Xiaojie Zhang, Fuyin Lai, Guoting Chen*, Wensheng Gan*, Mining high-utility sequences with positive and negative values, Information Sciences, 637 (2023), No. 118945, 1-15.
Xiaojie Zhang, Guoting Chen*, Linqi Song, Wensheng Gan, Yunling Song, HEPM: High efficiency pattern mining, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2023, No. 111068, 1-14.
Yanlin Qi, Xiaojie Zhang, Guoting Chen* and Wensheng Gan, Mining periodic trends via closed high utility patterns, Expert Systems with Applications, 228 (2023), Article 120356, 1-17.
Fuyin Lai, Xiaojie Zhang, Guoting Chen*, and Wensheng Gan*, Mining periodic high-utility patterns with both postive and negative utilities, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 123 (2023), Article No. 106182, 1-13.
Xiaojie Zhang, Yanlin Qi, Guoting Chen, Wensheng Gan and Philippe Fournier-Viger, Fuzzy-driven periodic frequent pattern mining, Information Sciences, 618 (2022), 253-269.
Yanlin Qi, Fuyin Lai, Guoting Chen, Wensheng Gan, Mining valuable fuzzy patterns via the RFM model, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 537-546.
M. Saqib Nawaz, Philippe Fournier-Viger, M. Zohaib Nawaz, Guoting Chen, Youxi Wu, MalSPM: Metamorphic malware behavior analysis and classification using sequential pattern mining, Computers & Security 118 (2022), 102741, 1-15.
J. Chen, X. Guo, W. Gan, C.M Chen, W. Ding and Guoting Chen, On-shelf utility mining from tracsaction database, Engin. Appl. Art. Intell., 107(2022), 104516, 1-12.
J. Chen, X. Guo, W. Gan, C. -M. Chen, W. Ding and Guoting Chen, OSUMI: On-Shelf Utility Mining from Itemset-based Data, 2020-IEEE International Conference on Big Data, pp. 5340-5349.
M. Sun, Guoting Chen* and X. Fu, Uniform persistence and periodic solutions of generalized predator-prey type eco-epidemiological systems, Inter. J. Bifur. Chaos, 31 (2021), 1-33.
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