学术论文(英文部分,按时间倒序, *代表通讯作者):
Su, C., Zhou, M. J.*, & Yang, Y. X. (2022, accepted). Family Social Capital and Career Advancement: Mediating Role of Family-to-Work Enrichment and Moderating Role of Perceptions of Organizational Politics. Personnel Review.
Magni, F., Gong, Y. P., Li, K. j., Pan, J. Z., & Zhou, M. J.* 2022. The paradoxical relationship between sense of power and creativity: Countervailing pathways and a boundary condition. Personnel Psychology, https://doi.org/10.1111/peps.12557
Shi, S. S. & Zhou, M. J.* (2022, accepted). Servant leadership, transformational leadership, and customer satisfaction: An implicit leadership theories perspective. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, https://doi.org/10.1111/beer.12489
Wang, Y. T., Zhou, M. J.*, Zhu, H., & Wu, X. H. (2022, accepted). The impact of abusive supervision differentiation on team performance in team competitive climates. Personnel Review, https://doi.org/10.1108/PR-04-2021-0281
Chen, J. M*., Kang, H. Y., Wang, Y., & Zhou, M. J. (2021). Thwarted Psychological Needs: The Negative Impact of Customer Mistreatment on Service Employees and the Moderating Role of Empowerment HRM Practices. Personnel Review, 50(7), 1566-1581.
Chan, K. W.*, Gong, T., Zhang, R. X., & Zhou, M. J. (2017). Do employee citizenship behaviors lead to customer citizenship behaviors? The roles of dual identification and service climate. Journal of Service Research, 20(3), 259-274.
Wen, L., Zhou, M. J. *, & Lu, Q. (2017). The influence of leader's creativity on employees' and team creativity. Nankai Business Review International, 8(1), 22-38.【该论文获Emerald数据库2018“高赞誉论文奖”(Highly Commended Award)】
Chen, Z. J., Zhu, J.*, & Zhou, M. J. (2015). How does a servant leader fuel the service fire? A multilevel model of servant leadership, individual self-identity, group competition climate, and customer service performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(2), 511-521.
Ren, S. J.*, Hu, C., Ngai, E., & Zhou, M. (2015). An empirical analysis of inter-organizational value co-creation in a supply chain: A process perspective. Production Planning & Control, 26(12), 969-980.
Zhou, M. J.*, & Shi, S. S. (2014). Blaming leaders for team relationship conflict? The roles of leader-member exchange differentiation and ethical leadership. Nankai Business Review International, 5(2), 134-146.
Chen, Y. Y., Ferris, D. L., Kwan, H. K., Yan, M*., Zhou, M. J., & Hong, Y. (2013). Self-love's lost labor: a self-enhancement model of workplace incivility. Academy of Management Journal, 56(4), 1199-1219.
Ning, H., Zhou, M. J.*, Lu, Q., & Wen, L. (2012). Exploring relationship between authority leadership and organizational citizenship behavior in China. Chinese Management Studies, 6(2), 231-244
黄冰梅,王英,刘潇,魏丹,甘林鹭,李倩,郑睿,周明建*. 患者感恩行为对急诊科护士创造力的影响与机制探索[J]. 中国医疗管理科学, 2022.
路静, 周明建*, 杨亦欣. 基于社会地位感知与工作满意度的作用探讨患者欺凌对护士职业承诺的影响[J]. 中国医疗管理科学, 2022, 12(5): 78-85.
吴学华, 林琳*, 李作为, 杨亦欣, 周明建. 基于组织认同和权力距离的作用探讨辱虐管理对护理实习生工作绩效的影响[J]. 中国医疗管理科学, 2022, 12(5): 65-73.
陈传英*, 曾丽, 于利, 彭惠忍, 周明建. 传染病突发疫情期间护士学习态度对培训成绩的影响[J]. 中国医药指南,2020, 18(24):237-239.
孟平, 梁海英*, 周明建. 患者辱虐对护士总体工作满意度的影响:服务型领导力的调节效应,中国药物与临床, 2020, 20(16): 2698--2700.
刘丽琴*, 赵承芳, 李美芩,周明建. 护士长的服务型领导对护士组织公民行为的影响[J]. 山西医药杂志, 2018,47(14):1730-1732.
温利群, 周明建*, 陆强. 创造型领导力对下属创造力的影响研究:量表开发与验证[J]. 管理评论, 2017, 29(2): 129-142.
温利群, 周明建*, 陆强. 创业公司成员创造力与领导授权行为的关系研究[J]. 中国管理科学, 2016, 24(11): 665-670.
艾艳, 杨舒广, 周明建*, 刘娜. 护士长的道德型领导力与护士义务感对护士工作结果的影响[J]. 现代医院, 2016(6): 889-893.
艾艳, 周明建*, 吴 昊. 过于监督对护理工作绩效的影响[J]. 中国卫生标准管理, 2016(11): 229-231.
艾艳, 杨舒广, 周明建*, 谢志玲. 护士义务感与工作自由度及其联合效应对任务绩效的影响[J]. 临床护理杂志, 2016(3): 5-8.
周明建*, 潘海波, 任际范. 团队冲突和团队创造力的关系研究:团队效能的中介效应[J]. 管理评论, 2014(12): 120-130+159.
