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主要从事智能农业装备技术和显微成像光谱分析研究,主持国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金、国家科技支撑计划、863计划项目、浙江省科技计划和省自然科学基金项目等多项国家、省部级和国际合作项目的研究,在农业工程学科TOP期刊等国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文80余篇,获授权专利等知识产权10余项。入选浙江省151人才支持计划,目前担任浙江大学智能农业装备研究所副所长。 教学与课程 本科生:《农业与生物系统工程导论》、《生物系统装备工程》、《农业机械与设备》 研究生:《生物图像采集与处理技术》、《人工智能与专家系统》、《农业与生物系统工程学》 科研 在研项目: 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61573309,淀粉粒微结构数字图像表征及其分子构象变化的显微光谱解析,2016.01-2019.12,主持 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61873231,化学成像与二维相关协同机制下种子冻害特征分析与识别,2019.01-2022.12,主持 国家重点研发计划项目课题,2017YFD0700205,典型农机装备制造过程质量检测信息平台建立与分析应用,2017.7-2020.12,主持 国家重点研发计划项目,2018YFD0700905,水产品自动剥制及分级技术装备研发与示范,2018.6-2020.12,参加 招生信息 博士后、科研助理招聘1-2名 一、博士后招聘条件及要求 1.在国内外知名高校或研究院所获得或即将获得农业与生物系统工程、农学种子、计算机科学、生物物理、分析化学、信息科学等相关专业博士学位。具备生命科学、化学工程、材料科学、计算机数学等有关学科背景,并有兴趣与农业工程进行交叉研究。 2.具备较强的科研创新能力、独立思考能力、团队协作精神,有流利的英语写作表达能力,在SCI期刊曾以第一作者发表高水平学术论文。 二、个人待遇及职业 1.工资及福利待遇按浙江大学有关规定从优执行。另外,课题组将视受聘人员工作业绩另发奖励。 2.可申请租住学校提供的单身或者家庭式博士后公寓。 3.人事关系转入浙江大学的学科博士后进站连续从事博士后研究工作3年及以上者,可申报浙江大学高级专业技术职务。 4.鼓励和支持博士后研究人员出国(境)参加高水平国际学术交流。 5.符合条件的优秀博士后欢迎申报2019年博士后创新人才支持计划,获资助者应发年薪为25万元。 三、联系方式 申请者请提供最新个人简历,以及推荐者姓名和联系方式,主题请注明“博士后应聘”或“科研助理应聘”。




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Limin Dai, Jun Zhang, Fang Cheng*. 2019. Effects of starches from different botanical sources and modification methods on physicochemical properties of starch-based edible films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 132:897-905 Limin Dai, Jun Zhang, fang Cheng*. 2018. Succeeded starch nanocrystals preparation combining heat-moisture treatment with acid hydrolysis. Food Chemistry, 278: 350-356 Dai Limin, Li Changwei, Zhang Jun, Cheng Fang*. 2018. Preparation and characterization of starch nanocrystals combining ball milling with acid hydrolysis. Carbohydrate Polymers, 180:122-127 Liu Zihao, Cheng Fang*, Zhang Wei. 2017. Recognition-based image segmentation of touching pairs of cooked shrimp (Penaeus Orientalis) using improved pruning algorithm for quality measurement. Journal of Food Engineering, 195:166-181 Liu Zihao, Cheng Fang*, Zhang Wei. 2016. A novel segmentation algorithm for clustered flexional agricultural products based on image analysis. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 126:44-54 Liu Zihao, Cheng Fang*, Hong Hanmei. 2016. Identification of impurities in fresh shrimp using improved majority scheme-based classifier. Food Analytical Methods, 9(11):3133-3142 Yang Xiaoling, Hong Hanmei, You, Zhaohong, Cheng, Fang*. 2015. Spectral and image integrated analysis of hyperspectral data for waxy corn seed variety classification. Sensors, 15(7):15578-15594 You Zhaohong, Zhuo Liling, Yang Xiaoling, Hong Hanmei, Liu Zihao, Gong Zhaoyong, Cheng Fang*. 2015. Food research applications of two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 50(10):840-858 Liu Dongli, Wellner Nikolaus, Parker Mary L., Morris Victor J., Cheng Fang*. 2015. In situ mapping of the effect of additional mutations on starch granule structure in amylose-extender (ae) maize kernels. Carbohydrate Polymers, 118(1):199-208 You Zhaohong, Cheng Fang*. 2014. The development of infrared microspectroscopy (IMS) and its applications in agricultural and aquatic products. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 49(1):83-96 Hong Hanmei, Yang Xiaoling, You Zhaohong, Cheng Fang*. 2014. Visual quality detection of aquatic products using machine vision. Aquacultural Engineering, 63:62–71 Liu Dongli, Parker Mary L., Wellner Nikolaus, Kirby Andrew R., Cross Kathryn, Morris Victor J., Cheng Fang*. 2013. Structural variability between starch granules in wild type and in ae high-amylose mutant maize kernels. Carbohydrate Polymers, 97(2): 458-468 Fengnong Chen, Yan Luo, Fang Cheng*. 2012. Unsound Kernel Identification Using Linear Colour Charge-coupled device. International Journal of Food Science Technology, 47(6):1272-1278 Yitao Liao, Yuxia Fan, Fang Cheng*. 2012. On-line prediction of pH values in fresh pork using visible/near-infrared spectroscopy with wavelet de-noising and variable selection methods. Journal of Food Engineering, 109(4):668-675 Dongli Liu, Fang Cheng*. 2011. Advances of research on structural characterization of agricultural products using atomic force microscopy. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 91(5):783-788 Yi-Tao Liao, Yu-Xia Fan, Fang Cheng*. 2010. On-line prediction of fresh pork quality using visible/near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Meat Science. 86: 901–907 Fang Cheng, Yibin Ying, Yanbin Li. 2006. Detection of Defects in Rice Seeds Using Machine Vision. Transactions of the ASABE. 49(6): 1929-1934
