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教育经历 2013-2017 密歇根州立大学地理环境与空间科学系,地理学博士 2012-2013 爱丁堡大学地理学院,人文地理学硕士 2008-2012 北京大学城市与环境学院,地理科学学士,社会学双学士 研究与工作经历 2022-至今 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)建筑学院,副教授 2018-2021 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)建筑学院,助理教授 2017-2018 密歇根州立大学全球公共卫生与医学地理实验室,博士后 科研项目 2021-2022 时空轨迹大小数据相结合的深圳市劳动人口健康行为制约研究及风险评估-深圳市高等院校稳定支持计划项目(GXWD20201230155427003-20200821180448001),主持 2020-2021 深圳市居民健康与气候风险评估-世界资源研究所,主持 2020-2022 城市居民体力活动的时空间制约对实时累积健康效应的影响机制研究-国家自然科学基金青年项目(41901185),主持 2019-2021 健康城市导向的多尺度建成环境暴露对居民健康的影响机制——基于可穿戴传感器设备的循证研究-哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)新引进高端人才财政补助科研启动经费,主持 2018-2020 城市建成环境对中老年人日常活动及其健康效应的研究-哈工大(深圳)新教师科研启动项目,主持 2020- 2022 科技部“十三五”“绿色宜居村镇技术创新”重点专项. 村镇社区空间规划设计与决策关键技术. 参与. 2019-2020 深圳市无障碍专项规划-中国城市规划设计研究院,参与 2018-2019 南沙区特色风貌专题研究-中国城市规划设计研究院,参与 教学科研成果及奖励 2021 Urban Studies 2020年度最佳论文 二等奖 2020 国际中国规划学会最佳报告 二等奖 2020 广东省在线教学优秀案例一等奖 2018 Dr. Delia Koo Global Scholarship 2017 Melinda S. Meade Graduate Student Travel Award 2016 Pearl Aldrich Award 2012 北京大学林肯研究院城市发展与土地政策研究中心研究基金


按学科:医学与健康地理,城市社会学 按话题:健康城市,建成环境对疾病和健康的影响机制,老年人/弱势群体友好型社区,康养景观设计与营造,社会问题的空间策略,城市规划政策与设计的空间模拟,通用设计,生活圈规划,社区营造