周明建*, 安春圆, 江爱成. 项目经理沟通能力对团队冲突影响的实证研究[J]. 项目管理技术, 2013(1): 44-49.
周明建, 侍水生*. 领导-成员交换差异与团队关系冲突:道德型领导力的调节作用[J]. 南开管理评论, 2013, 23(2): 26-35.
胡书玉, 周明建*. 服务型领导力在项目团队社会责任感与团队绩效关系中的调节作用[J]. 项目管理技术, 2013(8): 28-31.
周明建*, 刘成敏. 授权型领导力对员工自我效能感的影响:人-岗匹配度的调节效应检验[J]. 人类工效学, 2011(3): 42-45+41.
周明建*, 侍水生, 蒋建军. 人-岗匹配与工作态度:自我效能感的中介作用[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2011(5): 123-129.
田青, 周明建, Abdollah Aghaie. 信息不对称的折扣区间研究[J]. 现代制造工程, 2011, 12: 57-59.
周明建*, 阮 超. 威权型领导力对下属工作绩效的影响:领导-成员交换的调节作用[J]. 管理学家(学术版), 2010, 04: 49-58.
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王苏生*, 孔昭昆, 向静, 周明建. 基于内部市场视角的医疗费用与医疗服务质量的双重控制[J]. 管理评论, 2010,10:37-43.
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周明建*, 叶文琴. 组织对员工的忠诚、员工的工作满意感和组织忠诚感与员工绩效[J]. 软科学, 2006(03):119-121+128.
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Zhou, M. J. *& Liu, N. 2013. Relaions among employees' perceived supervisory support, perceived organizational support, and organizational citizenship behavior: the moderating role of supervisor's organizational embodiment and organizational embeddedness. 2013 6th International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, ICIII 2013, v 2, p 496-499. Xi'an, China (EI indexed)
Zhou, M. J. *& Li, S. K. 2013. Can Supervisor Feedback always Promote Creativity? The Moderating Role of Employee Self-Monitoring. 2013 6th International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, ICIII 2013, v 2, p 510-512.Xi'an, China (EI indexed)
Zhou, M. J. *& Wang, Y. S. 2012. The Curvilinear Relationship between Proactive Diversity and Team Performance: Taking team life cycle as a moderating role. 2012 The 9th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM), p 37-40. Shanghai, China.(EI indexed)
Ning, H. Y. *, Zhou, M. J., Lu., Q. & Wen., L. Q. 2012. Team traditionality in the relationship between Authority leadership and team organizational citizenship behavior. 2012 The 3rd International Conference on System Science, Engineering Design and Manufacturing Informatization (ICSEM), V2, p147-150, Chengdu, China. (EI indexed)
Ren, S. J. F.*, Bu Q., Zhou, M. J., Hu, C.H. 2012. "The influence of inter-enterprises value co-creation on innovation based on resource theories", The 19th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Changsha, China, (EI indexed)
Bu, Q., Ren, S. J. F.* Zhou, M. J. 2012. Negative Information Communication: What can leaders do, The 3rd International Asia Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Innovation, 2(2), 945-948, Beijing, China, (EI indexed)
Ning, H. Y. *, Zhou, M. J.,& Lu., Q. 2011. The relationship between Authority leadership and organizational citizenship behavior: The role of traditionality in Chinese context. 2011 4th International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, ICIII 2011, v 3, p 274-277, Shenzhen, China (EI indexed)
Zhou, M. J. * & Shi, S. S. 2011. Linking power distance orientation and education level to authoritarian leadership. 2011 4th International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, ICIII 2011, v 2, p 238-241.Shenzhen, China (EI indexed)
Zhou, M. J. * & Xiao, Q. 2011. The impact of transformational leadership on group creativity: The moderating role of group competitive climate. 2011 4th International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, ICIII 2011, v 3, p 373-376. Shenzhen, China (EI indexed)
Zhou, M. J. *,& Zhang, R. X. 2011. From employees' OCB to customers' OCB: Testing a mediation model.2011 International Conference on Management Science and Industrial Engineering, MSIE 2011, p331-335.Harbin, China.(EI indexed)
Zhou, M. J. * & Liu, X. H. 2011. Understanding of the relationship between autonomy orientation and creativity: The moderating effect of authoritarian leadership. 2011 4th International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, ICIII 2011, v 3, p336-339. Shenzhen, China (EI indexed)
Zhou, M. J. * & An, C. Y. 2011. Engagement climate: Conceptualization, model and hypotheses. 2011 4th International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, ICIII 2011, v 3, p 360-364. Shenzhen, China. (EI indexed)
Zhou, M. J. * & Wang, H. X. 2010. The impact process of service climate on customer citizenship behaviors understanding the role of customer-company identification. 2010 3rd International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, ICIII 2010, v 3, p443-446.Kunming, China. (EI indexed)
Zhou, M. J. * & Deng, Y. P. 2009. The effects of in- and extra-role customer service on customer satisfaction and loyalty - Evidence from Chinese retailing industry. 2009 International Conference on Management and Service Science, MASS 2009. Wuhan, China. (EI indexed)