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王俊,男,浙江大学教授、博士生导师。1999年破格晋升教授。 入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划、浙江省跨世纪学术带头人151人才工程(重点资助和第一层次)。2006年获中国农业机械发展贡献奖(2002-2006),国家精品课程“生物物料学”负责人(2007年)。 教学工作 生物物料学 农产品品质的无损检测 农产品加工工程 农业与生物系统工程新技术专题 工作研究项目 作为主持人或技术负责人项目,共40余项。部分项目有: 项目名称 项目来源 起止年度 瓜菜田间生产智能化关键技术与装备研究 国家863计划(2012AA10A504) 2012-2015 基于电子鼻技术的水稻虫害早期识别与诊断 国家863计划(2006AA10Z212) 2006-2010 秸秆收获机械特性共性技术研究-压缩成型 国家863计划(2009AA043603) 2009-2011 基于电子鼻的农产品品质检测方法与检测系统的研究 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-04-0544) 2005-2007 基于电子鼻的谷物品质检测研究 浙江省“151”人才工程(第一层次与重点资助) 2000-2004 外界因子对果蔬质热传递的影响及微观机理 国家自然科学基金(39700084) 1998-2000 桃梨果实各向受载物理特性及品质检测 国家自然科学基金(30170533) 2002-2004 γ射线辐射对湿稻谷加工特性和品质的影响及机理 国家自然科学基金(30471000) 2005-2005 茶叶香气品质的电子鼻评定机理研究测 国家自然科学基金(30571076) 2006-2006 禽蛋的声学特性及品质检测机理 国家自然科学基金*(30570449) 2006-2008 基于水稻挥发物早期虫害的电子鼻检测研究 国家自然科学基金(30771246) 2008-2010 肉品品质的电子鼻检测机理研究 国家自然科学基金(31071548) 2011-2013 研究成果 奖励成果 设施园艺育苗生产线的研制及其产业化 2009年浙江省科学技术二等奖 水稻播种机研发与应用 2010年浙江省科学技术二等奖 苗盘精密播种流水线的研制与产业化 2015年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)二等奖 水稻自动化育秧播种生产线关键技术与产业化 2014年获浙江省科技进步奖三等奖 多学科融合国际化拓展—生物系统工程专业创建与复合型创新人才培养的实践 国家教学成果一等奖,教育部 授权的国家发明专利 名称 专利号 水稻直播专用播种器 021267189 果实坚实度的检测方法及装置 03141601.2 可调整覆料量的基质覆料机 03141868.6 蔬菜花卉育苗精量气动播种装置 200410024917.1 穴盘育苗介质自动上料装置 200410025088.9 一种用于果蔬清洗机的推送和杂物收集装置 200410025401.9 食品剪切装置 200410053604.9 设施园艺移动式基质蒸汽消毒系统 200510049632.8 一种可延长小麦种子储藏时间的方法 200510049846.5 一种可延长稻谷种子储藏时间的方法 200510049845.0 穴盘基质滚筒式打穴装置 200610049804.6 钵苗移分机 200610050748.8 带式钵苗移分机 201010269430.5 一种水果成熟度预测方法 200610155208.6 基于USB接口的便携式电子鼻系统 200710067946.x 基质覆料淋水机中自动均匀淋水装置 200710069595.6 水稻盘播育秧系统种子自动补给与刮平装置 200710070631.0 气吸式水稻工厂化育秧盘播装置 200710070632.5 基质覆料淋水机的自动控制覆料装置 200710070633.X 水稻穴盘育秧中幅宽可调播种装置 200810060902.9 水稻穴盘育秧中可调填料装置 200810060901.4 一种利用挥发物的禽蛋新鲜度检测装置及方法 200810162639.4 一种利用挥发物的禽蛋蛋壳裂纹检测装置的检测方法 200810162641.1 一种扁形茶机压制加工中炒制手工作压力调节装置 201010145969.X 紫菜饼成形自动浇注装置 201010108282.9 紫菜饼自动挤压脱水装置 201010108273.X 紫菜饼气吹式自动蓬松装置 201010108278.2 一种蜂蜜蜜源的检测方法 201110252045.4 一种利用挥发物快速诊断作物病害的方法 201110203681.8 一种利用挥发物的农作物虫害诊断的检测方法 201110203682.2 温度可调液体识别与检测自动进样器 201110261851.8 壳类农产品品质的无损快速检测方法 201210250514.3 一种优化气敏传感器的电子鼻检测花生新鲜度条件的方法 201210250516.2 定性无损快速检测花生新鲜度的方法 201210250611.2 吸嘴式水稻育秧精量自动播种装置 201210137744.9 水稻育秧播种苗盘自动叠放装置 201210172485.3 蔬菜钵苗锥齿轮行星轮系栽植器 201210245003.2 蔬菜钵体行星轮系载植器 201210204605.3 蔬菜钵苗行星轮系栽植器 201210204605.3 微机控制中药材自动切片机 201210195977.4 击穗气吹式杂交水稻制种授粉机 201210281642.4 碰撞.气力式杂交水稻制种授粉机及其方法 201310168774.0 气流风送式杂交水稻制种授粉机及其方法 201310168816.0 电液控制悬装置 201210274893.X 背负式杂交水稻制种授粉机及其方法 201310168784.4 用于育苗播种生产线的上盘机械 201310191748.x 一种甘蓝类蔬菜的引正输送装置 201310096655.9 一种结球类蔬菜收获拔取装置 201310096413.X 一种结球类蔬菜收获机中切削后的输送与作业系统 201310188727.2 一种结球类蔬菜收获机的导向刷土装置 201310188971.9 一种结球类蔬菜收获机的输送切割装置 201310188981.2 甘蓝类蔬菜收获机的根夹输送装置及其方法 201310249013.8 甘蓝类蔬菜收获机的外包叶去叶装置及其方法 201310249036.9 甘蓝类蔬菜收获机及其方法 201310248988.9 一种球形果蔬坚实度的测量方法 201410269384.7 一种结球类蔬菜紧实度的测量装置 201410269387.0 自走式甘蓝收获机的地面自适应装置、方法及应用 201510361203.8 一种多方位整杆式甘蔗剥叶装置 201310223730.3 一种多方位甘蔗整秆式碎叶装置 201310223898.4 一种整秆式甘蔗收割后全方位叶剥叶装置 201310224318. 一种用于甘蔗收获整秆式排式的碎叶轮 201310224207.2 用于甘蔗收获的具有整体可拆装橡胶排的剥叶轮 201310224250.9 一种基于口感信息快速评定不同人参年限方法 201310299199.8 一种基于口感信息快速评定人参掺假西洋参的方法 201310300433.4 一种快速无损鉴别名贵药材年限的方法 201310300476.2 一种快速无损鉴别人参品质的方法 201310302133.x 一种快速检测羊肉掺假的方法 201310480488.8 一种味觉指纹图鉴别枸杞生产年份 201310480474.6 一种胡萝卜机械收获系统 201410652782.7 杂交水稻制种父本两行插秧专用分插机构 201310044012.x 手扶式杂交水稻制种父本插秧机及其方法 201410179459.2 物料表面精确控制的蔬菜微波干燥机与方法 201410331221.7 杂交水稻制种父本两行插秧机的动力传动装置及其方法 201410179458.8. 