Aidoo, E., Mueller, U., Hyndes, G., Ryan, K., (2016), The effects of measurement uncertainty on spatial characterisation of recreational fishing catch rates. Fisheries Research, 181(1), 1-13, DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2016.03.022.
Schlacher, TA., Lucrezi, S., Peterson, CH., Connolly, RM., Olds, AD., Althaus, F., Hyndes, G., Maslo, B., Gilby, BL., Leon, JX., Weston, MA., Lastra, M., Williams, A., Schoeman, DS., (2016), Estimating animal populations and body sizes from burrows: Marine ecologists have their heads buried in the sand. Journal of Sea Research, 112(2016), 55-64, Amsterdam, Netherlands, DOI: 10.1016/j.seares.2016.04.001.
Schlacher, T., Lucrezi, S., Connolly, RM., Peterson, CH., Gilby, BL., Maslo, B., Olds, AD., Walker, SJ., Leon, JX., Huijbers, CM., Weston, MA., Turra, A., Hyndes, G., Holt, R., Schoeman, DS., (2016), Human threats to sandy beaches: A meta-analysis of ghost crabs illustrates global anthropogenic impacts. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 169(2016), 56-73, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2015.11.025.
Aidoo, E., Mueller, U., Goovaerts, P., Hyndes, G., (2015), Evaluation of geostatistical estimators and their applicability to characterise the spatial patterns of recreational fishing catch rates. Fisheries Research, 168(2015), 20-32, Amsterdam, Netherlands, DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2015.03.013.
Suarez Jimenez, R., Hepburn, CD., Hyndes, G., McLeod, RJ., Hurd, C., (2015), Contributions of an annual invasive kelp to native algal assemblages: algal resource allocation and seasonal connectivity across ecotones. Phycologia, 54(5), 530-544, Lawrence, USA, DOI: 10.2216/15-39.1.
Mackey, A., Hyndes, G., Carvalho, MC., Eyre, BD., (2015), Physical and biogeochemical correlates of spatio-temporal variation in the ?13C of marine macroalgae. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 157(2015), 7-18, London, UK, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.12.040.
Kendrick, AJ., Rule, MJ., Lavery, P., Hyndes, G., (2015), Spatial and temporal patterns in the distribution of large bivalves in a permanently open temperate estuary: implications for management. Marine and Freshwater Research, 66(1), 41-49, Australia, DOI: 10.1071/MF13209.
Vitelli, F., Hyndes, G., Kendrick, A., Turco, A., (2015), Turf-forming algal assemblages on temperate reefs are strongly influenced by the territorial herbivorous fish Parma mccullochi (Pomacentridae). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 523(2015), 175-185, Oldendorf, Germany, DOI: 10.3354/meps11173.
Jimenez, RS., Hepburn, CD., Hyndes, G., McLeod, RJ., Taylor, RB., Hurd, CL., (2015), Do native subtidal grazers eat the invasive kelp Undaria pinnatifida?. Marine Biology, 162(12), 2521-2526, Heidelberg, Germany, DOI: 10.1007/s00227-015-2757-y.
Farina, S., Arthur, R., Pages, JF., Prado, P., Romero, J., Verges, A., Hyndes, G., Heck, KL., Glenos, S., Alcoverro, T., (2014), Differences in predator composition alter the direction of structure-mediated predation risk in macrophyte communities. OIKOS, 123(11), 1311-1322, DOI: 10.1111/oik.01382.
Doropoulos, C., Hyndes, G., Abecasis, D., Verges, A., (2013), Herbivores strongly influence algal recruitment in both coral- and algal- dominated coral reef habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 486(1), 153?164, Germany, DOI: 10.3354/meps10325.
Michael, P., Hyndes, G., Vanderklift, M., Verges, A., (2013), Identity and behaviour of herbivorous fish influence large-scale spatial patterns of macroalgal herbivory in a coral reef. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 482(1), 227-240, Germany, DOI: 10.3354/meps10262.
McLeod, R., Hyndes, G., Hurd, C., Frew, R., (2013), Unexpected shifts in fatty acid composition in response to diet in a common littoral amphipod. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 479(8 April 2013), 1-12, Germany, DOI: 10.3354/meps10327.
Hyndes, G., Hanson, C., Vanderklift, M., (2013), The magnitude of spatial and temporal variation in ?15N and ?13C differs between taxonomic groups: Implications to food web studies. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 119(1 March 2013), 176-187, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2012.12.015.
Hyndes, G., Nagelkerken, I., McLeod, R., Connolly, R., Lavery, P., Vanderklift, M., (2013), Mechanisms and ecological role of carbon transfer within coastal seascapes. Bilogical Reviews, 89(1), 232-254, DOI: 10.1111/brv.12055.
Hyndes, G., Lavery, P., Doropoulos, C., (2012), Dual processes for cross-boundary subsidies: incorporation of nutrients from reef-derived kelp into a seagrass ecosystem. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 445(2012), 97-107, Germany, DOI: 10.3354/meps09367.
Srinoparatwatana, C., Hyndes, G., (2011), Inconsistent benefits of a freshwater protected area for artisanal fisheries and biodiversity in a South-east Asian wetland. Marine and Freshwater Research, 62(5), 462-470, Australia, DOI: 10.1071/MF10232.
Macarthur, L., Phillips, DL., Hyndes, G., Hanson, C., Vanderklift, M., (2011), Habitat surrounding patch reefs influences the diet and nutrition of the western rock lobster. Marine Ecology: Progress Series, 436(31 August 2011), 191-205, Germany, DOI: 10.3354/meps09256.
Mellbrand, K., Lavery, P., Hyndes, G., Hamback, PA., (2011), Linking Land and Sea: Different Pathways for Marine Subsidies. Ecosystems, 14(5), 732-744, New York, DOI: 10.1007/s10021-011-9442-x.
Verges, A., Vanderklift, M., Doropoulos, C., Hyndes, G., (2011), Spatial patterns in herbivory on a coral reef are influenced by structural complexity but not by algal traits. PLoS One, 6(2), e17115, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0017115.