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李朝,男,博士,哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)土木与环境工程学院副教授,博士生导师。哈尔滨工业大学本硕博毕业,曾在香港城市大学和香港理工大学担任访问研究员。是深圳市海外和后备级高层次人才、南山区领航人才,中国振动工程学会结构抗震控制委员会和中国可再生能源学会会员。在国内外风工程、风能专业期刊、会议公开发表论文六十余篇,其中SCI论文二十余篇,第一/通讯作者十四篇,他引500余次,单篇最高引用200余次,H-INDEX为8。主持两项国家自然科学基金项目,三项深圳市科创委基础研究项目,一项企业委派国家863项目子课题。作为骨干参与多项国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金重点项目,深圳科创委学科布局项目等,承担十余项企业技术咨询工程项目。 工作经历 2018/01-至今 副教授,哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),土木与环境工程学院 2017/08-2017/12 副研究员,哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院,土木与环境工程学院 2012/07-2017/07 助理教授,哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院,土木与环境工程学院 2010/11-2012/06 高级研究助理,香港理工大学,土木及结构工程学系 2007/07-2007/10 研究助理,香港城市大学,土木及建築工程系 教育经历 2006/03-2010/07 获工学博士学位(结构工程),哈尔滨工业大学,学位论文:近地湍流风场的CFD模拟研究 2003/09-2005/12 获工学硕士学位(工程力学),哈尔滨工业大学,学位论文:建筑物风荷载与山地风场的数值模拟 1999/09-2003/07 获工学学士学位(土木工程(建筑工程方向)),哈尔滨工业大学 科研项目 2018-2021 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51778200),数值大气湍流边界层生成方法的改进与验证,主持 2018-2020 深圳市科技计划基础研究学科布局项目(JCYJ20170811160652645),浮式海上风机的平衡及振动控制系统研究,骨干成员 2016-2018 深圳市技术创新资助项目(KQJSCX20160226201838),柱稳型海上浮式风机基础的关键技术开发,主持 2014-2016 国家自然科学基金青年项目(51308167):基于粗糙壁面修正的平衡大气边界层紊流风场大涡模拟研究,主持 2014-2016 哈尔滨工业大学科研创新基金:三维自平衡紊流边界层风场的大涡模拟研究,主持 2013-2015 深圳市基础研究计划:垂直轴风机的主/被动桨距控制策略优化研究,主持 2013-2015 哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院新教师科研启动项目:大气边界层数值风洞中三维紊流风场的大涡模拟研究,主持 2014-2015 企业委托,基于钢筯混凝土结构的海上风电机组局部浮力基础的初步方案设计,主持 2016 企业委托,钢筋混凝土半潜式浮力风机系统的风浪联合模型试验研究,骨干 2016 企业委托,北京市通州区再生能源发电厂风洞试验及风振分析,骨干 2016-2018 企业委托,微地形下输电线路微尺度台风风场特性及模型研究,骨干


研究方向围绕风与工程结构作用,包括工程结构风灾,海上风电,城镇风环境等领域,以基础前沿问题为导向,结合工程实际,兼取数值模拟与物理试验之长探寻未知世界客观规律,推动行业进步、践行科研价值。 结构风灾: 1) 大气边界层湍流结构的生成与大涡模拟 2) 建筑结构风荷载计算流体动力学(CFD)模拟的不确定性及精度提升 3) 超高层建筑结构风振分析、风荷载设计、气动外形与结构优化 4) 光伏跟踪支架系统的风致振动分析与荷载优化 海上风电与支撑结构: 1) 海上固底/浮式风机系统多体耦合的短期响应分析、长期性能评价及优化设计 2) 海上浮式风机半潜式基础的等效静力风浪设计荷载及结构设计优化 3) 垂直轴风机空气动力学性能提升桨距控制与装置 城镇风环境: 1) 中尺度数值天气预报(NWP)模型与微尺度计算流体动力学(CFD)模型的耦合计算 2) 基于webGIS的城镇风环境、风灾在线预警平台


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Yang, J., Zhang, J., Li, C.*, 2022. Research on Equivalent Static Load of High-Rise/Towering Structures Based on Wind-Induced Responses. Applied Sciences 12, 3729. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12083729 Zhang, W., Xiao, Y.*, Li, C.*, Zheng, Q., Tang, Y., 2022. Wind load investigation of self-supported lattice transmission tower based on wind tunnel tests. Engineering Structures 252, 113575. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.113575 Li, C., Zhou, S.*, Shan, B., Hu, G., Song, X., Liu, Y., Hu, Y., Yiqing, X., 2021. Dynamics of a Y-shaped semi-submersible floating wind turbine: a comparison of concrete and steel support structures. Ships and Offshore Structures 0, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1080/17445302.2021.1937801 Lin, P., Hu, G.*, Li, C.*, Li, L., Xiao, Y., Tse, K.T., Kwok, K.C.S., 2021. Machine learning-based prediction of crosswind vibrations of rectangular cylinders. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 211, 104549. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jweia.2021.104549 Wang, Q., Jiang, Q., Hu, G., Chen, X., Li, C., Xiao, Y., 2021. Aerodynamic characteristics of a square cylinder with corner fins. Advances in Bridge Engineering 2, 20. https://doi.org/10.1186/s43251-021-00042-x Zhao, Z., Li, C.*, Xiao, Y., Wang, J., Hu, G., Xiao, K., 2021a. Multiscale modelling of planetary boundary layer flow over complex terrain: implementation under near-neutral conditions. Environ Fluid Mech. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10652-021-09796-4 Zhao, Z., Xiao, Y., Li, C.*, Wang, J., Hu, G., 2021b. New consideration of lateral boundary treatment for meso- and micro-scale nested PBL simulations over complex terrain. Atmospheric Research 254, 105507. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2021.105507 Zhou, S., Müller, K., Li, C.*, Xiao, Y., Cheng, P.W., 2021. Global sensitivity study on the semisubmersible substructure of a floating wind turbine: Manufacturing cost, structural properties and hydrodynamics. Ocean Engineering 221, 108585. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.108585 赵子涵, 李朝*, 肖仪清, 肖凯, 吴晓鹏, 宋晓萍, 2021. 基于NWP/CFD嵌套的复杂地形风场模拟研究. 太阳能学报 42, 205–210. C. Li, Wang J, Hu G, Li L, Xiao Y*. RANS simulation of horizontal homogeneous atmospheric boundary layer over rough terrains by an enriched canopy drag model[J]. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2020, 206: 104281. Zhou S, Li C*, Xiao Y, Cheng P W. Importance of platform mounting orientation of Y-shaped semi-submersible floating wind turbines: A case study by using surrogate models[J]. Renewable Energy, 2020, 156: 260–278. Hu G, Liu F, Li L, Li C, Xiao Y, Kwok K C S. Wind energy harvesting performance of tandem circular cylinders with triangular protrusions[J]. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2019, 91: 102780. Peng Y-X, Xu Y-L, Zhu S, Li C. High-solidity straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine: Numerical simulation and validation[J]. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2019, 193: 103960. Li L, Kareem A, Hunt J, Xing F, Chan P, Xiao Y, Li C. Observed sub-hectometer-scale low level jets in surface-layer velocity profiles of landfalling typhoons[J]. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2019, 190: 151–165. Lin J, Xu Y-L, Xia Y, Li C. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2019. Structural Analysis of Large-Scale Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines, Part I: Wind Load Simulation[J]. Energies, 2019, 12(13): 2573. 肖凯, 赵子涵, 罗啸宇, 李朝*, 钟继, 肖仪清. 复杂地形下基于计算流体动力学的风速比计算[J]. 科学技术与工程, 2018, 18(33): 1–6. C. Li, Y. Xiao, Y. Xu, Y. Peng, G. Hu, and S. Zhu, Optimization of Blade Pitch in H-rotor Vertical Axis Wind Turbines through Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations[J]. Applied Energy, 2018. 