以第一完成人分获2019年贵州省自然科学成果三等奖、贵州省高校优秀自然科学三等奖,以第二完成人分获贵州省科技进步三等奖及贵州省医学会科技成果二等奖。主持国家自然科学基金等国家级课题3项,省级课题6项。已在国内外学术期刊发表论文100余篇,以第一或通讯作者在Sci Total Environ、Chemosphere、Environ Res等SCI知名期刊发表论文30篇,其中JCR 1区10篇。获批2项发明专利、19项实用新型专利授权。
近2年指导研究生以第一作者发表JCR 1区SCI文章3篇,JCR 2区2篇,主持省级课题1项,以第一发明人获批实用新型专利7项,4人次获得国家奖学金和省级三好学生。
(1). Jie Yu, Fangxu Tuo, Yu Yang, et al. Toxic effects of perinatal maternal exposure to nonylphenol on lung inflammation in male offspring rats.Science of the Total Environment.2020. DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139238.(IF: 5.589, JCR 1区)
(2). Jie Yu, Ya Luo, Jie Xu, et al. Effect of gestational and lactational nonylphenol exposure on airway inflammation in ovalbumin-induced asthmatic rat pups.Chemosphere.2020. 250: 126244.(IF: 5.108, JCR 1区)
(3). Xiangjun Fu, Renyi Zhang,Jie Yu(通讯作者), et al. The Association BetweenEnvironmental Endocrine Disruptors and Cardiovascular Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.Environmental Research. 2020. 186 (2020) 109464.(IF: 5.026, JCR 1区)
(4). Jie Yu, Weihong Xu, Shengnan Li, et al. Dynamic monitoring of depressive behavior induced by nonylphenol and its effect on synaptic plasticity in rats.Science of the Total Environment.2019. 689:1012–1022.(IF: 5.589, JCR 1区)
(5). Weihong Xu,Jie Yu(通讯作者), Xu Chen, et al. Depressive behavior induced by nonylphenol and its effect on the expression of ER-α and ER-β in nerve cells of rats.Journal of Affective Disorders,2020.263 (2020) 373–381(IF: 4.084, JCR 1区)
(6). Jie Yu, Kebin Li, Jie Xu. Indoor PM2.5 from coal combustion aggravates ovalbumin-induced asthmalike airway inflammation in BALB/c mice.Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol.2019. 317: 29–38.(IF: 4.06, JCR 1区)
(7). Yu Jie, Zaleha Md Isa, Noor Hassim*, et al. Urban vs. Rural Factors that Affect Adult Asthma.Rev Environ Contam T. 2013; 226:33-63.(IF: 4.125, JCR 1区)
(8). Xu Weihong,Yu Jie(通讯作者), Xu Jie, et al. The impact of subchronic low-dose exposure to nonylphenol on depression-like behaviors in high-sucrose and high-fat diet induced rats.Toxicology.2019. 414 (15): 27-34.(IF: 3.55, JCR 1区)
(9). Shixu Li, Xiangjun Fu,Yu Jie(通讯作者), et al. Correlation between indoor air pollution and adult respiratory health in Zunyi City in Southwest China: situation in two different seasons.BMC Public Health. 2019;19(1):1052.(IF: 2.567, JCR 2区)
(10)Jie Yu, Xuesong Yang, Mizhuan Li, et al. Protective effects of Chinese Fenggang zinc selenium tea on metabolic syndrome in high-sucrose-high-fat diet-induced obese rats.Scientific Reports.2018; 8: 3528.(IF: 4.011, JCR 1区)