Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond for High-Performance Detection of Vacuum Ultraviolet, Extreme Ultraviolet, and X‑rays
Correlative Light-Electron Microscopy of Lipid-Encapsulated Fluorescent Nanodiamonds for Nanometric Localization of Cell Surface Antigens
Far-UV Excited Luminescence of Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers: Evidence for Diamonds in Space
Fluorescent Nanodiamonds Enable Quantitative Tracking of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Miniature Pigs
Measuring Nanoscale Thermostability of Cell Membranes with Single Gold-Diamond Nanohybrids
Fluorescent Nanodiamond: A Versatile Tool for Long-Term Cell Tracking, Super-Resolution Imaging, and Nanoscale Temperature Sensing
Gold/Diamond Nanohybrids for Quantum Sensing Applications
Pei-Chang Tsai,1 Oliver Y. Chen,1 Yan-Kai Tzeng,1 Yuen Yung Hui,1 Jiun You Guo,2 Chih-Che
Time-Resolved Luminescence Nanothermometry with Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Nanodiamonds
Tracking the Engraftment and Regenerative Capabilities of Transplanted Lung Stem Cells Using Fluorescent Nanodiamonds
Patents (14)
B.-M. Cheng, J.-I. Lo, H.-C. Lu, and H.-C. Chang (2018), “螢光氮空缺鑽石感測片、其製造方法與使用方法、感應器、及微影設備 (Fluorescent nitrogen-vacancy diamond (FNVD) sensing sheet, manufacturing method and uses thereof, sensor, and lithography apparatus),” ROC Patent Application 108131410.
H.-C. Chang, F.-J. Hsieh, and Y.-W. Chen (2017), “Encapsulated functionalized diamond crystal,” US Patent Application US20180340938A1.
H.-C. Chang, F.-J. Hsieh, and Y.-W. Chen (2017), “包覆式功能化鑽石晶體(Encapsulated functionalized diamond crystal),” ROC Patent Application, TW-201907959-A.
C.-H. Chen, W.-P. Peng, M.-L. Chu, H.-C. Chang, and H.-C. Lin (2015), “Bioparticle ionization with pressure controlled discharge for mass spectrometry,” US Patent 8,963,075.
H.-C. Chang, W. Fann, and C.-C. Han (2012), “Luminescent diamond particles,” US Patent 8,168,413.
H.-C. Chang and C.-H. Chen (2010), “Acoustic desorption mass spectrometry,” US Patent 7,645,987.
H.-C. Chang and C.-H. Chen (2008), “聲波脫附質譜儀 (Acoustic desorption mass spectrometry),” ROC Patent I292,822.
C.-C. Han, H.-C. Chang, S.-C. Lee, and W.-H. Chen (2007), “Clinical applications of crystalline diamond particles,” US Patent 7,326,837.
H.-C. Chang and C.-C. Han (2007), “鑽石微晶粒在生物科技上之應用 (Diamond crystallites for biotechnological applications),” ROC Patent I262,310.
H.-C. Chang and J. W. Ting (2007), “Biological whole cell mass spectrometer,” US Patent 7,161,147.
H.-C. Chang, W.-P. Peng, and Y. Cai (2006), “探測奈米粒子之方法及其裝置 (Device of detecting nanoparticle and method of the same),” ROC Patent I257,705.
H.-C. Chang, W.-P. Peng, and Y. Cai (2006), “Nanoparticle ion detection,” US Patent 7,119,331.
H.-C. Chang, W.-P. Peng, Y. Cai, and S.-J. Kuo (2006), “音頻離子阱單粒子質譜儀 (Audio-frequency single-particle ion trap mass spectrometer),” ROC Patent I250,278.
H.-C. Chang, W.-P. Peng, Y. Cai, and S.-J. Kuo (2004), “Ion trap mass spectrometer,” US Patent 6,777,673.
