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黄耀伟,男,博士,浙江大学动物科学学院动物医学系教授/博士生导师 主要学术成果、奖项与学术兼职: 迄今发表SCI收录论文81篇,总引用2050余次(根据ISI数据库),H指数27;其中第一作者及通讯作者(含共同通讯作者)论文34篇。已授权美国及欧亚拉美多国猪病毒疫苗相关专利6项(排名第一或第二);中国授权专利4项。获浙江省人民政府科学技术奖一等奖2次(分别排名第2和第3)。SCI期刊Virology、Veterinary Microbiology编委(Editorial Board Member)、《中国兽医学报》编委。入选国家万人计划科技创新领军人才、科技部中青年科技创新领军人才、国家海外高层次青年人才计划、浙江省海外高层次人才引进计划特聘专家、浙江省151人才工程、杭州市“钱江特聘”专家。浙江省杰出青年基金获得者、中国畜牧兽医学会生物技术学分会常务理事、浙江省免疫学会常务理事。 教育经历: 2000/09—2003/03,浙江大学,生物医学工程系,工学博士; 1998/09—2000/08,浙江大学,动物科学学院,攻读预防兽医学硕士(后转硕博连读); 1994/09—1998/07,南京大学,生物科学与技术系,理学学士 研究工作经历: 2013/09—浙江大学动物科学学院,教授 2011/01—2013/08,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学兽医学院生物医学与病理生物学系,研究助理教授(Research Assistant Professor) 2008/01—2010/12,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学兽医学院,研究科学家(Research Scientist) 2003/04—2007/12,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学兽医学院,博士后 ResearcherID网址:https://publons.com/researcher/1270749/yaowei-huang/ 欢迎报考2021年硕士、博士研究生and欢迎病毒学、分子生物学、预防兽医学方向博士毕业生应聘博士后: 从2017年开始,浙大兽医学的博士入学不再采用考试,实行考生申请-导师考核制度。 2020年开始的海南浙江大学研究院硕士生专项计划(兽医专硕):http://oc.zju.edu.cn/2020/0430/c30428a2092233/page.htm 对本实验室研究感兴趣的同学请与我联系 教学与课程 开设课程: 本科生:《专业英语与信息检索》 研究生:《兽医分子病理生物学》,《兽医生物医药专题》,《兽医科学进展》;曾授课:《预防兽医学专题》,《动物源性疫病控制与检疫》 MOOC课:主讲《动物疫病与人类健康》(通识课)中国大学MOOC网址:https://www.icourse163.org/course/ZJU-1206706822 新冠病毒科普与评论: 教育部新闻办-微言教育《战“疫”公开课》:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/uNudQnyQtzbx6rVi_MJ_CA 世界野生动植物保护日宣传漫画:https://zj.zjol.com.cn/qihanghao/100645336.html 科普中国《这是病毒——给孩子讲病毒和新型冠状病毒》:https://v.qq.com/x/page/m3061togajh.html Opriessnig T,Huang YW.Further information on possible animal sources for human COVID-19.Xenotransplantation.2020,27:e12651. Opriessnig T,Huang YW.Update on possible animal sources for COVID-19 in humans.Xenotransplantation.2020,27:e12621. Opriessnig T,Huang YW.Coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)outbreak:Could pigs be vectors for human infections?Xenotransplantation.2020,27:e12591. Wu Y,Ho W,Huang Y,Jin DY,Li S,Liu SL,Liu X,Qiu J,Sang Y,Wang Q,Yuen KY,Zheng ZM.SARS-CoV-2 is an appropriate name for the new coronavirus.Lancet.2020,395(10228):949-950. 出版著作 Book Chapters: Meng XJ,Huang YW.2021.Circoviridae and Anelloviridae.In:Fields Virology,7th Edition(volume 2,chapter 7).David M.Knipe and Peter M.Howley(eds).Lippincott Williams&Wilkins,Philadelphia,PA.pp xxxx-xxxx.in press. 专利成果 授权专利: 麻疹病毒mRNA甲基转移酶缺陷减毒疫苗株及其应用(2021;CN108103097B) 一种包含戊型肝炎病毒复制子的人肝癌细胞系、应用及构建方法(2020;CN109913424B) 一种抗病毒多肽、编码基因、载体、宿主菌及应用(2020;CN107698665B) 表达载体及其制备方法、PEDV-S1蛋白及包含该蛋白的间接ELISA检测试剂盒(2020;CN107664697B) 研究项目 Research grants(as PI) 1.浙江省杰出青年基金(2014) 2.留学回国人员启动基金(2015) 3.国家自然科学基金面上项目(2016) 4.国家十三五重点研发计划(2016-2020) 5.浙江省重点研发计划(2016-2019) 6.海外横向委托课题(2015-2017) 7.国家十三五重点研发计划(2017-2020) 8.国家自然科学基金面上项目(2019-2022) 9.上市公司横向委托课题(2018-2022) 10.动物基因工程疫苗国家重点实验室开放课题(2019) 11.国家自然科学基金专项项目(2020) 实验室消息 2014年11月:实验室PI黄耀伟博士获勃林格殷格翰“2014年度猪蓝耳病研究进步奖”。 2014年12月:实验室PI黄耀伟博士在芝加哥举行的北美蓝耳病大会上作PEDV研究的邀请报告。 