Sitthisuntikul, K., Horwitz, P., (2015), Collective Rituals as Meaningful Expressions of the Relationships between People, Water and Forest: A Case Study from Northern Thailand. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 36(1), 88-103, Online, DOI: 10.1080/07256868.2014.990365.
Richman, N., Bohm, M., Adams, S., Alvarez, F., Bergey, EA., Bunn, J., Burnham, Q., Cordiero, J., Coughran, J., Crandall, K., Dawkins, K., Distephano, R., Doran, N., Edsman, L., Eversole, A., Fureder, L., Furse, J., Gherardi, F., Hamr, P., Holdich, D., Horwitz, P., Johnston, K., Jones, C., Jones, J., Jones, R., Jones, T., Kawai, T., Lawler, S., Lopez-Mejia, M., Miller, R., Pedraza- Lara, C., Reynolds, J., Richardson, A., Schultz, M., Schuster, G., Sibley, P., Souty-Grosset, C., Taylor, C., Thoma, R., Walls, J., Walsh, T., Collen, B., (2015), Multiple drivers of decline in the global status of freshwater crayfish (Decapoda: Astacidea). Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B , 370(1662), Article No. 20140060, London, UK, DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2014.0060.
Wooltorton, S., Collard, L., Horwitz, P., (2015), Stories want to be told: Elaap Karlaboodjar. Philosophy Activism Nature, 11(2015), 3-11, Monash University, Vic.
Wooltorton, S., Wilkinson, A., Horwitz, P., Bahn, S., Redmond, J., Dooley, J., (2015), Sustainability and action research in universities: Towards knowledge for organisational transformation. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 16(4), 424-439, United Kingdom, DOI: 10.1108/IJSHE-09-2013-0111.
Kingsely, J., Patrick, R., Horwitz, P., Parkes, M., Jenkins, A., Massy, C., Henderson-Wilson, C., Arabena, K., (2015), Exploring Ecosystems and Health by Shifting to a Regional Focus: Perspectives from the Oceania EcoHealth Chapter. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(10), 12706-12722, Basel, Switzerland, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph121012706.
Patrick, MJ., Syme, G., Horwitz, P., (2014), How reframing a water management issue across scales and levels impacts on perceptions of justice and injustice. Journal of Hydrology, 519(PC), 2475-2482, Amsterdam, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.09.002.
Carter, M., Horwitz, P., (2014), Beyond Proximity: The Importance of Green Space Useability to Self-Reported Health. Ecohealth, 11(3), 322-332, DOI: 10.1007/s10393-014-0952-9.
Burnham, Q., Koenders, A., Horwitz, P., (2012), The status of the critically endangered freshwater crayfi sh Engaewa pseudoreducta (Crustacea: Parastacidae) in south-western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, 27(1), 45-54, Perth Western Australia.
Bertzeletos, D., Davis, R., Horwitz, P., (2012), Importance of Lake MacLeod, northwestern Australia, to shorebirds: a review and update. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 95(1), 115-124, Australia.
Blake, D., Lu, K., Horwitz, P., Boyce, M., (2012), Fire suppression and burnt sediments: effects on the water chemistry of fire-affected wetlands. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 21(5), 557-561, Australia, DOI: 10.1071/WF10125.
Horwitz, P., Finlayson, C., (2012), Water and Health: on the notion of a healthy wetland. Human Evolution, 27(1-3), 65-69, Firenze, Italy.
Horwitz, P., Finlayson, CM., (2011), Wetlands as settings for human health: Incorporating ecosystem services and health impact assessment into water resource management. BioScience, 61(9), 678-688, USA, DOI: 10.1525/bio.2011.61.9.6.
Boschetti, F., Yves-Hardy, P., Grigg, N., Horwitz, P., (2011), Can we learn how systems work?. Emergence: Complexity and Organisation. , 13(4), 47-62.
Horwitz, P., Spini, L., Campbell, K., Thomas, RJ., Mulongoy, J., (2011), The relationship between water, health and global environmental change, as interpreted through five key Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs). Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 3(6), 520-526, DOI: 10.1016/j.cosust.2011.10.001.
Cromie, R., Davidson, N., Galbraith, C., Hagemeijer, W., Horwitz, P., Lee, R., Mundkur, T., Stroud, D., (2011), Responding to Emerging Challenges: Multilateral Environmental Agreements and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1. Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy, 14(3-4), 206?242, DOI: 10.1080/13880292.2011.626711.
Kumar, R., Horwitz, P., Milton, GR., Sellamuttu, S., Buckton, S., Davidson, N., Pattnaik, A., Zavagli, M., Baker, C., (2011), Assessing wetland ecosystem services and poverty interlinkages: a general framework and case study. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 56(8), 1602?1621, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2011.631496.