Conference Proceedings (7)
S. Sotoma*, F.-J. Hsieh, Y.-W. Chen, J. Chen, K. Wardhani, P.-C. Tsai, and H.-C. Chang*, “Characterization and applications of fluorescent nanodiamonds surface-coated with photo-crosslinked lipids,” Proc. SPIE 10547, 1054704 (2018) (8pp).
H.-C. Chang*, “Diamonds in space: A brief history and recent laboratory studies,” J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 728, 062004 (2016) (6pp).
T. Zhang, H. Cui, C.-Y. Fang, J. Jo, X. Yang, H.-C. Chang, and M. L. Forrest*, “In vivo photoacoustic imaging of breast cancer tumor with HER2-targeted nanodiamonds,” Proc. SPIE 8815, 881504 (2013) (9pp).
Y. Kuo, T.-Y. Hsu, Y.-C. Wu, J.-H. Hsu*, and H.-C. Chang*, “Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy of nanodiamonds in vivo,” Proc. SPIE 8635, 863503 (2013) (7pp).
X. L. Le, A.-M. Lepagnol-Bestel, M.-P. Adam, A. Thomas, G. Dantelle, C.-C. Chang, N. Mohan, H.-C. Chang, F. Treussart*, and M. Simonneau, “Fluorescent diamond nanoparticle as a probe of intracellular traffic in primary neurons in culture,” Proc. SPIE 8232, 823203 (2012) (6pp).
C.-C. Chang, B. Zhang, C.-Y. Li, C.-C. Hsieh, G. Duclos, F. Treussart, and H.-C. Chang*, “Exploring cytoplasmic dynamics in zebrafish yolk cells by single particle tracking of fluorescent nanodiamonds,” Proc. SPIE 8272, 827205 (2012) (8pp).
N. Mohan, B. Zhang, C.-C. Chang, L. Yang, C.-S. Chen, C.-Y. Fang, H.-H. Hsieh, C.-Y. Cho, Y.-C. Wu, J.-H. Weng, B.-c. Chung, and H.-C. Chang*, “Fluorescent nanodiamond − A novel nanomaterial for in vivo applications,” MRS Proc. 1362, 25−35 (2011).
Book Chapters (12)
C. P. Epperla, H.-H. Lin, and H.-C. Chang, “Nanodiamonds and their biological applications,” in Carbon Nanostructures for Bio-Medical Applications, eds. T. Da Ros, N. Martin, and J.-F. Nierengarten (RSC, 2021), 257–292.
Y. Y. Hui, O. Y. Chen, H.-C. Chang, and M.-C. Su, in 21st Century Nanoscience – A Handbook: Exotic Nanostructures and Quantum Systems (Volume Five), ed. K. D. Sattler (CRC Press, 2020), Chap. 26, 26-1–26-18.
W. W.-W. Hsiao, H.-H. Lin, and H.-C. Chang, “Diamond nanoparticles for drug delivery and monitoring,” in Carbon-Based Nanosensor Technology, Springer Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, ed. C. Kranz (Springer, 2019), 17: 119–140.
B.-M. Chang, D. Ho, and H.-C. Chang, “Biomarkers and drug delivery applications,” in Nanodiamonds: Advanced Material Analysis, Properties and Applications, ed. J.-C. Arnault (Elsevier, 2017), Chap. 16, pp. 403–417.
Y. Y. Hui, C.-A. Cheng, O. Y. Chen, and H.-C. Chang, “Bioimaging and quantum sensing using NV centers in diamond nanoparticles,” in Carbon Nanoparticles and Nanostructures, Carbon Nanostructures, eds. N. Yang, X. Jiang, and D.-W. Pang (Springer, 2016), pp. 109–137.
W. W.-W. Hsiao, H.-H. Lin, F.-J. Hsieh, and H.-C. Chang, “Surface-modified nanodiamonds,” in Carbon Nanomaterials Sourcebook: Graphene, Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Nanodiamonds, Vol. I, ed. K. D. Sattler (CRC Press, 2016), Chap. 22, pp. 517–533.
