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博士,哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)经济管理学院副教授,研究生导师,深圳市海外高层次人才,南山区领航人才,主要研究领域为数字营销与大数据、会计金融、和政策对接研究。 1999年毕业于四川大学获经济学学士学位,2009年毕业于美国 University of Florida 大学获应用经济学博士学位,2010年在美国 University of Florida 从事博士后研究。国家自然科学基金委,国家教育部学位中心,广东省科技厅,深圳市经贸信委和科技创新委评审专家。美国营销学会,深圳市软科学研究会,深圳市统计学会,深圳市经济特区研究会会员。主持科研项目约20项, 包括国家自然科学基金,教育部留学回国基金,广东省自科基金,深圳市自科基金,深圳市孔雀计划项目,深圳市软科学研究项目,深圳市政府发展研究中心项目,哈工大教育教改项目等。论文发表40多篇,发表于包括International Journal of Advertising, China Agricultural Economic Review, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Applied Economics, Journal of Applied Economics, Agribusiness, Water Policy,经济问题探索,商业研究 等SSCI/SCI/CSSCI类学术期刊。培养研究生70多人,获哈尔滨工业大学百年校庆深圳校区百篇优秀研究生学位论文指导教师奖。哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)线上教学二等奖,哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院教学观摩一等奖,哈工大教学竞赛二等奖,哈工大“三育人”,教师类“先进个人”等奖励。 教育经历 2006-2009 获经济学博士学位,美国University of Florida 2004-2006 获经济学硕士学位,美国University of Florida 1995-1999 获经济学学士学位,四川大学 研究工作经历 2014.8至今 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)经济管理学院 副教授 2010.5-2014.7 哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院 助理教授 2010.1-2010.4 美国University of Florida 博士后 1999.7-2002.5 LG电子成都分公司 Marketing部门 PM


数字营销与大数据、金融和政策对接研究 Digital Marketing Research with Big Data, Finance and Policy Interface 具体方向包括: (1) 数量营销与公共政策(Quantitative marketing and policy) Using econometrics, big data analytics, quantitative models to analyze industry and public policies from marketing perspectives (2) 数字营销与在线广告 (Digital marketing and online advertising) Social media marketing and online advertising theory, method and empirical research using big data and quantitative methods (3) 消费者偏好与决策 (Consumer preferences and decision making) Marketing research on consumer brand preferences & purchasing decisions using econometrics and quantitative modeling methods (4) 营销与会计金融对接研究 (Marketing-accounting-finance interface) Marketing research on marketing-accounting-finance interface especially focused on how marketing strategies affect firms' financial performance and decisions