杂交水稻制种父本专用插秧机及其方法 201410179457.3 一种滚筒式蔬菜种子穴播精量播种装置 201510051467.3 苗盘苗移栽的电动机械爪 201510051090.1 自动补苗机械作业装置 201510051121.3 钵体蔬菜幼苗补苗机械手末端执行器 201510196118.0 杂交水稻父本插秧机动力传动装置 201510131400.0 一种链传动吊杯栽植器及其移栽方法 201510269349.X 聚吡咯/二氧化钛频率型薄膜QCM气敏传感器及其制备方法 201510095391.4 一种挤压式手剥山核桃破壳机 201510613352.9 一种基于电子鼻快速检测果汁中澄清剂的方法 201510226487.x 一种基于味觉指纹信息预测果汁中苯甲酸含量的方法 201510228898.2 一种基于嗅觉指纹图谱快速检测柑橘品质的方法 201510226657.4 一种基于嗅觉指纹信息快速检测超高压果汁品质的方法 201510227416.1 一种基于嗅觉指纹信息预测果汁中澄清剂含量的方法 201510227350.6 一种食品检测电子舌专用的循环水浴恒温槽 201510741376.2 一种用于饮料检测的自动电子舌设备 201610065274.8 一种基于电子鼻的茶树机械损伤程度的预测方法 201610016439.2 一种基于电子鼻的快速预测茶树受害虫取食时间的方法 201610016866.0 一种基于电子鼻的快速预测茶树受害虫入侵程度的方法 201610018005.6 一种基于电子鼻的不同新鲜度山核桃的快速鉴别方法 201610072271.7 一种基于电子鼻快速预测山核桃脂肪酸含量的方法 201610071566.2 一种气相色谱质谱联用测定山核桃脂肪酸含量的方法 201610074100.8 奖励荣誉 入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划和浙江省跨世纪学术带头人“151人才工程(重点资助和第一层次)”。2006年获中国农业机械发展贡献奖(2002-2006),国家精品课程“生物物料学”负责人(2007年)。




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第一作者和通讯作者发表的SCI收录论文 论文题目 发表刊物 发表日期 Modeling simultaneous heat and mass transfer for microwave drying on apple Drying technology 1999, 17 (9): 1927-1934 Drying Characteristics of Irradiated Apple slices Journal of Food Engineering 2002, 52(1): 83-88 Anisotropic relaxation properties of pear Bio-systems Engineering 2003, 85(1): 59-65 Effect of 60Co Irradiation on Drying Characteristics of Apple Journal of Food Engineering 2003, 56(4): 347-351 Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Quality of Dried Potato Radiation physics and chemistry 2003, 66(4): 293-297 Anisotropic relaxation properties of pear Bio-systems Engineering 2003, 85(1): 59-65 Dynamic Characteristics of Intact pear Transaction of the ASAE 2004, 47(1): 141-145 Microwave drying characteristics of potato and the effect of different microwave powers on the dried quality of potato European Food Research and Technology 2004, 219(5): 500-506 Pear dynamic characteristics and firmness detection European Food Research and Technology 2004, 218 (3): 289-294 Relationship between dynamic resonance frequency and egg physical properties Food Research International 2004, (37) : 45–50 Modeling of Muti-layer Far-Infrared Dryer Drying technology 2004, 22(4): 809-820 Mechanical Properties of Pear as Function of Location and Orientation International Journal of Food Properties 2004, 7(1): 155-164 The effect of gamma-ray irradiation on the drying characteristics and final quality of dried potato slices International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2005, (1)40 (1): 75-82 Impulse response of pear fruit and its relation to Magness-Taylor firmness during storage Postharvest Biology and Technology 2005, 35(2): 209-215 Eggshell crack detection by dynamic frequency analysis European Food Research and Technology 2005, 221 (1-2): 214-220 Drying characteristics and drying quality of carrot using a two stage microwave process Journal of Food Engineering 2005, 68(4 ):505-511 Effect of gamma irradiation pre-treatment on drying characteristics and qualities of rice Radiation Physics, Radiation Chemistry 2005, 74 (5): 378-383 Detection of adulteration in camellia seed oil and sesame oil using an electronic nose European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 2006, 108 (2): 116-124 The firmness detection by excitation dynamic characteristics for peach Food Control 2006, 17 (5): 353-358 Effect of γ-ray irradiation on drying characteristics of wheat Biosystems Engineering 2006, 95 (2), 219-225 Firmness evaluation by drop impact characteristics for peach International Journal of Food Properties 2006, 9 (3): 439-451 Modeling equilibrium moisture content of gamma-ray irradiated rough rice Drying Technology 2006, 24 (5): 671-676 Electronic nose