V. Vaijayanthimala, C. P. Epperla, and H.-C. Chang, “Nanodiamonds,” in Nanoparticles for Biotherapeutic Delivery, Vol. 2, eds. J. D. Ramsey and M. L. Forrest (Future Science, 2015), Chap. 11, pp. 30–42.
N. Mohan and H.-C. Chang, “Fluorescent nanodiamonds and their prospects in bioimaging,” in Optical Engineering of Diamond, eds. R. Mildren and J. Rabeau (Wiley, 2013), Chap. 13, pp. 445–471.
V. Vaijayanthimala, Y. Y. Hui, and H.-C. Chang, “Nanodiamonds for bioimaging and therapeutic applications,” in The Nanobiotechnology Handbook, ed. Y. Xie (CRC Press, 2012), Chap. 25, pp. 537–563.
W. K. Liu, A. Adnan, A. Kopacz, M. Hallikainen, D. Ho, R. Lam, J. Lee, T. Belytschko, G. Schatz, Y. Tzeng, Y.-J. Kim, S. Baik, M. K. Kim, T. Kim, J. Lee, E.-S. Hwang, S. Im, E. Osawa, A. Barnard, H.-C. Chang, and C.-C. Chang, “Design of nanodiamond based drug delivery patch for cancer therapeutics and imaging applications,” in Nanodiamonds: Applications in Biology and Nanoscale Medicine, ed. D. Ho (Springer, 2009), Chap. 12, pp. 249–284.
H.-C. Chang, “Development and use of fluorescent nanodiamonds as cellular markers,” in Nanodiamonds: Applications in Biology and Nanoscale Medicine, ed. D. Ho (Springer, 2009), Chap. 6, pp. 127–150.
C. Su, H.-C. Chang, J.-K. Wang, and J.-C. Lin, “Hydrogen chemistry on diamond surfaces: Adsorption, desorption, and vibrational spectroscopy,” in Handbook of Surfaces and Interfaces of Materials, Vol. 2, ed. H. S. Nalwa (Academic Press, 2001), Chap. 8, pp. 315–355.
H.-C. Chang, W. W.-W. Hsiao, and M.-C. Su, Fluorescent Nanodiamonds, Wiley (2019) (296pp).
H.-C. Lu*, J.-I. Lo, Y.-C. Peng, S.-L. Chou, B.-M. Cheng*, and H.-C. Chang*, “Nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond for high-performance detection of vacuum ultraviolet, extreme ultraviolet and X-rays,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12, 3847−3853 (2020).
F.-J. Hsieh, Y.-W. Chen, Y.-K. Huang, H.-M. Lee, C.-H. Lin, and H.-C. Chang*, “Correlative light-electron microscopy of lipid-encapsulated fluorescent nanodiamonds for nanometric localization of cell surface antigens,” Anal. Chem. 90, 1566–1571 (2018).
H.-C. Lu*, S.-L. Chou, Y.-C. Peng, J.-I. Lo, B.-M. Cheng*, and H.-C. Chang*, “Far-UV excited luminescence of nitrogen-vacancy centers: Evidence for diamonds in space,” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 56, 14469–14473 (2017).
L.-J. Su, M.-H. Wu, Y. Y. Hui, B.-M. Chang, L. Pan, P.-J. Hsu, Y.-T. Chen, H.-N. Ho, Y.-H. Huang, T.-Y. Ling*, H.-H. Hsu*, and H.-C. Chang*, “Fluorescent nanodiamonds enable quantitative tracking of human mesenchymal stem cells in miniature pigs,” Sci. Rep. 7, 45607 (2017) (11pp).
P.-C. Tsai, C. P. Epperla, J.-S. Huang, O. Y. Chen, C.-C. Wu, and H.-C. Chang*, “Measuring nanoscale thermostability of cell membranes with single gold-diamond nanohybrids,” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 56, 3025–3030 (2017).
