largely focused on coastal ecology and biology, with special emphasis in animal ecology and trophic interactions on coastal habitats (intertidal and supratidal, temperate and tropical). Most of my research has been centred in shorebirds and soft bottom benthic invertebrate, how they interact with each other, with their environment and with human activities.
I have three main research areas:
Trophic ecology of coastal habitats – Description and identification of trophic relationships in coastal habitats is a fundamental key to understand the functioning of these complex ecosystems. Using stable isotopes analysis, diet studies, direct observations and field experiments, I have identified the food webs, primary producers and consumers that support intertidal predators such as shorebirds in tropical and temperate habitats.
Foraging ecology, feeding mechanisms and kinematics. Evolutionary ecology –In animal foraging ecology theory, small prey are consider unprofitable unless they are consume at high speed or in high numbers. Shorebirds present an array of feeding mechanisms (e.g. Surface Tension Transport and the use of distal rhynchokinesis) that diminish prey transport time, which in turn enhance small prey profitability as well as shorebirds’ foraging efficiency. These feeding mechanisms allow shorebirds to exploit habitats with distinct abiotic and biotic conditions and to overcome the physical constrains of the aquatic medium.
Biodiversity conservation and management plans of coastal wetlands – Coastal habitats are subjected to high anthropogenic pressure and they represent the most endangered ecosystems in the world. Therefore, understanding the effects that human activities have on these ecosystems is of primary importance. I studied the effects that resources exploitation (e.g. shell fishing) can have on shorebirds and their resources. More recently I have examined the effects that human disturbances such as eutrophication can have on coastal trophic interactions.
Santiago-Quesada, F., Marin-Estrella, S., Sanchez-Guzman, JM., Masero, JA., (2014), Why water birds forage at night: a test using black-tailed godwits Limosa limosa during migratory periods. Journal of Avian Biology , 45(4), 406-409, DOI: 10.1111/jav.00420.
Santiago-Quesada, F., Masero, JA., Marin-Estrella, S., Sanchez-Guzman, JM., (2012), Persistent bimodal activity patterns in wild and captive black-tailed godwit Limosa limosa under different environmental conditions. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 66(3), 397-405, DOI: 10.1007/s00265-011-1285-0.
Marin-Estrella, S., Storey, AW., Pearson, G., Piersma, T., (2011), Potential effects of Lyngbya majuscula blooms on benthic invertebrate diversity and shorebird foraging ecology at Roebuck Bay, Western Australia: preliminary results. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 94(2), 171-179, Australia.