2008/7–2013/3 新加坡国立大学,化学与分子生物工程,博士
2004/8–2008/7 浙江大学,制药工程,学士
2021/12-至今 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),土木与环境工程,副教授
2016/7-2021/12 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),土木与环境工程,助理教授
2013/11-2016/6 哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院,土木与环境工程,博士后
2012/8-2013/10 新加坡国立大学,化学与分子生物工程,博士后
2019-2021 国家自然科学基金青年项目“离子液体荷电杂化纳滤膜强化去除水中重金属的研究“负责人
2017-2020 国家自然科学基金面上项目“陶瓷膜MBR耦合生物电化学过程的原位膜污染控制系统与机制研究”主要参与人
2019-2021 深圳市知识创新计划基础研究项目“离子液体接枝改性的纳滤膜制备及其在电镀废水处理中的应用”负责人
2018-2021 国家重点研发计划“海水淡化水足迹评价方法研究子任务海水淡化水资源综合效益评价技术研究”负责人
2018-2019 哈工大科研创新基金“针对印染废水深度处理的聚酰亚胺纳滤膜改性研究”负责人
2015-2017 国家重大科技专项子课题“低碳发展模式下水质风险防控技术集成与工程示范”,子任务负责人
2015-2017 国家自然科学基金青年基金“基于 LIF-PIV/CFD 的纳滤浓差极化行为解析、控制机制及在处理 EfOM 中的应用”,主要参与人
2014-2016 深圳市知识创新计划基础研究项目“纳米无机盐掺杂改性制备抑菌抗污染型超滤膜及其在水处理中的应用”,主要参与人
2015-2016 中国航天员训练中心合作项目“密闭生态循环系统试验平台生活用水供应系统研制项目”,主要参与人
2014-2016 中国博士后科学基金一等资助“新型电荷双排斥纳滤膜的制备及其在废水处理中应用研究”,主持
Ding Yu Xing, Yihua Chen,Jiaxin Zhu, Tongzhou Liu, Fabrication of hydrolytically stable magnetic core-shell aminosilane nanocomposite for the adsorption of PFOS and PFOA, Chemosphere. 2020. 251. 126384
Jingyi Yang, Feiyun Sun, Lingyan Zhao, Ding Yu Xing*, Wenyi Dong, Zijun Dong, High-conductivity microfiltration membranes incorporated with ionic liquids and their superior anti-fouling effectiveness, Journal of Membrane Science. 2020. 603. 117767.
Tongzhou Liu, Yurong Gu, DingYu Xing, Wenyi Dong & Xiuwei Wu Rapid and high-capacity adsorption of PFOS and PFOA by regenerable ammoniated magnetic particle, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018. 25. 13813–13822
Dingyu Xing, Wenyi Dong, Taishung Chung*. Effects of different ionic liquids as green solvents on the formation and ultrafiltration performance of ca hollow fiber membranes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2016. 55(27). 7505-7513.
Dingyu Xing, Suiyung Chan, Taishung Chung*. The ionic liquid [EMIM]OAc as a solvent to fabricate stable polybenzimidazole membranes for organic solvent nanofiltration, Green Chemistry. 2014. 16(3) 1383-1392.
Dingyu Xing, Suiyung Chan, Taishung Chung*. Fabrication of porous and interconnected PBI/P84 ultrafiltration membranes using [EMIM]OAc as the green solvent. Chemical Engineering Science. 2013. 87. 194-203
Dingyu Xing, Suiyung Chan, Taishung Chung*. Molecular interactions between polybenzimidazole and [EMIM]OAc, and derived ultrafiltration membranes for protein separation. Green Chemistry. 2012. 14(5). 1405-1412.
Dingyu Xing, Na Peng, Taishung Chung*. Investigation of unique interactions between cellulose acetate and ionic liquid [EMIM]SCN, and their influences on hollow fiber ultrafiltration membranes. Journal of Membrane Science. 2011. 380(1-2). 87-97.
Dingyu Xing, Na Peng, Taishung Chung*. Formation of cellulose acetate membranes via phase inversion using ionic liquid, [BMIM]SCN, as the solvent, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2010. 49(18). 8761-8769.
D.Y. Xing, T.S. Chung, W. Y. Dong, Stable Organic Solvent Nanofiltration Membranes Fabricated from Polybenzimidazole and Ionic Liquid System, International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2015, Singapore.
D.Y. Xing, T.S. Chung, Molecular Interactions between Polybenzimidazole and [EMIM]OAc, and Derived Ultrafiltration Membranes for Protein Separation, International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2013, Singapore.
D.Y. Xing, S.Y. Chan, T.S. Chung, Fabrication of Polybenzimidazole Membranes Using Ionic Liquids as Solvents for Pharmaceutical Separation, GSM Symposium 2013, Singapore.
D.Y. Xing, T.S. Chung, Formation of cellulose acetate membranes via phase inversion using an ionic liquid as the solvent, Euromembrane 2012 Conference, London, UK.
N. Peng, M. L. Chng, D.Y. Xing, T.S. Chung, Fabrication of Single-Layer and Dual-Layer Extem? Hollow Fiber Membranes for Gas Separation,American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE) Annual Meeting 2010
2015-至今 受邀审稿人:Chemical Engineering Research and Design,Carbohydrate Polymers