technique potential monitoring mandarin maturity Sensors and Actuators B 2006, 113 (1): 347-353 J Far-infrared and microwave drying of peach LWT-Food Science and Technology 2006, 39 (3): 247-255 Evaluation of tomato maturity by electronic nose Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2006, 54(1):44-52 Monitoring storage shelf live of tomato using electronic nose technique Journal of Food Engineering 2008, 85(4): 625-631, l Discrimination of storage shelf-life for mandarin by electronic nose technique LWT-food science and technology 2007, 40 (4): 681-689 A Single Layer Model Far-infrared Radiation Drying of Onion Drying technology 2002, 22 (10): 1941-1953 Effect of gamma-ray irradiation on starch granule structure and physicochemical properties of rice Food Research International 2007, 40(2), 297-303 Discrimination of Longjing green-tea grade by electronic nose Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 2007, 122(1):134-140 Quality grade identification of green tea using E-nose by CA and ANN lwt-Food Science and Technology 2008,41(7): 1268-1273 Evaluation of peach quality indices using an electronic nose by MLR, QPST and BP network Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2008, 134(1) :332-338 Identification of green tea grade using different feature of response signal from E-nose sensor Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 2008, 128(2): 455-461, 15 January Detection of age and insect damage incurred by wheat, with an electronic nose Journal of Stored Products Research 2007, 43 (4): 489-495 Technique potential for classification of honey by electronic tongue Journal of Food Engineering 2009,94(3-4):260–266 Identification of adulterated milk using electronic nose Sensors and Materials 2007, 19 (5): 275-285 Predictions of acidity, soluble solids and firmness of pears using electronic nose technique Journal of Food Engineering 2008, 86 (3) :370–378 Optimization of sensor array and detection of stored duration of wheat by electronic nose Journal of Food Engineering 2007, 82(4): 403-408 Prediction of soluble solids content, firmness and pH of pear by signals of electronic nose sensors Analytica Chimica Acta 2008, 606(1): 112-118 Electronic Nose Technique Potential Monitoring for Storage Time and Quality Attribute of Egg Analytica Chimica Acta 2009, 650(2): 183-188 Detection of antibiotic residues in bovine milk by a voltammetric electronic tongue system Analytica Chimica Acta 2011,694 (1-2) : 46-56 Combustion characteristics of a diesel engine operated with diesel and burning oil of biomass Renewable Energy 2006, 31 (7): 1025-1032 J The Steady-state Sinusoidal Dynamic Behavior of Peach and Pear Bio-systems Engineering 2004, 87(4): 463-469 Variations in firmness and sugar content in 'Huanghua' pear (Pyrus pyrifolia 'Nakai') Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 2005, 80 (3): 307-312 Evaluation of pear firmness by dynamic characterictics of drop impact Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2007, 87 (8): 1449-1454 Acoustic impulse response for measuring the firmness of mandarin during storage Journal of Food Quality 2006, 29 (4):392-404 Effect of gamma-irradiation treatment before drying on qualities of dried rice Journal of Food Engineering 2007, 78(2): 529-536 Microwave drying characteristics and dried quality of pumpkin International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2007, 42 (2): 148-156 Quality grade identification of green tea using the eigenvalues of PCA based on the E-nose signals Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2009,140 (2): 378-382 