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“智能系统安全实验室(USSLAB)”欢迎优秀的博士、硕士及优秀本科同学加入实验室,从事物联网安全、感知安全、AI安全等,涉及图像、语音、自主系统等方面研究有兴趣者联系。 2021年度本科SRTP竞赛题目公布,有意愿同学可以发邮件获取题目。 浙江大学电气学院副教授,博导。2010年浙江大学电子信息技术本科毕业,2015年香港科技大学计算机系博士毕业(导师:刘云浩、易珂)。主要从事网络安全,包括智能电网安全和物联网安全等方面的研究。论文发表于IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,IEEE Transactions on Networking及IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications等期刊,以及ACM CCS,ACM Mobicom,IEEE INFOCO等国际顶级学术会议。获得包括2017年ACM CCS大会最佳论文奖(国内首次)、2017年浙江大学十大学术进展等奖项。在物联网安全方面的研究成果被包括MIT Tech.Review,BBC News,人民网,浙江大学官方主页等国内外主流新闻媒体报道。 教育及工作经历 2017.01-至今:副教授,电气工程学院,浙江大学 2015.09-2016.12:研究员,华为香港研究院 2010.09-2015.07:博士,香港科技大学计算机系 2006.09-2010.06:本科,电子信息技术及仪器,浙江大学 当前研究项目 1.海豚音攻击:智能语音系统安全及防护[ACM CCS 2017,最佳论文] 2.DeWiCam:基于机器学习和网络流量特征的无线摄像头检测[ACM AsiaCCS 2018,最佳论文] 3.iCare:基于机器学习的儿童手机用户识别[ACM HotMobile 2018]] 4.MagneComm:基于进场电磁的智能设备通讯[ACM Mobicom 2017] 5.FBSleuth:基于设备硬件指纹的伪基站取证[ACM AsiaCCS 2018] 研究团队 我和徐文渊老师共同指导智能系统安全实验室(USSLAB),实验室在研多个跟物联网安全、人工智能、智能电网相关的课题,欢迎保研、考研的研究生同学和有兴趣的本科生加入实验室。有意愿加入实验室的同学可以发邮件. 荣誉奖励 2017年度“浙江大学十大学术进展” 2018 ACM CCS最佳会议论文奖(国内首次) 2018 ACM AsiaCCS最佳会议论文奖 2017 IEEE ICPADS WST Workshop最佳论文候选 2017 Freebuf-WitAwards“年度最佳安全团队” 2014 IEEE Trustcom最佳会议论文奖 2011-2015香港政府奖学金(HKPF) 教学与课程 《无线网络安全及隐私》,研究生专业学位课,秋冬学期 《先进控制技术讲座-电力系统新技术》(秋),自动化系本科生,32学时(65人) 《物联网安全》(筹划),本科生,依托教育部精品课程计划 科研 共发表学术论文20+篇,其中3篇为最佳会议论文(AsiaCCS 2018,CCS 2017,TrustCom 2014)。其中CCF-A类论文/期刊8篇,B类论文/期刊6篇。 (注:CCF为中国计算机学会,其关于会议/期刊的排名在计算机领域具有重要参考价值。) 研究成果 Project 1:DolphinAttack Dolphinattack modulates voice commands on ultrasonic carriers(e.g.,f>20 kHz)to achieve inaudibility.By leveraging the nonlinearity of the microphone circuits,the modulated low frequency audio commands can be successfully demodulated,recovered,and more importantly interpreted by the speech recognition systems.We validate DolphinAttack on popular speech recognition systems,including Siri,Google Now,Samsung S Voice,Huawei,HiVoice,Cortana and Alexa.By injecting a sequence of inaudible voice commands,we show a few proof-of-concept attacks,which include activating Siri to initiate a FaceTime call on iPhone,activating Google Now to switch the phone to the airplane mode,and even manipulating the navigation system in an Aud automobile. Media Coverage:Wired,BBC News,Mit Tech.Review,Zhejiang University Press,etc. Demo and find more... Project 1:DolphinAttack Dolphinattack modulates voice commands on ultrasonic carriers(e.g.,f>20 kHz)to achieve inaudibility.By leveraging the nonlinearity of the microphone circuits,the modulated low frequency audio commands can be successfully demodulated,recovered,and more importantly interpreted by the speech recognition systems.We validate DolphinAttack on popular speech recognition systems,including Siri,Google Now,Samsung S Voice,Huawei,HiVoice,Cortana and Alexa.By injecting a sequence of inaudible voice commands,we show a few proof-of-concept attacks,which include activating Siri to initiate a FaceTime call on iPhone,activating Google Now to switch the phone to the airplane mode,and even manipulating the navigation system in an Aud automobile. Media Coverage:Wired,BBC News,Mit Tech.Review,Zhejiang