Chernyshev, M., Valli, C., Hannay, P., (2016), On 802.11 Access Point Locatability and Named Entity Recognition in Service Set Identifiers. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 11(3), 584 - 593, Piscataway, USA.
Hannay, P., (2013), Geo Forensics: Classes of Locational Data Sources for Embedded Devices. IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5(2), 261-264.
Chernyshev, M., Valli, C., Hannay, P., (2016), Service set identifier geolocation for forensic purposes: Opportunities and challenges. Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Article no. 7427866, DOI: 10.1109/HICSS.2016.678.
Heriyanto, A., Valli, C., Hannay, P., (2015), Comparison of live response, Linux memory extractor (lime) and mem tool for acquiring android's volatile memory in the malware incident. Proceedings of 13th Australian Digital Forensics Conference, 5-14, Perth, WA.
Chernyshev, M., Hannay, P., (2015), Security assessment of IoT devices: The case of two smart TVs. Proceedings of the 13th Australian Digital Forensics Conference, 85-94, Perth, WA.
Chernyshev, M., Valli, C., Hannay, P., (2015), 802.11 Tracking and Surveillance - A Forensic Perspective. Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'15), 349-352.
Chernyshev, M., Hannay, P., (2014), The zombies strike back: Towards client-side beef detection. Proceedings of the 12th Australian Digital Forensics Conference, 26-34, Perth, W.A..
Valli, C., Woodward, A., Hannay, P., Johnstone, M., (2014), Why penetration testing is a limited use choice for sound cyber security practice. Proceedings of the 2014 ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 35-40, Virginia, USA.
Hope, H., Hannay, P., (2014), The impace of custom ROM backups on android external storage erasure. Proceedings of the 12th Australian Digital Forensics Conference, 94-101.
Hannay, P., Carpene, C., Valli, C., Woodward, A., Johnstone, M., (2013), Exchanging Demands: Weaknesses in SSL Implementations for Mobile Platforms. Proceedings of the 11th Australian Information Security Management Conference, 42-48, Perth, Western Australia.
Hannay, P., Baatard, G., (2012), The 2011 IDN Homograph Attack Mitigation Survey. Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Management SAM'12, 653-657, Georgia, USA.
Valli, C., Woodward, A., Carpene, C., Hannay, P., Brand, M., Karvinen, R., Holme, C., (2012), Eavesdropping on the Smart Grid. The Proceedings of the 10th Australian Digital Forensics Conference, 54-60, Perth, Western Australia.
Barker, J., Hannay, P., Szewczyk, P., (2011), Using traffic analysis to identify The Second Generation Onion Router. Proceedings: 2011 Ninth IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, 72-78, Piscataway, NJ.
Valli, C., Woodward, A., Hannay, P., (2011), Backtrack in the Outback - A Preliminary Report on Cyber Security Evaluation of Organisations in Western Australia. Proceedings of the Conference on Digital Forensics, Security, and Law 2011, 191-195, Richmond, Virginia, USA.
Hannay, P., (2011), Kindle Forensics: Acquisition & Analysis. Proceedings of the Conference on Digital Forensics, Security, and Law 2011, 145-149, Richmond, Virginia, USA.
Hannay, P., Baatard, G., (2011), GeoIntelligence: Data Mining Locational Social Media Content for Profiling and Information Gathering. Proceedings of the 2nd International Cyber Resilience Conference, 29-37, Perth, Western Australia.