Effect of gamma-ray irradiation on the physicochemical properties of flour and starch granule structure for wheat International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2009,44 (4): 674-680 Firmness of mandarin at different picking dates Food Science and Technology International 2006, 12 (4): 273-279 Effect of gamma-ray irradiation on Modeling equilibrium moisture content of wheat Journal of Food Science 2007, 72(8): E405- E 411 Oil from biomass corncob tar as a fuel Energy conversion and management 2007, 48 (5): 1751-1757 MAY Mandarin Ripeness Monitoring and Quality Attribute Evaluation Using an Electronic Nose Technique Transaction of the ASABE 2007, 50(6): 2137-2142 Discrimination of Xihulongjing tea grade using electronic tongue African Journal of Biotechnology 2009, 8(24): 6985-6992 DEC 15 Evaluation of peach quality attribute using an electronic nose Sensors and Materials 2009, 21(8): 419-431 Discrimination of storage age for wheat by e-nose Transaction of the ASABE 2008, 51(5): 1707-1712 Electronic-nose technique: potential for monitoring maturity and shelf life of tomatoes New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 2007,50(5):1219-1228 Identification of stored-grain age using electronic nose by ANN Applied Engineering in Agriculture 2008, 24, (2): 227-231: MAR Firmness and sugar content of shangfen peach European Journal of Horticultural Science 2006, 71 (4): 165-168 AUG Drying characteristics and drying quality of kidney beans using a two-stage microwave process Journal of Food Process Engineering 2008 ,31 (3): 413-430. JUN ~ Physical and Physicochemical Properties of Wheat Fractionated by Wheat Kernel Thickness and Separated by Kernel Specific Density Cereal Chemistry 2008, 85(4):534–543 Relationship between ultra-weak bioluminescence and vigour or irradiation dose of irradiated wheat Luminescence 2009, 24(4): 209-212 Evaluation of tomato quality during storage by acoustic impulse response Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 2009, 33 (s1) :356–370 Identification of tea storage times by linear discrimination analysis and back-propagation neural network techniques based on the eigenvalues of principal components analysis of e-nose sensor signals Sensors 2009, 9(10): 8073-8082 Inactivation of molds in rough rice and wheat by gamma irradiation Radiation physics and chemistry 2010, 79, 740–743 Classification of honeys from different floral and geographical origin based on rheometer Journal of Food Engineering 2010, 96(3):469-479 Detection of Eggshell Crack using Electronic Nose Transactions of the ASABE 2010, 53(3): 789-794 Pattern recognition of eggshell crack using PCA and LDA Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 2010,11(3): 520-525 A combination of marine yeast and food additive enhances preventive effects on postharvest decay of jujubes (Zizyphus jujuba) Food Chemistry 2011, 125(3):835-840 Effect of water activity on stress tolerance and biocontrol activity in antagonistic yeast Rhodosporidium paludigenum International Journal of Food Microbiology 2010, 143(3): 103-108 Discrimination of different types damage of rice plants by electronic nose Biosystems Engineering 2011,109(4): 250-257 Classification of monofloral honeys by voltammetric electronic tongue with chemometrics method Electrochimica Acta 2011, 56(13): 4907-4915 , Classification and prediction of rice wines with different marked ages by using a voltammetric electronic tongue Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2011, 26(12): 4767-4773 Detection of Insect Infestations in Paddy Field using an Electronic Nose