Chernyshev, M., Valli, C., Hannay, P., (2016), On 802.11 Access Point Locatability and Named Entity Recognition in Service Set Identifiers. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 11(3), 584 - 593, Piscataway, USA.
Chernyshev, M., Valli, C., Hannay, P., (2016), Service set identifier geolocation for forensic purposes: Opportunities and challenges. Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Article no. 7427866, DOI: 10.1109/HICSS.2016.678.
Rabadia, P., Valli, C., (2015), Analysis into developing accurate and efficient intrusion detection approaches. Proceedings of 13th Australian Digital Forensics Conference, 70-76, Perth, WA.
Heriyanto, A., Valli, C., Hannay, P., (2015), Comparison of live response, Linux memory extractor (lime) and mem tool for acquiring android's volatile memory in the malware incident. Proceedings of 13th Australian Digital Forensics Conference, 5-14, Perth, WA.
Ibrahim, A., Valli, C., (2015), Image Similarity using Dynamic Time Warping of Fractal Features. Proceedings of 13th Australian Digital Forensics Conference, 111-122, Perth, WA.
Thomas, T., Valli, C., (2015), Mapping the laws which apply to intercepting wireless communications in a Western Australian legal context. Proceedings of the 13th Australian Digital Forensics Conference, 22-36, Perth, WA.
Chernyshev, M., Valli, C., Hannay, P., (2015), 802.11 Tracking and Surveillance - A Forensic Perspective. Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'15), 349-352.
Valli, C., Rabadia, P., Woodward, A., (2015), A Profile of Prolonged, Persistent SSH Attack on a Kippo Based Honeynet. Proceedings of the Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 23-32, Virginia, USA.
Valli, C., Martinus, I., Johnstone, M., (2014), Small to Medium Enterprise Cyber Security Awareness: An Initial Survey of Western Australian Business. Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Security and Management, 71-75.
Rabadia, P., Valli, C., (2014), Finding evidence of wordlists being deployed against SSH Honeypots - implications and impacts. Proceedings of 12th Australian Digital Forensics Conference, 114-121, Perth, W.A..
Valli, C., Woodward, A., Hannay, P., Johnstone, M., (2014), Why penetration testing is a limited use choice for sound cyber security practice. Proceedings of the 2014 ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 35-40, Virginia, USA.
Valli, C., Rabadia, P., Woodward, A., (2013), Patterns and Patter - An Investigation Into SSH Activity Using Kippo Honeypots. The Proceedings of 11th Australian Digital Forensics Conference, 141-149, Edith Cowan University.
Hannay, P., Carpene, C., Valli, C., Woodward, A., Johnstone, M., (2013), Exchanging Demands: Weaknesses in SSL Implementations for Mobile Platforms. Proceedings of the 11th Australian Information Security Management Conference, 42-48, Perth, Western Australia.
Coole, M., Woodward, A., Valli, C., (2012), Understanding the vulnerabilities in Wi-Fi and the impact on its use in CCTV systems. The Proceedings of the 5th Australian Security and Intelligence Conference, 36-43, Perth, Western Australia.
Valli, C., (2012), SSH -- Somewhat Secure Host. LNCS 7672 - Cyberspace Safety and Security, 4th International Symposium, CSS 2012, 227-235, Melbourne, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-35362-8.
Valli, C., Woodward, A., Carpene, C., Hannay, P., Brand, M., Karvinen, R., Holme, C., (2012), Eavesdropping on the Smart Grid. The Proceedings of the 10th Australian Digital Forensics Conference, 54-60, Perth, Western Australia.
Limwiriyakul, S., Valli, C., (2011), An IT Security Investigation into the Online Payment Systems of Selected Local Government Councils in WA. Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Security & Management, 598-604, USA.
Valli, C., Woodward, A., Hannay, P., (2011), Backtrack in the Outback - A Preliminary Report on Cyber Security Evaluation of Organisations in Western Australia. Proceedings of the Conference on Digital Forensics, Security, and Law 2011, 191-195, Richmond, Virginia, USA.
Brand, M., Valli, C., Woodward, A., (2011), A Threat to Cyber Resilience : A Malware Rebirthing Botnet. Proceedings of the 2nd International Cyber Resilience Conference, 1(1-2 August), 1-6, Perth, WA.