University Press,etc. Demo and find more... Project 3:Haking the Eye of Tesla To improve road safety and driving experiences,autonomous vehicles have emerged recently,and they can sense their surroundings and navigate without human intervention.Although promising and improving safety features,the trustworthiness of these cars has to be examined before they can be widely adopted on the road.Unlike traditional network security,autonomous vehicles rely heavily on their sensory ability of their surroundings to make driving decision,which makes sensors an interface for attacks.Thus,in this project we examine the security of the sensors of autonomous vehicles,and investigate the trustworthiness of the eyes of the cars. Project 4:iCare With the proliferation of smartphones,children often use the same smartphones of their parents to play games or surf Internet,and can potentially access kid-unfriendly content from the Internet jungle.A successful parent patrol strategy has to be user-friendly and privacy-aware.The apps that require explicit actions from parents may not be effective when parents forget to enable them,and the ones that use built-in cameras to detect children may impose privacy violations.We propose iCare,which can identify child users automati-cally and seamlessly as users operate smartphones.In particular,iCare investigates the intrinsic differences of screen-touch pat-terns between child and adult users.We discover that users’touch behaviors depend on a user’s age.Thus,iCare records the touch behaviors and extracts hand-geometry and finger dexterity features that capture the age information. Media Coverage:Xinhua News,Sohu Tech.,Zhejiang University Press,Zhejiang News,etc. Project 5:HlcAuth We design a key-free communication method for such devices in a smart home.In particular,we introduce the Home-limited Channel(HLC)that can be accessed only within a house yet inaccessible for an outside-house attacker.Utilizing HLCs,we propose a challenge-response mechanism to authenticate the communications between smart devices without key—HlcAuth.The advantages of HlcAuth are low cost,lightweight as well as key-free,and requiring no human intervention.lcAuth can defeat replay attacks,message-forgery attacks,and man-in-the-middle(MiTM)attacks,among others. Find more... Project 6:FBSleuth Fake base station(FBS)crime is one typical kind of wireless communication crime which has risen in recent years.The key to enforce the laws on regulating FBS based crime is not only to arrest but also to convict criminals efficiently.To fill in the gap of enforcing the laws on FBS crimes,we design FBSleuth,a FBS crime forensics framework utilizing radio frequency(RF)fingerprints,e.g.,the unique characteristics of the FBS transmitters embedded in the electromagnetic signals.In essence,such fingerprints stem from the imperfections of hardware manufacturing and thus represent a consistent bond between an individual FBS device and its committed crime. 