International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 2011, 13(5): 707-712 Effect of gamma irradiation pretreatment on embryo structure and long-term germinating characteristics of rice seed International Agrophysics 2011, 25, 383-388 Effect of gamma irradiation on drying characteristic and quality of wheat Journal of Food Process Engineering 2011, 34 (6 ): 1805-1818 DEC Use of electronic nose technology for identifying rice infestation by Nilaparvata lugens SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL 2011,160(1): 15-21 Application of Electronic Nose and Statistical Analysis to Predict Quality Indices of Peach Food and Bioprocess Technology 2012, 5 (1): 65-72 Electronic tongue technique potential in monitoring quality of bottled water Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 2012,10 (1 ): 227-230 Discrimination and prediction of multiple beef freshness indexes based on electronic nose Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2012,161 (1 ): 381-389 JAN Effect of gamma-ray irradiation on the germinating characteristics of wheat seed Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2012, 81(4 ): 463-465 APR 2012 Identification of different wheat seeds by electronic nose International Agrophysics 2012,26,413-418 Electronic Tongue Coupled with Physicochemical Analysis for the Recognition of Orange Beverages Journal of Food Quality 2012,: 35(: 6): 429-441 Discrimination of different white chrysanthemum by electronic tongue Journal of Food Science and Technology 2013,50 (5): 986-992 Differentiation of mechanical damage of rice plant using e-nose Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing 2012,18(5):443-452 Discrimination of Storage Time for Pork Using Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS)-Type E-Nose Sensors and Materials 2013, 25(4) : 257-268 Voltammetric Electronic Tongue Monitor the Quality and Storage Time of Unsealed Pasteurized Milk Electrochimica Acta 2013,88 () 231– 239 Evaluation of varieties of set yogurts and their physical properties using a voltammetric electronic tongue based on various potential waveforms Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2013, 177 () 684– 694 Random forest for the classification with electronic tongue data: Application to the recognition of orange beverage and Chinese vinegar Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2013,177() 970– 980 Discrimination of preserved licorice apricot using electronic tongue Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2013,8(3-4): 737-745 The evaluation of sugar content and firmness of non-climacteric pears based on voltammetric electronic tongue Journal of Food Engineering 2013, 117(1): 158-164 Analysis of pork adulteration in minced mutton using electronic nose of metal oxide sensors Journal of Food Engineering 2013,: 119 (4 ): 744-749 Determination of Ginseng with Different Ages Using a Taste-Sensing System Sensors and materials 2013,25 (4 ) : 241-255 Related physicochemical properties to microstructure of hard and soft wheat grains with different kernel thickness and specific density Food Science and Technology International 2013, 19(5): 415-425 Detection of adulteration in cherry tomato juices based on electronic nose and tongue: Comparison of different data fusion approaches Journal of Food Engineering 2014, 126 (1): 89-97 Comparison of spectral clustering, K-clustering and hierarchical clustering for e-nose data: Application to the recognition of storage shelf life, adulteration and pretreatments of tomato juices Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 