Lipid metabolism and coronary heart disease and genetic influences involved.
Pleitropic effects of lipids and lipid modulators on diverse pathophysiological processes including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and immune responses.
Genetics of complex diseases.
Translational research in application of molecular genetics
Meshkini, M., F. Alaei-Shahmiri, C. D. Mamotte, and J. Earnest. 2016.“Ethnic Variation in Lipid Profile and Its Associations with Body Composition and Diet: Differences Between Iranians, Indians and Caucasians Living in Australia.”Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 18: 1-7.
Gardner, J., C. D. Mamotte, P. Patel, T. Yeoh, C. Jackaman, and D. J. Nelson. 2015.“Mesothelioma tumor cells modulate dendritic cell lipid content, phenotype and function.”PLoS One 10 (4): na-na.
Williams, R., A. Hooper, D. Bell, C. D. Mamotte, and J. Burnett. 2015.“Plasma cholesterol in adults with phenylketonuria.”Pathology 47 (2): 134-137.
Gardner, J., C. D. Mamotte, T. McGonigle, D. E. Dye, C. Jackaman, and D. J. Nelson. 2014.“Lipid-laden partially-activated plasmacytoid and CD4-CD8[alpha]+ dendritic cells accumulate in tissues in elderly mice.”Immunity & Ageing 11 (1).
Brestovac, B., L. A. Halicki, R. P. Harris, I. Sampson, D. Speers, C. D. Mamotte, and D. T. Williams. 2014.“Primary acute dengue and the deletion in chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5[delta]32).”Microbes and Infection 16: 215-521.
Mullin, B. H., C. D. Mamotte, R. L. Prince, and S. Wilson. 2014.“Influence of ARHGEF3 and RHOA Knockdown on ACTA2 and Other Genes in Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts.”PLoS ONE 9 (5).
Locke, D., W. Gibson, P. Moss, K. A. Munyard, C. D. Mamotte, and A. Wright. 2014.“Analysis of Meaningful Conditioned Pain Modulation Effect in a Pain-Free Adult Population.”The Journal of Pain 15 (11): 1190-1198.
Mullin, B. H., C. D. Mamotte, R. Prince, T. D. Spector, F. Dudbridge, and S. Wilson. 2013.“Conditional testing of multiple variants associated with bone mineral density in the FLNB gene region suggests that they represent a single association signal.”BMC Genetics 14 (107): 1-8.
Brestovac, B., M. E. Wong, R. Tjendera, P. Costantino, C. D. Mamotte, and C. S. Witt. 2013.“Human papillomavirus, high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia and killer immunoglogulin-like receptors: a Western Australian cohort study.”Infectious Agents and Cancer 8: 1-5.
Helmerhorst, E., D. J. Chandler, M. Nussio, and C. D. Mamotte. 2012.“Real-time and Label-free Bio-sensing of Molecular Interactions by Surface Plasmon Resonance: A Laboratory Medicine Perspective.”Clinical Biochemist Reviews 33: 161-173.
Rousseau, F., C. Lindsay, M. Charland, Y. Labelle, J. Bergeron, I. Blancquaert, R. Delage, B. Gilfix, M. Miron, G. A. Mitchell et al. 2010.“Development and description of GETT: a Genetic testing Evidence Tracking Tool.”Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 48 (10).
Payne, D. A., C. D. Mamotte, D. Gancberg, M. Pazzagli, R. van Schaik, H. Schimmel, and F. Rousseau. 2010.“Nucleic acid reference materials (NARMs): definitions and issues.”Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 48 (11): 1531-1535.
Mullin, B. H., R. Prince, C. D. Mamotte, T. D. Spector, D. Hart, F. Dudbridge, and S. Wilson. 2009.“Further genetic evidence suggesting a role for the RhoGTPase-RhoGEF pathway in osteoporosis.”Bone 45: 387-391.
Rousseau, F., D. Gancberg, H. Schimmel, M. Neumaier, A. Bureau, C. D. Mamotte, R. van Schaik, D. Payne, M. Pazzagli, and I. Young. 2009.“Considerations for the development of a reference method for sequencing of haploid DNA--an opinion paper on behalf of the IFCC Committee on Molecular Diagnostics, International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine.”Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 47 (11): 1343-1350.
Pocathikorn, A., R. R. Taylor, and C. D. Mamotte. 2009.“Atorvastatin increases low density lipoprotein receptor mRNA expression in human circulating mononuclear cells.”Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 37: 471-476.
Qin, J., C. D. Mamotte, N. E. Cockett, J. D. Wetherall, and D. M. Groth. 2008.“A map of the class III region of the sheep major histocompatibilty complex.”BMC Genomics 9 (409).
Williams, R. A., C. D. Mamotte, and J. R. Burnett. 2008.“Phenylketonuria: An Inborn Error of Phenylalanine Metabolism.”Clinical Biochemist Reviews 29: 31-41.
Hammond, E., C. Almeida, C. D. Mamotte, D. Nolan, E. Phillips, T. A. Schollaardt, M. J. Gill, J. B. Angel, D. Neurath, J. Li et al. 2007.“External quality assessment of HLA-B*5701 reporting: an international multicentre survey.”Antiviral Therapy 12: 1027-1032.
Pocathikorn, A., R. R. Taylor, I. James, and C. D. Mamotte. 2007.“LDL-Receptor mRNA Expression in Men Is Downregulated within an Hour of an Acute Fat Load and Is Influenced by Genetic Polymorphism.”Journal of Nutrition 137: 2062-2067.
Gillett, M. J., C. D. Mamotte, D. Ravine, and S. D. Vasikaran. 2007.“Directions for clinical practice improvement in HFE gene mutation testing.”Medical Journal of Australia 187 (6): 342-344.