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Mark's major research interests centre around parasitic diseases and the adaptations of parasites to invade and live in a host as well as the host's responses to the parasite. The outputs from this research have included new drugs/parasiticides, vaccine development and diagnsotic assays. Most recently his work has included analysis of iron binding proteins in mites and gastrointestinal nematodes; studies of the production of autoantibodies against host proteins in pigs during mange infections; differential analysis of RNA expression during the first hours of establishment of blowfly larvae on sheep skin.


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Flanagan, K.L., Morton, J.M., Sandeman, R.M., 2013, Prevalence of infestation with gastrointestinal nematodes in pony club horses in Victoria, Australian Veterinary Journal [E], vol 91, issue 6, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd, United Kingdom, pp. 241-245. Smith, J., Colditz, I., Piper, L., Sandeman, R., Dominik, S., 2008, Genetic resistance to growth of Lucilia cuprina larvae in Merino sheep, Animal Production Science [P], vol 48, CSIRO Publishing, Australia, pp. 1210-1216. Richards, K., Cotton, S., Sandeman, R., 2008, The use of detector dogs in the diagnosis of nematode infections in sheep feces, Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research [P], vol 3, Elsevier Inc, United States, pp. 25-31. Duncan, A., Ren, H., Bound, F., Tully, J., Chandler, D., Sandeman, R., 2006, Assessment of novel inhibitors of Helicoverpa aminopeptidases as anti-insect agents, Pest Management Science [P], vol 62, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, United Kingdom, pp. 1098-1108. Zalunardo, M., Cargill, C., Sandeman, R., 2006, Identification of auto-antigens in skin scrapings from scabies-infected pigs, International Journal for Parasitology [P], vol 36, Elsevier Ltd, United Kingdom, pp. 1133-1141. Piedrafita, D., Parsons, J.C., Sandeman, R., Wood, P., Estuningsih, S., Partoutomo, S., Spithill, T.W., 2001, Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity to newly excysted juvenile Fasciola hepatica in vitro is mediated by reactive nitrogen intermediates, Parasite Immunology, vol 23, issue 9, Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford England, pp. 473-482. Piedrafita, D., Spithill, T.W., Dalton, J.P., Brindley, P.J., Sandeman, M.R., Wood, P.R., Parsons, J.C., 2000, Juvenile Fasciola hepatica are resistant to killing in vitro by free radicals compared with larvae of Schistosoma mansoni, Parasite Immunology, vol 22 issue 6, Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford UK, pp. 287-295. Wilson, L.R., Good, R.T., Panaccio, M., Wijffels, G.L., Sandeman, R.M., Spithill, T.W., 1998, Fasciola hepatica : Characterization and cloning of the major cathespin B protease secreted by newly excysten juvenile liver fluke, Experimental Parasitology, vol 88, Academic Press, San Diego California USA, pp. 85-94. Richards, K., McDonagh, M., Sandeman, R., 2010, Differential production of excreted and secreted proteins by first instar L. Cuprina, ICOPA X11; Conference Abstracts International Congress of Parasitology, 15 August 2010 to 20 August 2010, ICOPA, Australia, p. 575. Duong, M., Grant, W., Sandeman, R., 2010, Identification of gene expression in sheep blowfly, Lucilia Cuprina, larvae during establishment on the skin, ICOPA X11; Conference Abstracts International Congress of Parasitology, 15 August 2010 to 20 August 2010, ICOPA, Australia, p. 734. Toet, H., Holt, D., Walton, S., Grant, W., Sandeman, R., 2010, Iron-binding proteins of the mite Sarcoptes Scabiei and their implication in infection, ICOPA X11; Conference Abstracts International Congress of Parasitology, 15 August 2010 to 20 August 2010, ICOPA, Australia, p. 1225. Ritchie, W., Grant, W., Zawadzki, J., Sandeman, R., 2010, Isolation of Haemonchus Contortus Glutathione S-transferase genes, ICOPA X11; Conference Abstracts International Congress of Parasitology, 15 August 2010 to 20 August 2010, ICOPA, Australia, p. 1285.
