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张宏伟,哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)机电工程与自动化学院 教授、博导,IEEE 高级会员。 2003年和2006年毕业于天津大学自动化学院,分别获学士和硕士学位;2010年毕业于香港中文大学机械与自动化工程学系,获博士学位;2010-2012年,先后在美国德州大学阿灵顿分校和香港城市大学从事博士后研究;2012-2020年任教于西南交通大学电气工程学院,先后任副教授和教授;2020年底入职哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),任教授、博导。 多年来从事控制理论与应用的研究,主要研究方向包括:多智能体系统协调控制前沿理论、无人机/机器人编队控制、智能电网分布式控制、主动噪声控制等。在Springer出版社出版英文专著一部(与Frank L. Lewis等人合著),发表学术论文五十余篇,论著共被引用逾5000次(谷歌学术统计)。担任SCI期刊 Neurocomputing (JCR 2区) 和 Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control (JCR 3区) 副主编。 入选深圳市地方级领军人才。入选由斯坦福大学发布的 2020、2021、2022和2023年度“全球前2%顶尖科学家”榜单。 获2022年中国电子学会自然科学奖三等奖(排名2/2)。 教育经历 2006.08-2010.06 香港中文大学 机械与自动化工程学系 博士 2003.09-2006.02 天津大学 自动化学院 硕士(保送) 1999.09-2003.06 天津大学 自动化学院 学士 工作经历 2020.11-至今 教授、博导 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳) 机电工程与自动化学院 2017.12-2020.11 教授 西南交通大学 电气工程学院 2016.06-2020.11 博导 西南交通大学 电气工程学院 2012.05-2017.11 副教授 西南交通大学 电气工程学院 2016.08-2016.09 访问学者 英国利兹大学 2012.04-2012.12 高级副研究员 香港城市大学 电子工程系 2011.02-2012.02 博士后 香港城市大学 混沌与复杂网络研究中心(CCCN) 2010.07-2010.12 博士后 美国德州大学阿灵顿分校 自动化与机器人研究所(ARRI) 2009.07-2010.06 访问学者 美国德州大学阿灵顿分校 自动化与机器人研究所(ARRI) 2006.08-2009.06 助教 香港中文大学 机械与自动化工程学系


多智能体系统前沿控制理论 智能电网协调控制 无人机/机器人集群控制 主动噪声控制 非线性控制 神经网络自适应控制


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Q. Liu#, S. Zuo, and H. Zhang*, "Resilient distributed control of DC microgrids against unbounded FDI attacks", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, submitted Y. Zhou, H. Zhao, D. Liu, and H. Zhang, "Adaptive narrowband active noise control trained by genetic algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, submitted W. Chen#, L. Chen, J. Mei, and H. Zhang, "Distributed Kalman filtering for multi-sensor networks with time-varying coordinate frames", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, submitted S. Wang, X. Meng, H. Zhang*, and F. L. Lewis, "Learning nonlinear dynamics in synchronization of knowledge-based leader-following networks", Automatica, submitted Z. Ping, J. Zhang, and H. Zhang*, "Cooperative approximate output regulation of nonlinear multi-agent systems: Theory and application", Automatica, submitted Y. Zhou, H. Zhao, D. Liu, and H. Zhang, "Combined step size affine-projection-like exponential hyperbolic sine algorithm for robust active noise control", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, submitted C. Chen, Y. Huang, H. Zhang, S-C. Hsu, and R. Zhong, "Tracking perimeter control for two-region macroscopic traffic dynamics: An adaptive dynamic programming approach", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, submitted Y. Yuan#, Z. Sun#, and H. Zhang*, "Application of system identification in a practical active noise control system", Control Theory & Technology, in press, DOI: 10.1007/s11768-023-00175-6. Y. Meng#, H. Zhang* and A. Wu, "Leaderless output sign consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems over switching signed graphs ", Science China:Information Sciences, 66 190208, 2023. Y. Tang#, H. Zhang* and Y. Zhang#, "Stability guaranteed active noise control: Algorithms and applications", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 31(4): 1720-1732, 2023. S. Wang, H. Zhang*, and Z. Chen, "Adaptive cooperative tracking and parameter estimation of an uncertain leader over general directed graphs", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(7): 3888-3901, 2023. (Full Paper) Z. Ping, Y. Jia, B. Xiong, H. Zhang, J. Lu, "Optimal output regulation for PMSM speed servo system using approximate dynamic programming", Science China:Information Sciences, 66: 170206, 2023. S. Wang, H. Zhang*, S. Baldi*, and R. Zhong, "Leaderless consensus of heterogeneous multiple Euler-Lagrange systems with unknown disturbance", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(4): 2399-2406, 2023. Y. Meng#, S. Wang, and H. Zhang*, "Leaderless output sign consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems over signed graphs", International Journal of Robust & Nonlinear Control, 32(18): 10125-10138, 2022. X. Ren# and H. Zhang*, "An improved artificial bee colony algorithm for