发明专利 冀晓宇,刘俊宏,何源,王继良,刘云浩,一种基于相长干涉的无线网络传输的冲突解决方法与系统,发明专利,授权,CN102970737B,2016-04-20 冀晓宇,刘云浩,王继良,何源,基于前导码的控制信令传输方法,发明专利,授权,CN103684697B,2017-03-01 冀晓宇,刘云浩,何源,王继良,数据包传输方法及通信节点,发明专利,授权,CN103747480B,2017-11-20 冀晓宇,徐文渊,程雨诗,一种基于CPU模块电磁辐射的设备指纹提取和认证方法,受理,2018102992781 徐文渊,冀晓宇,张国明,庄周,周欣妍,张天晨,一种基于非线性作用的声波通信方法,受理,201810462977.3 徐文渊,冀晓宇,张国明,闫琛,张天晨,张泰民,基于机器学习的防御无声指令控制语音助手的方法,受理,2017113746682 实验室介绍 Welcome to USSLAB(Ubiquitous System Security),the lab is at the Electrical Engineering College in Zhejiang University.We are working on universal security area including traditional security,attack/defence and the security of internet of things(IoT). Faculty member: Wenyua Xu,Xiaoyu Ji Students:




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

会议论文(*Corresponding author) -Yushi Cheng,Xiaoyu Ji*,Tianyang Lu and Wenyuan Xu,'DeWiCam:Detecting Hidden Wireless Cameras via Smartphones',in ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security(ASIACCS)2018.(acceptance ratio:20%)(Best Paper Award) -Zhou Zhuang,Xiaoyu Ji*,Taimin Zhang,Juchuan Zhang,Zhenhua Li,Yunhao Liu,Wenyuan Xu,'FBSleuth:Fake Base Station Forensics via Radio Frequency Fingerprinting',in ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security(ASIACCS)2018.(acceptance ratio:20%) -Chaohao Li,Xiaoyu Ji*,Xinyan Zhou,Juchuan Zhang,Jing Tian,Yanmiao Zhang and Wenyuan Xu,'HlcAuth:Key-free and Secure Communications via Home-Limited Channel',in ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security(ASIACCS)2018.(acceptance ratio:20%) -Yushi Cheng,Xiaoyu Ji*,Xinyan Zhou and Wenyuan Xu,'HomeSpy:Inferring User Presence via Encrypted Traffic of Home Surveillance Camera',The 1st International Workshop on Wireless Sensing Technology(ICPASDS WST),2018.(acceptance ratio:18%)(Best Paper Runner-up Award) -Xiaopeng Li,Sharaf Malebary,Xianshan Qu,Xiaoyu Ji,Yushi Cheng,and Wenyuan Xu,'iCare:Automatic and User-friendly Children Identification on Smartphones',In The 19th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications(HotMobile),2018.(acceptance ratio:18%)[PDF][Slides][Bibtex] -Guoming Zhang,Chen Yan,Xiaoyu Ji*,Tianchen Zhang,Taimin Zhang and Wenyuan Xu*,'DolphinAttack:Inaudible Voice Commands',In the Proceeding of ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security(CCS),2017.(acceptance ratio:18%)(*Corresponding author)(Best Paper Award,国内首次)[PDF][Slides][Bibtex] -Hao Pan,Yi-Chao Chen,Guangtao Xue and Xiaoyu Ji,'MagneComm:Magnetometer-based Near-Field Communication',In the Proceeding of ACM Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking(MobiCom),2017.(acceptance ratio:19.4%)[PDF][Slides][Bibtex] -Xiaoyu Ji,Jiliang Wang,Mingyan Liu,Yubo Yan,Panlong Yang,and Yunhao Liu,'Hitchhike:Riding Control on Preambles',In the Proceeding of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications(INFOCOM),2014.(acceptance ratio:19.4%)[PDF][Slides][Bibtex] -Xiaoyu Ji,Yuan He,Jiliang Wang,Wei Dong,Xiaopei Wu,and Yunhao Liu,'Walking down the STAIRS:Efficient Collision Resolution in Wireless Sensor Networks',In the Proceeding of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications(INFOCOM),2014.(acceptance Rate:19.4%)[PDF][Slides][Bibtex] -Xiaoyu Ji,Yuan He,Jiliang Wang,Kaishun Wu,Ke Yi,and Yunhao Liu,'Voice over the Dins:Improving Wireless Channel Utilization with Collision Tolerance',In the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols(ICNP),2013.