http://www.ksvma.org/?Program http://www.ksvma.org/?Speakers 2015年6月:实验室PI黄耀伟博士加入兽医学科TOP SCI期刊Veterinary Microbiology的Editorial Advisory Board作为期刊编委。 http://www.journals.elsevier.com/veterinary-microbiology/editorial-board/ 2015年9月:在Genome Announcements杂志发表文章'Complete Genome Sequence of Porcine Deltacoronavirus Strain CH/Sichuan/S27/2012 from Mainland China'报道第一个猪丁型冠状病毒中国大陆毒株。 http://genomea.asm.org/content/3/5/e00945-15.abstract 2017年8月:覃盼参加第十二届全国病毒学学术研讨会获得“优秀墙报奖”(共5名)。http://www.sohu.com/a/161906991_749000 2017年9月:发现引起仔猪腹泻的新病原——一种新型的猪肠道甲型冠状病毒(SeACoV)。http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378113517309409 中文介绍:http://www.sohu.com/a/197584550_749000 2017年12月:实验室PI黄耀伟在芝加哥举行的北美蓝耳病大会上作新发冠状病毒SeACoV研究的邀请报告。 http://www.vet.k-state.edu/na-prrs/speakers.html http://www.vet.k-state.edu/na-prrs/program.html 2018年5月:与浙大医学院、俄亥俄州立大学兽医学院合作的改进麻疹疫苗文章被Virology杂志主编选为本期(5月)的研究亮点文章并推送到杂志官方博客Virology Highlights上。 https://www.journals.elsevier.com/virology/virology-highlights/improved-vaccine-candidates-for-measles-virus 论文链接:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0042682218300655 2018年8月10日:实验室PI黄耀伟在哈尔滨举行的中国畜牧兽医学会生物技术分会暨中国免疫学会兽医免疫分会第十三次学术研讨会作“新发猪肠道甲型冠状病毒的发现与特征鉴定”报告,并获优秀青年报告奖(共5名)。 http://www.hvri.ac.cn/html/zonghexinwen/suonaxinwen/2018/0813/1783.html 实验室团队成员 我们的合照 2014年11月2020年6月 实验室成员 覃盼博士后王斌博士后史芳舒科研助理 2013级博士生2017级博士生2020级博士生 吉春苗徐令东杨永乐 2015级直博生2015级硕博连读生2016级硕博连读生 梁齐章梅小强赵壮壮 2018级博士生2018级博士生2019级博士生 陈楚焦亚娟彭蕾 2019级直博生2020级博士生2018级硕士生 苏权徐国晗李亚丽 2018级硕士生2018级硕士生2019级硕士生 陆弯宗明瑞赵庄颜 2019级硕士生2019级硕士生2020级硕士生 薛甜俞德吕方理 2020级硕士生2020级硕士生2020级硕士生 已毕业实验室成员 刘炎雷喜梅王逸雯 2014级博士生2015级博士生2013级硕士生 郭存财李环王经纬 2013级硕士生2014级硕士生2014级硕士生 罗文婷许姝雅于佳琦 2016级硕士生2017级硕士生2017级硕士生


1.猪肠道冠状病毒(PEDV,PDCoV,SeACoV/SADS-CoV) 2.戊型肝炎病毒(HEV) 3.其它猪重要致病性病毒及新突发病毒 4.人用与兽用新型疫苗


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Yang YL,Qin P,Wang B,Liu Y,Xu GH,Peng L,Zhou J,Zhu SJ*,Huang YW*.Broad cross-species infection of cultured cells by bat HKU2-related swine acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus and identification of its replication in murine dendritic cells in vivo highlight its potential for diverse interspecies transmission.Journal of Virology,2019,93:e01448-19. 中文介绍:http://www.sohu.com/a/348071280_749000 2.Wang B,Liu Y,Ji CM,Yang YL,Liang QZ,Zhao P,Xu LD,Lei XM,Luo WT,Qin P,Zhou J,Huang YW*.Porcine deltacoronavirus engages the transmissible gastroenteritis virus functional receptor porcine aminopeptidase N for infectious cellular entry.Journal of Virology,2018,92:e00318-18. 中文介绍:http://www.virosin.org/Post/Details/PT180410000004iPlRo 3.Pan Y,Tian X,Qin P,Wang B,Zhao P,Yang YL,Wang L,Wang D,Song Y,Zhang X*,Huang YW*.Discovery of a novel swine enteric alphacoronavirus(SeACoV)in southern China.Veterinary Microbiology,2017,211:15-21. 中文介绍:http://www.sohu.com/a/197584550_749000 ESI高被引论文 4.Huang YW*,Dickerman AW,Pineyro P,Li L,Fang L,Kiehne R,Opriessnig T,Meng XJ*.Origin,Evolution,and Genotyping of Emergent Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Strains in the United States.mBio,2013,4(5):e00737-13.