212(Supplement C): p. 1107-1125. IF:7.128, JCR 1区 S. Zhou, B. Shan, Y. Xiao, C. Li*, G. Hu, X. Song, Y. Liu, and Y. Hu, Directionality Effects of Aligned Wind and Wave Loads on a Y-shape Semi-submersible Floating Wind Turbine under Rated Operational Conditions[J]. Energies, 2017. 10(12): p. 2097. IF:2.262, JCR 2区, 通讯作者 G. Hu, C. Li*, K. T. Tse, and K. C. S. Kwok, Vortex induced vibration of an inclined finite-length square cylinder[J]. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 2018. 68(Supplement C): p. 144-152. IF:1.969, JCR 2区, 2017, 通讯作者 C. Li, S. Zhou, Y. Xiao, Q. Huang, L. Li, and P.W. Chan, Effects of inflow conditions on mountainous/urban wind environment simulation. Building Simulation, 2017. 10(4): p. 573–588. IF:1.352, JCR 3区 C. Li, T. Zhuang, S. Zhou, Y. Xiao, and G. Hu, Passive Vibration Control of a Semi-Submersible Floating Offshore Wind Turbine. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2017. 7(5096): p. 509. IF:1.913, JCR 3区, C. Li, S. Zhu, Y. Xu, and Y. Xiao, 2.5D large eddy simulation of vertical axis wind turbine in consideration of high angle of attack flow. Renewable Energy, 2013. 51(0): p. 317-330. IF:4.825, JCR 1区, 他引57次 H. Pei, C. Li*, H. Zhu, and Y. Wang, Slope Stability Analysis Based on Measured Strains along Soil Nails Using FBG Sensing Technology. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013. 2013(561360): p. 1-5. IF:0.902, JCR 3区, 他引8次,通讯作者 C. Li, Q.S. Li, Y.Q. Xiao, and J.P. Ou, A revised empirical model and CFD simulations for 3D axisymmetric steady-state flows of downbursts and impinging jets. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2012. 102: p. 48-60. IF:2.307, JCR 1区, 他引17次 C. Li, Q.S. Li, S.H. Huang, J.Y. Fu, and Y.Q. Xiao, Large eddy simulation of wind loads on a long-span spatial lattice roof. Wind and Structures, 2010. 13(1): p. 57-82. IF:0.868, JCR 3区, 他引8次 李朝, 肖仪清, 滕军, 欧进萍与陈宜言, 基于超越阈值概率的行人风环境数值评估. 工程力学, 2012. 29(12): 第15-21页. EI收录 滕军, 李秀英, 李朝, 开口空间结构表面风压分布规律研究. 工程抗震与加固改造, 2010(6): 第18-24页. 肖仪清, 李朝, 欧进萍, 宋丽莉与李秋胜, 复杂地形风能评估的CFD方法. 华南理工大学学报, 2009. 37(9): 第30-35页. EI收录 会议论文 S. Zhou, C. Li, Y. Xiao, X. Song, Y. Liu, and Y. Hu, Experimental Study for the Aligned Wind/Wave Direction Effects on the Dynamics of a Semi-submersible Floating Wind Turbine System, in The Twenty-seventh (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. 2017, International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers: San Francisco, California, USA, June 25-30. 赵子涵, 范喜庆, 黎静, 李朝与肖仪清, 复杂地形下基于NWP/CFD方法的长期风能评估和短期风速预报, in 第十八届全国结构风工程学术会议2017: 长沙,中国. 李朝, 彭爱贤, 肖仪清, 周盛涛与宋晓萍, 三柱稳式半潜风机基础的等效静风浪荷载, in 第十八届全国结构风工程学术会议2017: 长沙,中国. C. Li and J. Wang, Investigation the speed-up effects of wind flow over typical terrains covered by vegetation, in The 2016 International Conference on Civil, Transportation and Environment. 2016: Guangzhou, China. J. Zu, G. Yan and C. Li, Investigation of wind pressure of translating tornado on spherical dome structures, in 8th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications. 