W. W.-W. Hsiao, Y. Y. Hui, P.-C. Tsai, and H.-C. Chang*, “Fluorescent nanodiamond: A versatile tool for long-term cell tracking, super-resolution imaging, and nanoscale temperature sensing,” Acc. Chem. Res. 49, 400–407 (2016).
Y.-K. Tzeng, P.-C. Tsai, H.-Y. Liu, O. Y. Chen, H. Hsu, F.-G. Yee, M.-S. Chang*, and H.-C. Chang*, “Time-resolved luminescence nanothermometry with nitrogen-vacancy centers in nanodiamonds,” Nano Lett. 15, 3945–3952 (2015).
T.-J. Wu, Y.-K. Tzeng, W.-W. Chang, C.-A. Cheng, Y. Kuo, C.-H. Chien, H.-C. Chang*, and J. Yu*, “Tracking the engraftment and regenerative capabilities of transplanted lung stem cells using fluorescent nanodiamonds,” Nat. Nanotechnol. 8, 682–689 (2013).
V. Vaijayanthimala, P.-Y. Cheng, S.-H. Yeh, K.-K. Liu, C.-H. Hsiao*, J.-I. Chao*, and H.-C. Chang*, “The long-term stability and biocompatibility of fluorescent nanodiamond as an in vivo contrast agent,” Biomaterials 33, 7794–7802 (2012).
H.-C. Chang, W. Fann, and C.-C. Han, “Luminescent diamond particles,” US Patent 8,168,413 (2012).
Y.-K. Tzeng, O. Faklaris, B.-M. Chang, Y. Kuo, J.-H. Hsu, and H.-C. Chang*, “Superresolution imaging of albumin-conjugated fluorescent nanodiamonds in cells by stimulated emission depletion,” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 50, 2262–2265 (2011).
N. Mohan, C.-S. Chen, H.-H. Hsieh, Y.-C. Wu*, and H.-C. Chang*, “In vivo imaging and toxicity assessments of fluorescent nanodiamonds in Caenorhabditis elegans,” Nano Lett. 10, 3692–3699 (2010).
H.-C. Chang*, “Ultrahigh-mass mass spectrometry of single biomolecules and bioparticles,” Annu. Rev. Anal. Chem. 2, 169–185 (2009).
Y.-R. Chang, H.-Y. Lee, K. Chen, C.-C. Chang, D.-S. Tsai, C.-C. Fu, T.-S. Lim, Y.-K. Tzeng, C.-Y. Fang, C.-C. Han, H.-C. Chang*, and W. Fann*, “Mass production and dynamic imaging of fluorescent nanodiamonds,” Nat. Nanotechnol. 3, 284–288 (2008).
C.-C. Fu, H.-Y. Lee, K. Chen, T.-S. Lim, H.-Y. Wu, P.-K. Lin, P.-K. Wei, P.-H. Tsao, H.-C. Chang*, and W. Fann*, “Characterization and application of single fluorescent nanodiamonds as cellular biomarkers,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104, 727–732 (2007).
Z. X. Nie, Y.-K. Tzeng, H.-C. Chang*, C.-C. Chiu, C.-Y. Chang, C.-M. Chang, and M.-H. Tao, “Microscopy-based mass measurement of a single whole virus in a cylindrical ion trap,” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 45, 8131–8134 (2006).
S.-J. Yu, M.-W. Kang, H.-C. Chang*, K.-M. Chen, and Y.-C. Yu, “Bright fluorescent nanodiamonds: No photobleaching and low cytotoxicity,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 17604–17605 (2005).
X. L. Kong, L. C. L. Huang, C.-M. Hsu, W.-H. Chen, C.-C. Han, and H.-C. Chang*, “High-affinity capture of proteins by diamond nanoparticles for mass spectrometric analysis,” Anal. Chem. 77, 259–265 (2005).
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