model-free active noise control: Algorithm and implementation", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 21: 2515211, 2022. H. Bai#, H. Zhang*, H. Cai, and J. Schiffer, “Voltage regulation and current sharing for Multi-bus DC Microgrids: A compromised design approach", Automatica, 142: 110340,2022. Z. Sun#, H. Zhang* and F.L. Lewis, "Output sign-consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems over fixed and switching signed graphs: an observer-based approach", International Journal of Robust & Nonlinear Control, 31(12): 5849–5864, 2021. J. Zhang, Z. Chen, H. Zhang*, and T. Feng, “Coupling effect and pole assignment in trajectory regulation of multi-agent systems”, Automatica, 125: 109465, 2021 H. Jiang# and H. Zhang*, “Output sign-consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems over fixed and switching signed graphs”, International Journal of Robust & Nonlinear Control, 30(5): 1938-1955, 2020. J. Zhang, Z. Wang, and H. Zhang*, “Data-based optimal control of multi-agent systems: A reinforcement learning design approach”, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 49(12): 4441-4449, 2019. Q. Jiao*, H. Zhang, S. Xu, F.L. Lewis, and L. Xie, “Bipartite tracking of homogeneous and heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems”, International Journal of Control, 92(12): 2963-2972, 2019. T. Yu#, L. Ma, and H. Zhang*, “Prescribed performance for bipartite tracking control of nonlinear multi-agent systems with hysteresis input uncertainties,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 49(4): 1327-1338, 2019. Y. Jiang#, H. Zhang*, and J. Chen, “Sign-consensus over cooperative-antagonistic networks with switching topologies,” International Journal of Robust & Nonlinear Control, 28(18): 6146–6162, 2018. (封面论文) Y. Jiang#, H. Zhang*, and J. Chen, “Sign-consensus of linear multi-agent systems over signed directed graphs”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64(6): 5075-5083, 2017. H. Zhang* and J. Chen, “Bipartite consensus of multi-agent systems over signed graphs: state feedback and output feedback control approaches”, International Journal of Robust & Nonlinear Control, 27(1): 3-14, 2017. (ESI高被引) H. Zhang*, Z. Li, Z. Qu, and F.L. Lewis, “On constructing Lyapunov functions for multi-agent systems”, Automatica, 58: 39-42, 2015. Z. Peng, D. Wang*, H. Zhang, and Y. Lin, “Cooperative output feedback adaptive control of uncertain nonlinear multi-agent systems”, Neurocomputing, 149: 132-141, 2015. Z. Peng, D. Wang*, H. Zhang, and G. Sun, “Distributed neural network control for adaptive synchronization of uncertain dynamical multi-agent systems”, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks & Learning Systems, 25(8): 1508-1519, 2014. (ESI高被引) Z. Peng, D. Wang*, and H. Zhang, “Cooperative tracking and estimation of linear multi-agent systems with a dynamic leader via iterative learning”, International Journal of Control, 87(6): 1163-1171, 2014 Z. Peng, D. Wang*, H. Zhang, G. Sun, and H. Wang, “Distributed model reference adaptive control for cooperative tracking of uncertain dynamical multi-agent systems”, IET Control Theory & Applications, 7(8): 1079-1087, 2013 H. Zhang*, F.L. Lewis, and Z. Qu, “Lyapunov, adaptive, and optimal design techniques for cooperative systems on directed communication graphs”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 59(7): 3026-3041, 2012 (ESI高被引) H. Zhang and F.L. Lewis*, “Adaptive cooperative tracking control of higher-order nonlinear systems with unknown dynamics,” Automatica, 48(7): 1432-1439, 2012. (ESI高被引,ESI热点论文) H. Zhang*, F.L. Lewis and A. Das, “Optimal design for synchronization of cooperative systems: state feedback, observer and output feedback,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 56(8): 1948-1952, 2011 (ESI高被引) 专著与章节 F.L. Lewis, H. Zhang, K. Hengster-Movric, and A. Das, Cooperative Control of Multi-Agent Systems: Optimal and Adaptive Design Approaches, Springer-Verlag, London, 2014. H. Zhang, J. Huang, and F.L. Lewis. “An improved method in receding horizon control with updating of terminal cost function”. In Kimon P. Valavanis, editor, Applications of Intelligent Control to Engineering Systems, pages 365-393. Springer, 2009. 