2016: Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, June 7 - 11. J. Zu, G. Yan and C. Li, Investigation of Wind Pressure on Spherical Dome Structures due to Translating Tornado Using CFD, in The Sixth US-Japan Workshop on Wind Engineering. 2016: Tokyo, Japan. May 12-14. C. Li, J. Wang and Y. Xiao, A New Recycling-Rescaling Method for Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Atmospheric Boundary Layer, in The 2016 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research. 2016: Jeju Island, Korea. Aug 28 - Sep 1. C. Li, J. Wang and Y. Xiao, LARGE EDDY SIMULATION OF TURBULENT ATMOSPHERIC BOUNDARY LAYER THROUGH RECYCLING-RESCALING-REVISING METHOD, in The 14th International Symposium on Structural Engineering. 2016: Beijing, China, Oct 13-15. C. Li, Y. Xiao and A. Liu, Revisiting the CFD modeling horizontally homogenous atmospheric boundary layer, in 14th International Conference on Wind Engineering. 2015: Porto Alegre, Brazil. p. 4. 周盛涛, 李朝, 肖仪清与陈栢纬, 香港九龙湾沿岸城区风环境CFD模拟, in 第十七届全国结构风工程会议, 8月14-19日, 武汉2015. J. Lin, Y. XU and C. Li, A HYBRID IDENTIFICATION METHOD OF WIND PRESSURE ON STRAIGHT BLADE OF VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINE. 2013. p. 1. C. Li, Y. Xiao, W. Guo, and J. Ou, A wind tunnel study of vegetation influences on the turbulent boundary layer flow over escarpments and ridges, in 13th International Conference on Wind Engineering. 2011: Amsterdam, Netherlands. Y. Xiao, C. Li, J. Ou, and L. Song. CFD approach to the micrositing of wind turbines in complex terrain. in 12th International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments - Earth and Space 2010, March 14, 2010 - March 17, 2010. 2010. Honolulu, HI, United states: American Society of Civil Engineers. 李朝, 肖仪清, 李秋胜与欧进萍, 静止型壁面射流的CFD模拟及在下击暴流中的应用, in 第十四届全国结构风工程学术会议2009: 北京. C. Li, Q. S. Li, Y. Q. Xiao, and J. P. Ou. Simulations of moving downbursts using CFD. in 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, APCWE-VII, November 8, 2009 - November 12, 2009. 2009. Taipei, Taiwan: Chinese Taiwan Association for Wind Engineering. C. Li, Q. S. Li, Y. Q. Xiao, S. H. Huang, and J. Y. Fu, Large eddy simulation of fluctuating pressure on the roof of a long-span spatial lattice structure, in The 6th International Conference on Vibration Engineering. 2008: Dalian, China. p. 1119-1126. Y. Q. Xiao, L. X. Li, C. Li, and Q. S. Li, Study on Longitudinal Wind Speed Spectrum Based on Field Measurement. PROCEEDINGS OF THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING FOR YOUNG EXPERTS, VOLS I AND II, 2008: p. 1593-1598. Y. Q. Xiao, C. Li, Q. S. Li, J. P. Ou, and L. L. Song, Numerical simulation of wind speed distributions over complex terrains, in The Twelfth International Conference on Wind Engineering. 2007: Cairns, Australia. p. 1119-1126. 李朝, 李秋胜, 黄生洪, 傅继阳与肖仪清, 大跨度复杂屋盖结构风荷载的大涡模拟, in 第十三届全国结构风工程学术会议2007: 大连. 肖仪清, 李朝, 宋丽莉, 植石群, 黄皓辉与李秋胜, 复杂山地地形的三维风场数值模拟, in 第十二届全国结构风工程学术会议论文集2005: 西安. 第 91-97页.
