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学习经历:   1994.9-1999.7 中国科技大学 物理系本科   1999.9-2002.7 中国科技大学 微电子学硕士   2002.9-2005.7 中国科技大学天体物理中心 天体物理博士 工作经历:   2008.1—2013.04 中国科技大学天文系 副教授   【其中2010.4-2011.12 美国卡耐基天文台 访问学者】   2013.5—今 云南天文台 研究员 承担科研项目:   01/2015---12/2018 Chinese NSF grant (No.11473062) for “Intermediate-Mass Black Holes at the Center of Galaxies”



Observational evidence for finding black holes (including `seed' SMBHs, IMBHs, ...); Coevolution of massive black holes and galaxies (including major/minor mergers, fueling and accretion processes in galactic nuclei, dynamically/structurally secular evolution, ...); The dark matter problem (including theoretical investigations and numerical simulations of galactic dynamics); Statistical astronomy, high-performance computing.


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Wen-Juan Liu, Lei Qian, Xiao-Bo Dong, et al. 2016, submitted to ApJ, A Ringed Dwarf LINER 1 Galaxy Hosting an Intermediate-mass Black Hole with Large-scale Rotation- like Halpha Emission 2. Pan, Hai-Wu; Yuan, Weimin; Zhou, Xin-Lin; Dong, Xiao-Bo; Liu, Bifang 2015, ApJ, 808, 163, On the Black Hole Mass—X-Ray Excess Variance Scaling Relation for Active Galactic Nuclei in the Low-mass Regime 3. Yuan, W.; Zhou, H.; Dou, L.; Dong, X.-B.; Fan, X.; Wang, T.-G. 2014, ApJ, 782, 55, Chandra and MMT Observations of Low-mass Black Hole Active Galactic Nuclei Accreting at Low Rates in Dwarf Galaxies 4. Jiang, Ning; Ho, Luis C.; Dong, Xiao-Bo; Yang, Huan; Wang, Junxian 2013, ApJ, 770, 3, UM 625 Revisited: Multiwavelength Study of A Seyfert 1 Galaxy with a Low-mass Black Hole 5. Ho, Luis C.; Goldoni, Paolo; Dong, Xiao-Bo; Greene, Jenny E.; Ponti, Gabriele 2012, ApJ, 754, 11, Simultaneous Ultraviolet and Optical Emission-line Profiles of Quasars: Implications for Black Hole Mass Determination 6. Dong, Xiao-Bo; Ho, Luis C.; Yuan, Weimin; et al. 2012, ApJ, 755, 167, A Uniformly Selected Sample of Low-mass Black Holes in Seyfert 1 Galaxies
