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Alison's research spans several disciplinary areas, including chemistry, geology, environmental science, physical geography, palaeontology, ecology and archaeology, with the common aim of applying chemical techniques to gaining a better understanding of how climate and the environment function. Research projects include: The use of biomarkers and stable isotopes in cave sediments and speleothems to identify past changes in climate and the associated environmental response. The use of compound specific isotopes to identify ecosystem interactions such as carbon source or trophic level, and their response to environmental peturbations. Low abundance radiocarbon dating to resolve the timing of different source inputs to terrestrial palaeo-records. The development of new ways to measure isotopes in mammalian fossils, particularly micro-mammals.


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Baker, A., C. Jex, H. Rutlidge, M. Woltering, A. J. Blyth, M. Andersen, M. Cuthbert, C. Marjo, M. Markowska, G. Rau et al. 2016.“An irrigation experiment to compare soil, water and speleothem tetraether membrane lipid distributions.”Organic Geochemistry 94: 12-20. Blyth, A. J., D. Fuentes, S. George, and H. Volk. 2015.“Characterisation of organic inclusions in stalagmites using laser-ablation-micropyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.”Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 113: 454-463. Blyth, A. J., C. N. Jex, A. Baker, S. Khan, and S. Schouten. 2014.“Contrasting distributions of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) in speleothems and associated soils.”Organic Geochemistry 69: 1-10. Jex, C. N., G. H. Pate, A. J. Blyth, R. G. Spencer, P. J. Hernes, S. Khan, and A. Baker. 2014.“Lignin biogeochemistry: from modern processes to Quaternary archives.”Quaternary Science Reviews 87: 46-59. Blyth, A. J., and S. Schouten. 2013.“Calibrating the glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether temperature signal in speleothems.”Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 109: 312-328. Blyth, A. J., Y. Shutova, and C. Smith. 2013.“d13C analysis of bulk organic matter in speleothems using liquid chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry.”Organic Geochemistry 55: 22-25. Blyth, A. J., C. I. Smith, and R. N. Drysdale. 2013.“A new perspective on the d13C signal preserved in speleothems using LC–IRMS analysis of bulk organic matter and compound specific stable isotope analysis.”Quaternary Science Reviews 75: 143-149. Blyth, A. J., A. Baker, L. E. Thomas, and P. Van Calsteren. 2011.“A 2000-year lipid biomarker record preserved in a stalagmite from north-west Scotland.”Journal of Quaternary Science 26 (3): 326-334. Rabett, R., J. Appleby, A. J. Blyth, L. Farr, A. Gallou, T. Griffiths, J. Hawkes, D. Marcus, L. Marlow, M. Morley et al. 2011.“Inland shell midden site-formation: Investigation into a late Pleistocene to early Holocene midden from Tra`ng An, Northern Vietnam.”Quaternary International 239: 153-169. Blyth, A. J., J. S. Watson, J. Woodhead, and J. Hellstrom. 2010.“Organic compounds preserved in a 2.9 million year old stalagmite from the Nullarbor Plain, Australia.”Chemical Geology 279 (3-4): 101-105. Blyth, A. J., and J. S. Watson. 2009.“Thermochemolysis of organic matter preserved in stalagmites: A preliminary study.”Organic Geochemistry 40 (9): 1029-1031. Huang, X., J. Cui, Y. Pu, J. Huang, and A. J. Blyth. 2008.“Identifying ‘‘free” and ‘‘bound” lipid fractions in stalagmite samples: An example from Heshang Cave, Southern China.”Applied Geochemistry 23 (9): 2589-2595. Blyth, A. J., and S. Frisia. 2008.“Molecular Evidence for Bacterial Mediation of Calcite Formation in Cold High-Altitude Caves.”Geomicrobiology Journal 25 (2): 101-111. Blyth, A. J., A. Baker, M. J. Collins, K. Penkman, M. A. Gilmour, J. S. Moss, D. Genty, and R. N. Drysdale. 2008.“Molecular organic matter in speleothems and its potential as an environmental proxy.”Quaternary Science Reviews 27 (9-10): 905-921. Blyth, A. J., A. Asrat, A. Baker, P. Gulliver, M. Leng, and D. Genty. 2007.“A new approach to detecting vegetation and land-use change using high-resolution lipid biomarker records in stalagmites.”Quaternary Research 68 (3): 314-324. Blyth, A. J., P. Farrimond, and M. Jones. 2006.“An optimised method for the extraction and analysis of lipid biomarkers from stalagmites.”Organic Geochemistry 37 (8): 882-890. Blyth, A. J., A. Hartland, and A. Baker. 2016.“Organic proxies in speleothems – New developments, advantages and limitations.”Quaternary Science Reviews 149. In press. Blyth, A. J., C. Smith, and C. I. Smith. 2015. “Applications of Liquid Chromatography-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry in Geochemistry and Archaeological Science.” In Principles and Practice of Analytical Techniques in Geosciences, 313-323. UK: The Royal Society of Chemistry.