(*Corresponding author) Nature Research Highlights:Chinese origin for US pig virus.Nature 504,11(December 05,2013)doi:10.1038/504011f http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v504/n7478/full/504011f.html Reuters(路透社):Scientists trace deadly piglet virus hitting U.S.farms to China.http://mobile.reuters.com/article/article/idUSBRE99L1HF20131022 ESI高被引论文 5.Huang YW,Harrall KK,Dryman BA,Opriessnig T,Vaughn EM,Roof MB,Meng XJ.Serological profile of Torque teno sus virus species 1(TTSuV1)in pigs and antigenic relationships between two TTSuV1 genotypes(1a and 1b),between two species(TTSuV1 and 2),and between porcine and human anelloviruses.Journal of Virology,2012,86(19):10628-10639. 6.Huang YW,Patterson AR,Opriessnig T,Dryman BA,Gallei A,Harrall KK,Vaughn EM,Roof MB,Meng XJ.Rescue of a porcine anellovirus(Torque teno sus virus 2)from cloned genomic DNA in pigs.Journal of Virology,2012,86(11):6042-6054. 7.Huang YW,Opriessnig T,Halbur PG,Meng XJ.Initiation at the third in-frame AUG codon of open reading frame 3 of the hepatitis E virus is essential for viral infectivity in vivo.Journal of Virology,2007,81(6):3018-3026. 8.Huang YW,Haqshenas G,Kasorndorkbua C,Halbur PG,Emerson SU,Meng XJ.Capped RNA transcripts of full-length cDNA clones of swine hepatitis E virus are replication competent when transfected into Huh7 cells and infectious when intrahepatically inoculated into pigs.Journal of Virology,2005,79(3):1552-1558. (所有发表的SCI文章详见“研究与成果”栏目) Ji CM,Yang XF,Qin P,Wang B*,Huang YW*.High-throughput sequencing of the porcine antibody repertoire with or without PEDV infection:A proof-of-concept study.Journal of Virological Methods,2021,in press,doi:10.1016/j.jviromet.2021.114125. Qin P,Yang YL,Hu ZM,Zhang YQ,Mei XQ,Liang QZ,Lu Z,Wang B,Chen R*,Huang YW*.A novel spike subunit 1-based ELISA reveals widespread porcine torovirus infection in eastern China.Transboundary and Emerging Diseases,2021,in press,https://doi.org/10.1111/tbed.14026. Qin P,Luo WT,Su Q,Zhao P,Zhang Y,Wang B,Yang YL,Huang YW*.The porcine deltacoronavirus accessory protein NS6 is expressed in vivo and incorporated into virions.Virology,2021,556:1-8. Zhao Z,Qin P,Huang YW*.Lysosomal ion channels involved in cellular entry and uncoating of enveloped viruses:Implications for therapeutic strategies against SARS-CoV-2.Cell Calcium,2021,94:102360. Xu LD,Zhang F,Peng L,Luo WT,Chen C,Xu P*,Huang YW*.Stable expression of a hepatitis E virus(HEV)RNA replicon in two mammalian cell lines to assess mechanism of innate immunity and antiviral response.Frontiers in Microbiology,2020,11:603699. Hao X,Wang Y,Zhu M,Zhou D,Liu R,Wang B,Huang YW*,Zhao Z*.Development of improved mumps vaccine candidates by mutating viral mRNA cap methyltransferase sites in the large polymerase protein.Virologica Sinica,2020,doi.org/10.1007/s12250-020-00326-y. Yang YL,Yu JQ,Huang YW*.Swine enteric alphacoronavirus(swine acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus):An update three years after its discovery(invited review).Virus Research,2020,285:198024. Yang YL,Meng,F,Qin P,Herrler G,Huang YW*,Tang Y*.Trypsin promotes porcine deltacoronavirus mediating cell-to-cell fusion in a cell type-dependent manner.Emerging Microbes&Infections,2020,9:457-468. Yang YL,Qin P,Wang B,Liu Y,Xu GH,Peng L,Zhou J,Zhu SJ*,Huang YW*.Broad cross-species infection of cultured cells by bat HKU2-related swine acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus and identification of its replication in murine dendritic cells in vivo highlight its potential for diverse interspecies transmission.Journal of Virology,2019,93:e01448-19. Lei XM,Yang YL,He YQ,Peng L,Zhao P,Xu SY,Cao H,Fang P,Qin W,Qin P,Wang B,Huang YW*.Specific recombinant proteins of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus are immunogenic,revealing their potential use as diagnostic markers.Veterinary Microbiology,2019,236:108387. Yang YL,Liang QZ,Xu SY,Mazing E,Xu GH,Peng L,Qin P,Wang B,Huang YW*.Characterization of a novel bat-HKU2-like swine enteric alphacoronavirus(SeACoV)infection in cultured cells and development of a SeACoV infectious clone.Virology,2019,536:110-118. Qin P,Du EZ,Luo WT,Yang YL,Zhang YQ,Wang B,Huang YW*.Characteristics of the Life Cycle of Porcine Deltacoronavirus(PDCoV)In Vitro:Replication Kinetics,Cellular Ultrastructure and Virion Morphology,and Evidence of Inducing Autophagy.Viruses,2019,11,455;doi:10.3390/v11050455. Hu ZM,Yang YL,Xu LD,Wang B,Qin P,Huang YW*.Porcine torovirus(PToV)—a brief review of etiology,diagnostic assays and current epidemiology.Frontiers in Veterinary Science,2019,6:120. Wang B,Liu Y,Ji CM,Yang YL,Liang QZ,Zhao P,Xu LD,Lei XM,Luo WT,Qin P,Zhou J,Huang YW*.Porcine deltacoronavirus engages the transmissible gastroenteritis virus functional receptor porcine aminopeptidase N for infectious cellular entry.Journal of Virology,2018,92:e00318-18. Ji CM,Wang B,Zhou J,Huang YW*.Aminopeptidase-N-independent entry of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus into Vero or porcine small intestine epithelial cells.Virology,2018,517:16-23. Wang Y,Liu Y,Lu M,Yang Y,Zhou D,Hao X,Zhou D,Wang B,Li J*,Huang YW*,Zhao Z*.Enhancement of safety and immunogenicity of the Chinese Hu191 measles virus vaccine by alteration of the S-adenosylmethionine(SAM)binding site in the large polymerase protein.Virology,2018,518:210-220. Zhao P,Wang B,Ji CM,Cong X,Wang M*,Huang YW*.Identification of a peptide derived from the heptad repeat 2 region of the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus(PEDV)spike glycoprotein that is capable of suppressing PEDV entry and inducing neutralizing antibodies.Antiviral Research,2018,150:1-8. Pan Y,Tian X,Qin P,Wang B,Zhao P,Yang YL,Wang L,Wang D,Song Y,Zhang X*,Huang YW*.Discovery of a novel swine enteric alphacoronavirus(SeACoV)in southern China.Veterinary Microbiology,2017,211:15-21. Qin P,Li H,Wang