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My research can be divided into four main areas; (1) population genetics Currently, I am supervising students involving in molecular genetics projects on the Noisy Scub Bird and the Western Swamp Tortoise. The aims of this research are: 1. Development and use of molecular tools for the analysis of population genetics in these endangered species. 2. Use of next generation sequencing to discover microsatellites to assist in the above aim. (2) Understanding the sheep major histocompatibility complex and other regions of the sheep genome and their role in sheep parasitic diseases. The aims of this research are: 1. To develop a single nucleotide polymorphism map of the sheep MHC. 2. Apply SNPs to identifying genes involved with IgA and IgE responses to gastrointestinal parasites. 3. Use the information gained as a model for human IgE responses and systems involved in parasite responses. 4. Comparative analysis of the MHC (3) The role of Corneodesmosin and other related desmosomal proteins in skin and hair/wool structure and their role in skin diseases and wool production traits Aims of this research are: 1. Understand the effects of variation in corneodesmosin and other proteins found in the corneodesmosome on their structure and function. 2. Understand the possible role of Corneodesmosin and other related proteins in the pathogenesis of human skin diseases such as psoriasis. (4) The molecular mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease. This work is in collaboration with Professor Ralph Martins from ECU. The research involves the construction of recombinant Baculoviral constructs and their use in determining the minimal gamma secretase complex required for amyloid-beta production.


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Porter, T., P. Bharadwaj, D. M. Groth, A. E. Paxman, S. Laws, R. Martins, and G. Verdile. 2016.“The Effects of Latrepirdine on Amyloid-ß Aggregation and Toxicity.”Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 50 (3): 895-905. Siva Subramaniam, N., E. Morgan, J. D. Wetherall, M. Stear, and D. M. Groth. 2015.“A comprehensive mapping of the structure and gene organisation in the sheep MHC class I region.”BMC Genomics 16 (1): 1-17. Galeotti, D., M. Castalanelli, D. M. Groth, C. Mccullough, and M. Lund. 2015.“Genotypic and morphological variation between Galaxiella nigrostriata (Galaxiidae) populations: Implications for conservation.”Marine and Freshwater Research 66 (2): 187-194. Schiefer, L., M. Visweswaran, V. Perumal, F. Arfuso, D. M. Groth, P. Newsholme, S. Warrier, and A. M. Dharmarajan. 2014.“Epigenetic regulation of the secreted frizzled-related protein family in human glioblastoma multiforme.”Cancer Gene Therapy 21: 297-303. Brestovac, B., M. Wong, P. Costantino, and D. M. Groth. 2014.“A Rapid DNA Extraction Method Suitable for Human Papillomavirus Detection.”Journal of Medical Virology 86 (4): 653-657. Castalanelli, M., R. J. Cunningham, M. B. Davis, D. M. Groth, and M. Grimm. 2013.“When genes go wild: highly variable internal transcibed spacer1 and conserved mitochondrial DNA haplotypes used to examine the genetic diversity and dispersal pathways of invasive Hylotrupes bajulus in Western Australia.”Agricultural and Forest Entomology 15: 236-244. Kennington, W. J., S. A. Cadee, O. Berry, D. M. Groth, M. S. Johnson, and R. Melville-Smith. 2013.“Maintenance of genetic variation and panmixia in the commercially exploited western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus).”Conservation Genetics 14 (1): 115-124. Kennington, W. J., O. Berry, D. M. Groth, M. S. Johnson, and R. Melville-Smith. 2013.“Spatial scales of genetic patchiness in the western rock lobster Panulirus cygnus.”Marine Ecology Progress Series 486: 213-221. Bharadwaj, P. R., K. A. Bates, T. Porter, E. Teimouri, G. Perry, J. W. Steele, S. Gandy, D. M. Groth, R. N. Martins, and G. Verdile. 2013.“Latrepirdine: molecular mechanisms underlying potential therapeutic roles in Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.”Translational Psychiatry 3: 1-9. Lee, C. Y., J. Qin, K. A. Munyard, N. Siva Subramaniam, J. D. Wetherall, M. Stear, and D. M. Groth. 2012.“Conserved haplotype blocks within the sheep MHC and low SNP heterozygosity in the Class IIa subregion.”Animal Genetics 43 (4): 429-437. Siva Subramaniam, N., E. Morgan, S. Bottomley, S. Tay, K. Gregg, C. Y. Lee, J. D. Wetherall, and D. M. Groth. 2012.“Predictive mutational bioinformatic analysis of variation in the skin and wool associated corneodesmosin (CDSN) gene in sheep.”Animal Science Journal 83 (5): 386-393. Ledger, J. M., I. Malecki, and D. M. Groth. 2012.“Characterization of tetra-nucleotide microsatellite loci in the ostrich (Struthio camelus).”British Poultry Science 53 (4): 460-464. Castalanelli, M., A. M. Baker, K. A. Munyard, M. Grimm, and D. M. Groth. 2012.“Molecular phylogeny supports the paraphyletic nature of the genus Trogoderma (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) collected in the Australasian ecozone.”Bulletin of Entomological Research 102: 17-28. Avdesh, A., M. T. Martin-Iverson, A. Mondal, M. Chen, S. Askraba, N. Morgan, M. Lardelli, D. M. Groth, G. Verdile, and R. N. Martins. 2012.“Evaluation of Color Preference in Zebrafish for Learning and Memory.”Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 28: 459-469. Avdesh, A., M. Chen, M. Martin-Iverson, A. Mondal, D. Ong, S. Rainey-Smith, K. Taddei, M. Lardelli, D. M. Groth, G. Verdile et al. 2012.“Regular care and maintenance of a zebrafish (Danio rerio) laboratory: an introduction.”Journal of Visualized Experiments (69). Castalanelli, M., K. Mikac, A. M. Baker, K. A. Munyard, M. Grimm, and D. M. Groth. 2011.“Multiple incursions and putative species revealed using a mitochondrial and nuclear phylogenetic approach to the Trogoderma variabile (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) trapping program in Australia.”Bulletin of Entomological Research 101 (3): 333-343. Lee, C. Y., K. A. Munyard, K. Gregg, J. D. Wetherall, M. Stear, and D. M. Groth. 2011.“The Influence of MHC and Immunoglobulins A and E on Host Resistance to Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Sheep.”Journal of Parasitology Research 2011. Qin, J., K. A. Munyard, C. Y. Lee, J. D. Wetherall, and D. M. Groth. 2011.“Characterization of the sheep Complement Factor B gene (CFB).”Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 140 (1-2): 170-174. Kennington, W. J., E. Levy, O. Berry, D. M. Groth, A. M. Waite, M. S. Johnson, and R. Melville-Smith. 2010.“Characterization of 18 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the western rock lobster Panulirus cygnus.”Conservation Genetics Resources 2 (Supplement 1): 389-391. Castalanelli, M., D. L. Severtson, C. J. Brumley, A. Szito, R. G. Foottit, M. Grimm, K. A. Munyard, and D. M. Groth. 2010.“A rapid non-destructive DNA extraction method for insects and other arthropods.”Journal of Asia Pacific Entomology 13 (3): 243-248.
