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[1] Li, Juanyong.,Qu, Wendi.,Han, Guangxuan.,Lu, Feng.,Zhou, Yingfeng.,...&Eller, Franziska.(2020).Effects of Drying-Rewetting Frequency on Vertical and Lateral Loss of Soil Organic Carbon in a Tidal Salt Marsh.WETLANDS. [2] Guan, B,Xie, BH,Yang, SS,Hou, AX,Chen, M,&Han, GX.(2019).Effects of five years' nitrogen deposition on soil properties and plant growth in a salinized reed wetland of the Yellow River Delta.ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING,136,160-166. [3] Xie BH.(2019).Effects of mechanical and chemical control on invasive Spartina alterniflora in the Yellow River Delta, China.PeerJ,7,7:e7655 DOI 10.7717/peerj.7655. [4] 乔沛阳,王安东,谢宝华,等. 除草剂对黄河三角洲入侵植物互花米草的影响[J]. 生态学报,2019,39(15):5627⁃5634. [5] Wu, DM.,Horn, MA.,Behrendt, T.,Muller, S.,Li, JS.,...&Sorgel, M.(2019).Soil HONO emissions at high moisture content are driven by microbial nitrate reduction to nitrite: tackling the HONO puzzle.ISME JOURNAL,13(7),1688-1699. [6] 谢宝华,韩广轩. 外来入侵种互花米草防治研究进展[J]. 应用生态学报,2018,29(10):3464-3476. [7] Yao, Zhisheng.,Zheng, Xunhua.,Liu, Chunyan.,Wang, Rui.,Xie, Baohua.,...&Yao, Zhisheng.(2018).Stand age amplifies greenhouse gas and NO releases following conversion of rice paddy to tea plantations in subtropical China.AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY,248,386-396. [8] 张俪文,赵亚杰,王安东,等. 黄河三角洲互花米草的遗传变异和扩散[J]. 湿地科学,2018,16(1):1-8. [9] Xie, BH.,Gu, JX.,Yu, JB.,Han, GX.,Zheng, XH.,...&Lin, HT.(2017).Effects of N Fertilizer Application on Soil N2O Emissions and CH4 Uptake: A Two-Year Study in an Apple Orchard in Eastern China.ATMOSPHERE,8(10),181. [10] Xiao Leilei.,Xie Baohua.,Liu Jinchao.,Zhang Hongxia.,Han Guangxuan.,...&Wang, OM .(2017).Stimulation of long-term ammonium nitrogen deposition on methanogenesis by Methanocellaceae in a coastal wetland.SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,595,337-343. [11] Li, Tingting.,Raivonen, Maarit.,Alekseychik, Pavel.,Aurela, Mika.,Lohila, Annalea.,...&zhw@mail.iap.ac.cn.(2016).Importance of vegetation classes in modeling CH4 emissions from boreal and subarctic wetlands in Finland.SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,572,1111-1122. [12] Li, TT.,Xie, BH.,Wang, GC.,Zhang, W.,Zhang, Q.,...&bhxie@yic.ac.cn.(2016).Field-scale simulation of methane emissions from coastal wetlands in China using an improved version of CH4MOD(wetland).SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,559(.),256-267. [13] Han, Guangxuan.,Xing, Qinghui.,Yu, Junbao.,Luo, Yiqi.,Li, Dejun.,...&jbyu@yic.ac.cn.(2014).Agricultural reclamation effects on ecosystem CO2 exchange of a coastal wetland in the Yellow River Delta.AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT,196,187-198. [14] Wei, Ke,Xu, Ting,Du, Zhencai,Gong, Hainan,Xie, Baohua,&Wei, K .(2014).How well do the current state-of-the-art CMIP5 models characterise the climatology of the East Asian winter monsoon?.CLIMATE DYNAMICS,43(5-6),1241-1255. [15] Yu, Junbao,Qu, Fanzhu,Wu, Huifeng,Meng, Ling,Du, Siyao,&Xie, Baohua.(2014).Soil Phosphorus Forms and Profile Distributions in the Tidal River Network Region in the Yellow River Delta Estuary.SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL. [16] Xie, Baohua.,Yu, Junbao.,Zheng, Xunhua.,Qu, Fanzhu.,Xu, Yu.,...&Yu, JB .(2014).N2O Emissions from an Apple Orchard in the Coastal Area of Bohai Bay, China.SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL,.,164732. [17] Xie, BH.,Zhou, ZX.,Mei, BL.,Zheng, XH.,Dong, HB.,...&Zhu, JG.(2012).Influences of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE), nitrogen fertilizer and crop residue incorporation on CH4 emissions from irrigated rice fields.NUTRIENT CYCLING IN AGROECOSYSTEMS,93(3),373-385.