JW,Wang B,Xie RH,Xu H,Zhao LY,Li L,Pan Y,Song Y,Huang YW*.Genetic and pathogenic characterization of a novel reassortant mammalian orthoreovirus 3(MRV3)from a diarrheic piglet and seroepidemiological survey of MRV3 in diarrheic pigs from east China.Veterinary Microbiology,2017,208:126-136. Tian PF,Jin YL,Xing G,Qv LL,Huang YW*,Zhou JY*.Evidence of Recombinant Strains of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus,United States,2013.Emerging Infectious Diseases,2014,20(10):1735-1738.(*Corresponding author) Huang YW*,Dickerman AW,Pineyro P,Li L,Fang L,Kiehne R,Opriessnig T,Meng XJ*.Origin,Evolution,and Genotyping of Emergent Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Strains in the United States.mBio,2013,4(5):e00737-13.(*Corresponding author) Huang YW,Harrall KK,Dryman BA,Opriessnig T,Vaughn EM,Roof MB,Meng XJ.Serological profile of Torque teno sus virus species 1(TTSuV1)in pigs and antigenic relationships between two TTSuV1 genotypes(1a and 1b),between two species(TTSuV1 and 2),and between porcine and human anelloviruses.Journal of Virology,2012,86(19):10628-10639. Huang YW,Patterson AR,Opriessnig T,Dryman BA,Gallei A,Harrall KK,Vaughn EM,Roof MB,Meng XJ.Rescue of a porcine anellovirus(Torque teno sus virus 2)from cloned genomic DNA in pigs.Journal of Virology,2012,86(11):6042-6054. Huang YW,Harrall KK,Dryman BA,Beach NM,Kenney SP,Opriessnig T,Vaughn EM,Roof MB,Meng XJ.Expression of the putative ORF1 capsid protein of Torque teno sus virus 2(TTSuV2)and development of Western blot and ELISA serodiagnostic assays:Correlation between TTSuV2 viral load and IgG antibody level in pigs.Virus Research,2011,158(1-2):79-88. Huang YW,Ni YY,Dryman BA,Meng XJ.Multiple infection of porcine Torque teno virus in a single pig and characterization of the full-length genomic sequences of four U.S.prototype PTTV strains:implication for genotyping of PTTV.Virology,2010,396(2):289-297. Huang YW,Meng XJ.Novel strategies and approaches to develop the next generation of vaccines against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus(PRRSV)(Invited Review).Virus Research,2010,153(1-2):141-149. Huang YW,Dryman BA,Harrall KK,Vaughn EM,Roof MB,Meng XJ.Development of SYBR green-based real-time PCR and duplex nested PCR assays for quantitation and differential detection of species-or type-specific porcine Torque teno viruses.Journal of Virological Methods,2010,170(1-2):140-146. Huang YW,Dryman B,Li W,Meng XJ.Porcine DC-SIGN:Molecular cloning,gene structure,tissue distribution and binding characteristics.Developmental and Comparative Immunology,2009,33(4):464-480. Huang YW,Fang Y,Meng XJ.Identification and characterization of a porcine monocytic cell line supporting porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus(PRRSV)replication and progeny virion production by using an improved DNA-launched PRRSV reverse genetics system.Virus Research,2009,145(1):1-8. Huang YW,Meng XJ.Identification of a porcine DC-SIGN-related