罗翼, 张宏伟. PIC单片机应用系统开发典型实例. 北京: 中国电力出版社, 2005. 会议论文 X. Wang#, M. Guay, S. Wang and H. Zhang*, "Optimal output synchronization of heterogeneous discrete-time multi-agent systems", 2024 American Control Conference (ACC), Toronto, Canada, July 8-12, 2024, submitted X. Wang#, M. Guay, S. Wang and H. Zhang*, "Distributed dual-layer adaptive event-triggered formation tracking for quadrotor UAVs", 2024 American Control Conference (ACC), Toronto, Canada, July 8-12, 2024, submitted Q. Liu# and H. Zhang*, "Resilient control of DC microgrids against FDI attacks on communication links", 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, Dec. 13-15, 2023, accepted. Y. Meng#, L. Liu and H. Zhang*, "Constructing a virtual leader for sign consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems", 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, Dec. 13-15, 2023, accepted. H. Bai#, Z. Liu#, and H. Zhang*, "Power sharing and voltage deviation restriction for multi-bus DC microgrids", 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, Dec. 13-15, 2023, accepted. W. Chen#, L. Chen, J. Mei and H. Zhang, "Displacement-based formation control with measurement noises", 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, Dec. 13-15, 2023, accepted. H. Xie# and H. Zhang*, "Switching control of sub-fully actuated systems base on fully-actuated system approach", the 2023 Conference on Fully Actuated System Theory and Applications (CFASTA), Jul. 14-16, 2023, accepted. Y. Tang# and H. Zhang*, "A frequency-weighted leaky FXLMS algorithm with application to feedback active noise control systems", In: Proc. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2023), Rhodes Island, Greece, Jun. 2023, accepted. R. Liu#, Y. Tang# and H. Zhang*, "Deep clustering in complex domain for single-channel speech separation", In Proc. 17th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), Chengdu, Dec. 2022, 1463-1468. D. Zhou# and H. Zhang*, "Active noise control of axial-fan using singular spectrum analysis", In Proc. 17th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), Chengdu, Dec. 2022, pp: 876-880. Y. Meng#, S. Wang, S. Liu and H. Zhang*, "Sign consensus of heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems without an explicit leader", In Proc. 41th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Hefei, China, Jul. 2022, pp: 4717-4722. J. Liao# and H. Zhang*, "A classification method for imbalanced fault data based on graph convolutional network", In Proc. 41th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Hefei, China, Jul. 2022, pp: 7902-7907. (in Chinese) Y. Zhang#, H. Zhang* and H. Liu, "An Improved multiple sound source localization method using a uniform concentric circular microphone array", In: Proc. 11th International Conference on Intelligent and Information Processing (ICICIP), Dali, China, Dec. 2021. X. Ren# and H. Zhang*, "Active noise control without secondary path modeling: algorithm and implementation", In: Proc. 50th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-Noise), Washington, DC, Aug. 2021. Y. Tang# and H. Zhang*, "Robust active control of snoring noise", In: Proc. 49th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-Noise), Seoul, Korea, Aug. 2020. Z. Sun# and H. Zhang*, “Sign-consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems over switching graphs: an observer based approach”, In: Proc. IEEE 16th International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA), Sapporo, Japan, Oct. 2020, pp: 135-140. Z. Sun# and H. Zhang*, “Output sign-consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems: an observer-based approach”, In: Proc. 21st World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Berlin, Germany, Jul. 2020, pp: 3031-3036. H. Bai#, H. Zhang* and C. Li, “Voltage regulation and current sharing for multi-bus DC microgrids”, In: Proc. 21st World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Berlin, Germany, Jul. 2020, pp: 13201-13206. H. Jiang# and H. Zhang*, “Output sign-consensus of heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems”, In: Proc. 