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专著 2022年,《企业品牌价值创造:模型与实证》,ISBN:978-7-218-15642-2,广东人民出版社, 网络购买网址:https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=675546315784 2015年,《New Consumers' Perspective in Insuring Earthquakes: Diversity of Managerial Perspectives from inside China》, ISBN:978-9-812-87555-6,Springer. 2010年,《Simulation Modeling and Benefit-Cost Analysis for Technology Adoption》, ISBN: 978-3-838-33635-0,LAP. 部分代表性学术期刊论文 (Forthcoming) "Effects of streamer effort and popularity on livestream retailing performance: A mixed-method study". Electronic Commerce Research. (SSCI, JCR-Q3) (2023) "Effectsof brand spokes-characters with personal and historical nostalgia on brand attitude: evidence from generation Z consumer in China." Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. https://doi.org/10.1108/APJML-11-2022-0944. (SSCI, JCR-Q3) (2022) "Effect of ride sharing on air quality: evidence from Shenzhen, China." Journal of Applied Economics. 25(1): 197–219. (SSCI, JCR-Q2) (2022) "Heterogeneous and synergistic effects of environmental regulations: Theoretical and empirical research on the collaborative governance of China’s haze pollution.”Journal of Cleaner Production. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.131473. (SSCI, JCR-Q1) (2021) "Effect of short video ads on sales through social media: the role of advertisement content generators." International Journal of Advertising. 40(6):870-896. (SSCI, JCR-Q1) (2019) "Regional differences in spatial spillover and hysteresis effects: A theoretical and empirical study of environmental regulations on haze pollution in China." Journal of Cleaner Production, 28(4): 2231-2241. DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/90785. (SSCI, JCR-Q1) (2016) "Alternative approaches to treat respondent uncertainty in contingent willingness to pay estimation: a theoretical and empirical analysis." China Agricultural Economic Review. 8(3) 412-429. (SSCI, JCR-Q2) (2015)"An analysis of bargaining power for milk cooperatives and milk processors in Florida." Applied Economics. 47(48): 5159-5168. (SSCI, JCR-Q3) (2016) "Opportunities for western food products in China: the case of orange juice demand." Agribusiness. 32(3):343-362. (SSCI, JCR-Q2) (2014) "Key stakeholders' optimal strategy for upgrading water supply facilities in China." Water Policy. 16(2014):785-804. (SCI, JCR-Q4) (2013) "Stakeholder involvement in drinking water supply system: a case study of stakeholder analysis in China." Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology. 62(8):507-514. 2013 (SCI, JCR-Q4) (2019). "基于不确定性遗憾偏好模型的消费者偏好差异研究." 商业研究. 9(509):1-10. (CSSCI) (2016)“基于消费者偏好的移动游戏线下广告营销策略研究.”商场现代化. 824(17):75-78. (北大核心) (2013) "基于Probit模型对消费者信用卡还贷影响因素的实证分析." 消费经济. 4:48-51. (CSSCI) (2013) “基于旅游消费者视角的消费城市发展策略和建议.”经济问题探索. 1:52-58. (CSSCI) 会议论文及发表演说 Latest 20 Conference Presentations and Proceedings (2023). “AI generated Advertising: the Influence of Disclosure and Emotion Appeals on Consumer Behavior.” 2023 Global Marketing Conference, July, Seoul, Korea. (2023). “Green Tag: the Catalyst in Live Streaming E-commerce.” 2023 AMA winter academic conference, February, Virtual and Nashville, TN, USA. (2023). “Effect of AI Generated Content Advertising on Consumer Engagement.” 2023 HCI international conference, July, virtual. (2023). “Analyzing Consumer Experience and Willingness to Use towards Virtual Human Products: Real Person Generated vs. Computer Program Generated.” 2023 HCI international conference, July, virtual. (2023). “When Virtual Influencers are Used as Endorsers: will Match-up and Attractiveness affect Consumer Purchase Intension.” 2023 HCI international conference, July, virtual. (2023). "Role of Advertising on the Influence of Charitable Donations on Corporate Performance from Competitive Perspective." The 11th China Marketing International Conference (CMIC), 2023, July, Virtual and Chengdu, China. (2022). “Online Advertising spending and Firm Value: the Moderating effect of Consumer and Investor Heterogeneity.” 2022 AMA Summer academic conference, July, Virtual. (2022). "Live Steaming Commerce Real-time Viewer-viewer interactivity: New Measure and the effect on sales." The 10th China Marketing International Conference (CMIC), 2022, July, Virtual and Wuhan, China. (2022). "Advertising Effect on Cost of Equity Capital." The 10th China Marketing International Conference (CMIC), 2022, July, Virtual and Wuhan, China. (2022). “The Synergistic Effect of Sales Discount and Mobile Advertising: how KOL Influence Online Education Community Purchases.” 2022 HCI international conference, July, virtual. (2021). "City-of-origin, Sociability and Career Life cycle Effects on Gifting Income for Live Steamers.” The 9th China Marketing International Conference (CMIC), 2021, Virtual and Nanchang, China. (2021). "Customer Lifetime Value Re-evaluation through Social Media Influencing Journeys” The 9th China Marketing International Conference (CMIC), 2021, Virtual and Nanchang, China. (2020). "Weather, Price Promotion and Consumer Satisfaction for Ride-sharing Service” The 8th China Marketing International Conference (CMIC), 2020, Virtual. (2019). "Effect of Brand Recognition on Online Advertising and Brand Value: the Role of Cosumer Heterogeneity. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (ICMSE). 2019, Daejeon, Korea. (2019). "Comparative Analysis of Consumer perceived Value for Handmade Products across Platforms". 2019 IEEE International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (ICMSE). 2019, Daejeon, Korea. (2019). "Effect of Short Video Ads with Moderation Role of Content-Generators: Evidence from “Douyin” Platform". The 7th China Marketing International Conference(CMIC), 2019, Guangzhou, China. (2019). "Firm-Generated Contents on Social Media: Measurement and Cross-Platform Effect". The 7th China Marketing International Conference (CMIC), 2019, Guangzhou, China. (2019). "Effect of Firm Generated Contents on Fashion Product Sales:an Analysis across Social Media Platforms", 2019 Global Fashion Management Conference. 2019, Paris, France. (2018).“在线广告精准化和社交化程度越高,效果越好吗?”,2018中国营销科学学术年会,2018,深圳。 (2017). "Moderation Effect of Investor and Manager Heterogeneous Beliefs on the Relationship of Advertising and Firm Value, Marketing Transformation: Marketing Practice in an Ever Changing World, Proceedings of the 2017 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress (WMC), Springer, 2017, 267-277.


2020- 评审专家 广东省科技厅 2017- 评审专家 国家自然科学基金委 2015- 评审专家 国家教育部学位评审中心 2013- 会员 深圳市对外经济贸易统计学会 2013- 评审专家 深圳市经济贸易和信息化委员会 2013- 科技专家 深圳市科技创新委员会 2012- 理事 深圳市软科学研究会 2011- 会员 深圳市经济特区研究会 2011- 会员 American Marketing Association 2010- 审稿专家 审稿期刊包括 Journal of International Marketing, Management Decision, Economic Modeling, Electronic Commerce Research, Asia and Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 等期刊;审稿会议包括AMA summer/winter conference, AMA marketing public policy conference, world marketing science conference等重要国际学术会议