C-type lectin,porcine CLEC4G(LSECtin)and its order of intron removal during splicing:Comparative genomic analyses of the cluster of genes CD23/CLEC4G/DC-SIGN among mammalian species.Developmental and Comparative Immunology,2009,33(6):747-760. Huang YW,Opriessnig T,Halbur PG,Meng XJ.Initiation at the third in-frame AUG codon of open reading frame 3 of the hepatitis E virus is essential for viral infectivity in vivo.Journal of Virology,2007,81(6):3018-3026. Huang YW,Haqshenas G,Kasorndorkbua C,Halbur PG,Emerson SU,Meng XJ.Capped RNA transcripts of full-length cDNA clones of swine hepatitis E virus are replication competent when transfected into Huh7 cells and infectious when intrahepatically inoculated into pigs.Journal of Virology,2005,79(3):1552-1558. Huang YW,Li L,Li JR,Yu L.Rapid construction of infectious clones of infectious bursal disease virus.Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica,2003,35(4):338-344. Huang YW,Yu L,Ding HM,Li JR,Song KH.Amplification and cloning by long RT-PCR of full-length genome of larger segment of chicken infectious bursal disease viruse.Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica,2001,33(3):355-359. Opriessnig T,Huang YW.Third update on possible animal sources for human COVID-19.Xenotransplantation.2021,28:e12671. Opriessnig T,Huang YW.Further information on possible animal sources for human COVID-19.Xenotransplantation.2020,27:e12651. He WT,Ji X,He W,Dellicour S,Wang S,Li G,Zhang L,Gilbert M,Zhu H,Xing G,Veit M,Huang Z,Han GZ,Huang Y,Suchard MA,Baele G,Lemey P,Su S.Genomic Epidemiology,Evolution,and Transmission Dynamics of Porcine Deltacoronavirus.Molecular Biology and Evolution,2020,37(9):2641-2654. Opriessnig T,Huang YW.Update on possible animal sources for COVID-19 in humans.Xenotransplantation.2020,27:e12621. Opriessnig T,Huang YW.Coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)outbreak:Could pigs be vectors for human infections?Xenotransplantation.2020,27:e12591. Wu Y,Ho W,Huang Y,Jin DY,Li S,Liu SL,Liu X,Qiu J,Sang Y,Wang Q,Yuen KY,Zheng ZM.SARS-CoV-2 is an appropriate name for the new coronavirus.Lancet.2020,395(10228):949-950. Yugo DM,Cossaboom CM,Heffron CL,Huang YW,Kenney SP,Woolums AR,Hurley DJ,Opriessnig T,Li L,Delwart E,Kanevsky I,Meng XJ.Evidence for an Unknown Agent Antigenically Related to the Hepatitis E Virus in Dairy Cows in the United States.Journal of Medical Virology,2019,91:677–686. Cao D,Ni YY,Walker M,Huang YW,Meng XJ.Roles of the genomic sequence surrounding the stem-loop structure in the junction region including the 3'terminus of ORF1 in hepatitis E virus replication.Journal of Medical Virology,2018,90(9):1524-1531. Liu S,Chen S,Li X,Wu S,Zhang Q,Jin Q,Hu L,Zhou R,Yu Z,Meng F,Wang S,Huang Y,Ye S,Shen L,Xia Z,Zou J,Feng XH,Xu P.Lck/Hck/Fgr-Mediated Tyrosine Phosphorylation Negatively Regulates TBK1 to Restrain Innate Antiviral Responses.Cell Host&Microbe,2017,21(6):754-768.e5. 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