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教育经历 1995-1999 获工学博士学位(计算机科学),香港科技大学 1989-1992 获工学硕士学位(计算机科学),华中理工大学 1985-1989 获工学学士学位(计算机科学),西南交通大学 研究与工作经历 2008- 副教授、博导,哈工大深圳研究生院 计算机科学与技术学院 2000-2008 助理教授,南洋理工大学,新加坡 1999-2000 博士后, 华盛顿州立大学,美国 科研项目 2009 教育部留学人员科研基金 流媒体传输控制 2010 深圳市基础研究重点项目 分组交换网络中基于网络微积分的流媒体服务质量 2010 深圳重点实验室 物联网关键技术的研究与应用 参与 2014 自然科学基金“基于核学习的大型复杂数据挖掘理论与方法研究”子课题 2015 广东省认知无线网络中基于网络编码的路由技术 2017 深圳市 信息中心网络路由关键技术的研究及应用




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B. Li, Y. Qin, C. L. Gwee, C. P. Low.A Survey on Mobile Wimax. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2007, 45(12):70-75. ( SCI IF: 3.785 ) C. K. Siew, D. J. Xue, Y. Qin and J. Schmitt. Providing deterministic quality of service in slotted optical networks. OSA/Optical Express, 2006, 14(26):12679-12692. ( SCI IF: 3.587) Y. Qin, D. J. Xue, C. K. Siew.A virtual topology based traffic scheduling algorithm for slotted optical networks. OSA/Journal of Optical Networking, 2007, 6(2):166-179. (SCI IF: 1.079) Y. Qin, L. Mason and K. Jia. Studying of a joint multiple-layer restoration scheme for IP over WDM networks. IEEE Network Magazine, 2003,17(2):43-48. ( SCI IF: 3.871 ) K. C. How, M. Ma, Y. Qin. An altruistic differentiated service protocol in dynamic cognitive radio networks against selfish behaviors. Computer Networks 2012, 56(7): 2068-2079. (SCI, IF: 1.2). Y. Qin, S. Liu, J. Wang: A Random Ant-Like Unicast Routing Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Sensor Networks and Performance Evaluation. EURASIP J. Wireless Comm. and Networking, 2010: 1-7.(SCI, IF: 0.873) K. C. How, M. Ma, Y. Qin. Routing and QoS provisioning in cognitive radio networks. Computer Networks, 2011, 55(1): 330-342.(SCI, IF: 1.2) K. C. How, M. Ma, Y. Qin. A MAC-Layer QoS Provisioning Protocol for Cognitive Radio Networks. Wireless personal communication, 2012, 65:203-222.(SCI, IF: 0.458) Y. Qin*, L. Li, X. Zhong, Y. Yang and Y. Ye, “Opportunistic routing with admission control in wireless ad hoc networks”, Elsevier Computer Communications, vol. 55, pp. 32-40, 2015. (SCI IF: 2.099 JCR Q1) Y. Qin*, X. Zhong, H. Jiang and Y. Ye, "An environment aware epidemic spreading model and immune strategy in complex networks", Elsevier Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 261, pp. 206-215, 2015. (SCI IF: 1.345 JCR Q1) Y. Qin*, X. Zhong, Y. Yang, L. Li and Y. Ye, "Combined channel assignment and network coded opportunistic routing in cognitive radio networks", Elsevier Computers & Electrical Engineering, vol. 52, pp. 293-306, 2016. (SCI IF: 1.084 JCR Q3) Y. Qin*, L. Li, X. Zhong, Y. Yang and C. Gwee, "A Cross-Layer QoS Design with Energy and Traffic Balance Aware for Different Types of Traffic in MANETs", Springer Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 85, no. 3, pp. 1429-1449, 2015. (SCI IF: 0.701 JCR Q4) X. Zhong, Y. Qin* and L. Li, "TCPNC-DGSA: Efficient Network Coding Scheme for TCP in Multi-hop Cognitive Radio Networks", Springer Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 84, no. 2, pp. 1243-1263, 2015. (SCI IF: 0.701 JCR Q4) Y. Ye and Y. Qin*, "QR factorization based Incremental Extreme Learning Machine with growth of hidden nodes", Elsevier Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 65, pp. 177-183, 2015. (SCI IF: 1.586 JCR Q2) L. Li, Y. Qin* and X. Zhong, "A Novel Routing Scheme for Resource-Constraint Opportunistic Networks: A Cooperative Multiplayer Bargaining Game Approach", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 8, pp. 6547-6561, 2016. (SCI IF: 2.243 JCR Q1) Y. Qin*, X. Zhong, Y. Yang, L. Li and F. Wu, "TCPJGNC: A transport control protocol based on network coding for multi-hop cognitive radio networks", Elsevier Computer Communications, vol. 79, pp. 9-21, 2016. (SCI IF: 2.099 JCR Q1) Y. Qin*, W. Yang, Y. Ye and Y. Shi, "Analysis for TCP in data center networks: Outcast and Incast", Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 68, pp. 140-150, 2016. (SCI IF: 2.331 JCR Q1) 会议论文及发表演说 L. Zhao, Y. Qin, M. Ma, et al. QoS Guaranteed Resource Block Allocation Algorithm in LTE Downlink, IEEE CHINACOM 2012 (EI) (Best Student Paper Award). Y. Qin, X. Zhong, Z. Su, et al. A MAC Protocol based on Dynamic Time Adjusting in Wireless MIMO Networks, IEEE CHINACOM 2012(EI). Y. Qin, Y. Yang, G. C. Lim, et al. A Flow Admission Control Scheme for QoS in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE GLOBECOM 2012: 1-5 (EI). Y. Qin, X. Xu, Y. Yang, et al. Joint Generation Network Coding in Unreliable Wireless Networks. IEEE GLOBECOM 2011: 1-5 (EI). K. C. How, M. Ma, Y. Qin. A cross-layer selfishness Avoidance Routing Protocol for the dynamic Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops 2011: 942-946 (EI). K. C. How, M. Ma, Y. Qin. An Opportunistic Service Differentiation Routing Protocol for Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE GLOBECOM 2010: 1-5(EI). 秦阳, 许相台, 王鸿鹏. 一种基于网络编码的最优数据块规模求解方法, 2010年中国计算机大会, 2010:1-8. K. C. How, M. Ma, Y. Qin. A Cognitive Power Controlled Rate-Adaptive MAC Protocol to Support Differentiated Service in Wireless Mesh Networks, IEEE ICICS 2009 (EI). D. Xue, Y. Qin, C. K. Siew. Deterministic QoS Provisioning with Network Calculus Based Admission Control in WDM EPON Networks. IEEE ICC 2009 (EI). Y. Qin, D. Xue, Y. Jiang, et al. Network calculus and its applications in streaming media transmission. IEEE ICICS 2009 (EI). Y. Qin, K. L. Pang. A Fault-tolerance Cluster Head Based Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE VTC-Spring, Singapore, 11-14, May, 2008. Yang Qin*, Yao Shi, Qiwei Sun, Liqun Zhao, “Analysis for unfairness of TCP outcast problem in data center networks,” Proceedings of the 2013 25th International Teletraffic Congress, ITC 2013, September 2013, Pages 1-4. DOI:10.1109/ITC.2013.6662965. (EI) Yang Qin*, Xiaoxiong Zhong, Yuanyuan Yang, Yanlin Li, Li Li, “Joint channel assignment and opportunistic routing for maximizing throughput in cognitive radio networks,” 2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GL


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