(acceptance ratio:18%)[PDF][Slides][Vedio][Bibtex] -Yi Zhang,Jiliang Wang,Xiaoyu Ji,Daibo Li and Bo Li,'Furion:Towards Energy-Efficient WiFi Offloading under Link Dynamics',In the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Sensing,Communication and Networking(SECON),2016. -Zhuangdi Zhu,Hao Pan,Yi-Chao Chen,Xiaoyu Ji,Fan Zhang,Chuang-Wen You,'MagAttack:Remote App Sensing with Your Phone'.In ACM Ubicomp/ISWC 2016 Poster. -Daibo Liu,Mengshu Hou,Zhichao Cao,Yuan He,Xiaoyu Ji,and Xiaolong Zheng,'COF:Exploiting Concurrency for Low Power Opportunistic Forwarding',In the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols(ICNP),2015. -Daibo Liu,Zhichao Cao,Xiaopei Wu,Yuan He,Xiaoyu Ji and Mengshu Hou,'TeleAdjusting:Using Path Coding and Opportunistic Forwarding for Remote Control in WSNs',In the Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems(ICDCS),2015. -Weixi Gu,Zheng Yang,Longfei Shangguan,Xiaoyu Ji,and Yiyang Zhao,'ToAuth:Towards Automatic Near Field Authentication for Smartphones',In the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Trust,Security,and Privacy in Coumputing and Communications(TrustCom),2014.(Best Paper Award) 期刊论文 -Xiaoyu Ji,Yuan He,Jiliang Wang,Kaishun Wu,Daibo Liu,Ke Yi,and Yunhao Liu,'On Improving Wireless Channel Utilization:A Collision Tolerance-based Approach',IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing(TMC),accepted.优秀期刊 -Xiaoyu Ji,Jiliang Wang,Mingyan Liu,Yubo Yan,Panlong Yang,and Yunhao Liu,'Hitchhike:A Preamble-based Control Plane for SNR-sensitive Wireless Networks',IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications(TWC),accepted.优秀期刊 -Xiaoyu Ji,Yushi Cheng,Wenyuan Xu,and Xinyan Zhou,'User Presence Inference via Encrypted Traffic of Wireless Camera in Smart Homes',Accepted,Security and Communication Networks,2018 -Wenyuan Xu,Chen Yan,Weibin Jia,Xiaoyu Ji*,Jianhao Liu,'Analyzing and Enhancing the Security of Ultrasonic Sensors for Autonomous Vehicles',Accepted,IEEE Internet of Things Journal(Early Access),2018.优秀期刊,JCR一区,IF=5.82.(*Corresponding author) -Xinyan Zhou,Xiaoyu Ji*,Bin Wang,Yushi Cheng,Zhuoran Ma,Francis Choi,Brian Helmuth and Wenyuan Xu,'Pido:Predictive Delay Optimization for Intertidal Wireless Sensor Networks',in Sensors(IF=2.677),accepted.(*Corresponding author) -Xinyan Zhou,Xiaoyu Ji*,Yi-Chao Chen,Xiaopeng Li and Wenyuan Xu,'LESS:Link Estimation with Sparse Sampling in Intertidal WSNs',in Sensors(IF=2.677),accepted.(*Corresponding author) -Xiaohan Lai,Xiaoyu Ji*,Xinyan Zhou and Longdao Chen,'Energy Efficient Link-Delay Aware Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks',IEEE Sensors Journal(IF=2.512),accepted.(*Corresponding author) -Wei Gong,Haoxiang Liu,Jiangchuan Liu,Xiaoyi Fan,Kebin Liu,Qiang Ma and Xiaoyu Ji,'Channel-Aware Rate Adaptation for Backscatter Networks',IEEE Transactions on Networking,accepted.优秀期刊 -Xi Chen,Xiaopei Wu,Xiangyang Li,Xiaoyu Ji,Yuan He and Yunhao Liu,'Privacy-aware High-quality Map Generation with Participatory Sensing',IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing(TMC),accepted.优秀期刊