56th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), Hong Kong, China, Aug. 2019, pp.344-348. H. Jiang# and H. Zhang*, “Controllability of multi-agent systems over signed graphs”, In: Proc. 14th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), Xi’An, China, Jun. 2019, pp: 1011-1015. Y. Jiang#, H. Zhang*, and J. Chen, “Sign-consensus of multi-agent systems over signed graphs with intermittent communications”, In: Proc. 56th IEEE Conf. Decision Control (CDC), Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 2017, pp.5973-5977. Y. Jiang#, H. Zhang*, H. Cai, and J. Chen, “Sign-consensus of multi-agent systems over fast switching signed graphs”, In: Proc. 56th IEEE Conf. Decision Control (CDC), Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 2017, pp. 1993-1998. T. Yu#, L. Ma, H. Zhang*, and Y. Wang, “Adaptive bipartite tracking control of nonlinear multi-agent systems with unknown hysteresis”, In Proc. 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Toulouse, France, Jul. 2017, pp. 5681-5686. Y. Wang#, M. Cheng#, and H. Zhang*, "Output bipartite consensus of heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems under switching topologies", In Proc. 36th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Dalian, China, Jul. 2017, pp.8806-8810. Y. Jiang#, H. Zhang*, and J. Chen, “Sign-consensus of linear multi-agent systems over signed graphs using a fully distributed protocol”, In: Proc. 55th IEEE Conf. Decision Control (CDC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, Dec. 2016, pp: 3537-3541. Y. Jiang# and H. Zhang*, “Sign-consensus of linear multi-agent systems over signed graphs”, In: Proc. 35th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Chengdu, China, Jul. 2016, pp.8133-8137. M. Cheng#, H. Zhang*, and Y. Jiang#, “Output bipartite consensus of heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems”, In: Proc. 35th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Chengdu, China, Jul. 2016, pp.8287-8291. H. Zhang*, “Output feedback bipartite consensus and consensus of linear multi-agent systems”, In: Proc. 54th IEEE Conf. Decision Control (CDC), Osaka, Japan, Dec. 2015, pp. 1731-1735. H. Zhang* and J. Chen, “Bipartite consensus of general linear multi-agent systems”, In: Proc. American Control Conference (ACC), Portland, OR, USA, June, 2014, pp. 808-812. H. Zhang* and J. Chen, “Bipartite consensus of linear multi-agent systems over signed digraphs: an output feedback control approach”, In: Proc. 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Cape Town, South Africa, Aug. 2014, pp. 4681-4686. H. Zhang*. “Dynamic output feedback control of multi-agent systems over signed graphs”, In: Proc. 33rd Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Nanjing, China, Jul. 2014, pp.1327-1332. Z. Peng, D. Wang, and H. Zhang, “Distributed output feedback tracking control of uncertain nonlinear multi-agent systems with unknown input of leader”, In: Proc. 10th International Symposium on Neural Networks, Dalian, China, 2013, pp.11-18. Z. Peng, D. Wang, H. Zhang, and M. Peng, “Cooperative tracking of uncertain dynamical multi-agent systems: a distributed MRAC approach”, In: Proc. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems, Nanjing, China, 2013, pp. 343-348. Z. Peng, D. Wang, H. Zhang, “Distributed output feedback control for cooperative tracking of uncertain dynamical multi-agent systems with fast adaptation”, In: Proc. 32nd Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Xi'an, China, Jul. 2013, pp. 6820-6825. H. Zhang* and F.L. Lewis*, “Synchronization of networked higher-order nonlinear systems with unknown dynamics,” In: Proc. 49th IEEE Conf. Decision Control (CDC), Atlanta, GA, Dec. 2010, pp.7129-7134 H. Zhang*, J. Huang, and F.L. Lewis, “Updated terminal cost RHC for continuous-time systems,” In: Proc. 48th IEEE Conf. Decision Control (CDC), Shanghai, China, Dec. 2009, pp. 4056-4061. H. Zhang*, J. Huang, and F.L. Lewis, “Algorithm and stability of ATC receding horizon control,” In: Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. ADPRL, Nashville, TN, USA, Apr. 2009, pp. 28-35.


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