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Zhou, P., Grady, S. C., & Rosenberg, M. W. (2023). Creating therapeutic spaces for the public: Elderly exercisers as leaders in urban China. Urban Geography, 44(1), 59–82. https://doi.org/10.1080/02723638.2021.1979284 (JCR Q1 IF: 4.732) Zhou, P., & Rosenberg, M. W. (2021). “Old friend and powerful cadre”: Doctor-patient relationships and multi-dimensional therapeutic landscapes in China’s primary hospitals. Health & Place, 72, 102708. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2021.102708 (JCR Q1 IF: 4.078) 周佩玲, 李悦 . 积极老龄化视角下的老龄友好型社区:理论演进与实践进展[J]. 科技导报, 2021: 39(8): 17-25; doi: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2021.08.002 Zhou, P. (2021). Affordable and enjoyable health shopping: Commodified therapeutic landscapes for older people in China’s urban open spaces. Health & Place, 70, 102621. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2021.102621 (JCR Q1 IF: 4.078) Zhou, P., Li, R., & Liu, K. (2021). The Neighborhood Food Environment and the Onset of Child-Hood Obesity: A Retrospective Time-Trend Study in a Mid-sized City in China. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 1066. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.688767 (JCR Q2 IF: 3.709) Gao, Y., Liu, K., Zhou, P., & Xie, H. (2021). The Effects of Residential Built Environment on Supporting Physical Activity Diversity in High-Density Cities: A Case Study in Shenzhen, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(13), 6676. (JCR Q2 IF: 3.390) Wu, S. R., Liu, X., Wang, L., Chen, J., Zhou, P., & Shao, C. (2022). Integrating life cycle assessment into landscape studies: A postcard from Hulunbuir. Landscape Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-021-01396-3 (JCR Q1 IF: 3.851) Yang, J., & Zhou, P. (2020). The obesity epidemic and the metropolitan-scale built environment: Examining the health effects of polycentric development. Urban Studies, 57(1), 39–55. https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098019844177 (JCR Q1 IF: 4.663) 王丰龙,胡志丁,刘承良,安宁,王雨,杨宇,李灿松,李振福,熊理然,殷冠文,黄耿志,李禕,黎斌,侯璐璐,周佩玲 (共同一作)(2020). 中国政治地理与地缘政治理论研究展望:青年学者笔谈. 世界地理研究, 29(2),pp.223-242. Yang, Y., Wu, X., Zhou, P., Gou, Z., & Lu, Y. (2019). Towards a cycling-friendly city: An updated review of the associations between built environment and cycling behaviors (2007–2017). Journal of Transport & Health, 14, 100613. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jth.2019.100613 (JCR Q1 IF: 2.796) Grady, S.C*., and Zhou, P (2019). Neighborhood Risk and Infant Health. In Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences.https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.11838-X Zhou, P., Hughes, A. K., Grady, S. C., & Fang, L. (2018). Physical activity and chronic diseases among older people in a mid-size city in China: A longitudinal investigation of bipolar effects. BMC Public Health, 18(1), 486. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-5408-7 (JCR Q1 IF:3.295) Gungor, B., Chen, J.*, Wu, S.R. Zhou, P. and Shirkey, G.E(2018). Pro-environmental behaviors and knowledge: a case study of park visitors in Toledo. Forests 9(4), 171. (JCR Q1 IF: 2.634) Zhou, P., Grady, S. C., & Chen, G. (2017). How the built environment affects change in older people’s physical activity: A mixed- methods approach using longitudinal health survey data in urban China. Social Science & Medicine, 192, 74–84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.09.032 (JCR Q1 IF: 4.634) Grady, SC.*, Frake, A., Zhang, Q., Bene, M., Jordan, D., Vertalka, J., Dossantos, T., Kadhim, A., Namanya, J., Pierre, L., Fan, Y., Zhou,P., Barry, F. and Kutch, L(2017). Neonatal mortality in East Africa and Africa: A geographic analysis of district-level demographic and health survey data. Geospatial Health, 12(1). (JCR Q2 IF: 1.212) 冯健*,吴芳芳,周佩玲.郊区大型居住区邻里关系与社会空间再生:以北京回龙观为例. 地理科学进展, 2017.36(3), pp.367-377. Zhou, P., & Grady, S. C. (2016). Three modes of power operation: Understanding doctor-patient conflicts in China’s hospital therapeutic landscapes. Health & Place, 42, 137–147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2016.09.005 (JCR Q1 IF: 4.078) Wu, S.R., Chen, J.*, Apul, D., Fan, P., Yan, Y., Fan, Y. and Zhou, P(2015). Causality in social life cycle impact assessment (SLCIA). The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 20(9), pp.1312-1323. (JCR Q1 IF: 4.141) Zhou, P. (2013). A socio-economic-cultural exploration on open space form and everyday activities in Danwei: A case study of Jingmian compound, Beijing. Urban Design International. https://doi.org/10.1057/udi.2013.10 (JCR Q2 IF: 1.564)


担任编委 Health & Place(领域内顶刊,SSCI一区,IF=4.078) International Journal of Public Health(SSCI一区,IF=3.38) Wellbeing,Space & Society 担任匿名审稿人 Urban Studies, Urban Geography, Social Science & Medicine, Health & Place, Landscape & Urban Planning,Cities,Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, PLOS One, International Journal of Qualitative Methods, Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Health & Social Care in the Community, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, Sustainability, Habitat International, Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, Journal of Aging and Health, Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology, Urban Design International等 美国地理学会委员,中国地理学会委员