2014, 133 (15):17-24, Authenticating cherry tomato juices-Discussion of different data standardization and fusionapproaches based on electronic nose and tongue Food Research International 2014, 60 (SI ): 173-179 Discrimination and Characterization of Strawberry Juice Based on Electronic Nose and Tongue: Comparison of Different Juice Processing Approaches by LDA, PLSR, RF, and SVM Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2014,62 (27) : 6426-6434 Identification of Eggshell Crack using BPNN and GANN in Dynamic Frequency Analysis International Journal of Food Engineering 2014, 10 (2 ): 301-306 Application of e-nose and e-tongue to measure the freshness of cherry tomatoes squeezed for juice consumption Analytical Methods 2014, 6 (9): 3133-3138 Tracing floral and geographical origins of honeys by potentiometric and voltammetric electronic tongue Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2014, 108 (1): 112-122 Classification and regression of ELM, LVQ and SVM for E-nose data of strawberry juice JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING 2015, 144: 77-85 Qualification and quantisation of processed strawberry juice based on electronic nose and tongue LWT - Food Science and Technology 2015, 60 (1): 115-123 Qualitative and quantitative analysis on aroma characteristics of ginseng at different ages using E-nose and GC-MS combined with chemometrics Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 2015,102: 64-77 E-nose combined with chemometrics to trace tomato-juice quality Journal of Food Engineering 2015, 149: 38-43 Use of Electronic Nose and Tongue to Track Freshness of Cherry Tomatoes Squeezed for Juice Consumption: Comparison of Different Sensor Fusion Approaches Food and Bioprocess Technology 2015, 8 (1 ) : 158-170 Taste characteristics based quantitative and qualitative evaluation of ginseng adulteration Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2015,95 (7) : 1535-1543 . MAY 2015 Detecting internal quality of peanuts during storage using electronic nose responses combined with physicochemical methods Food Chemistry 2015 ,177 : 89-96 Taste Characterization for the Quality Assessment of Dried Lycium Fruits Journal of food quality 2015,38 ( 2 ) : 103-110 Comparison of semi-supervised and supervised approaches for classification of e-nose datasets: Case studies of tomato juices Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 2015,146 : 457-463 Analysis and test of splitting failure in the cutting process of cabbage root International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 2015, 8 (4): 27-34 Comparison of ELM, RF, and SVM on E-nose and E-tongue to trace the quality status of mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) Journal of food Engineering 2015 ,16(6 ): 193-203 Effects of storage temperature and time on internal quality of satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu marc.) by means of E-nose and E-tongue based on two-way MANOVA analysis and random forest Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 2015, 31 : 139-150 Application of Sensory Evaluation, HS-SPME GC-MS, E-Nose, and E-Tongue for Quality Detection in Citrus Fruits JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE 2015, 80(10): S2296-S2304 Fabrication and design of a toxic gas sensor based on polyaniline/titanium dioxide nanocomposite film by layer-by-layer self-assembly RSC Advancs 2015, 5(72), 58211–58219 The classification and prediction of green teas by electrochemical response data extraction and fusion approaches based on the combination of e-nose and e-tongue RSC Advances 2015,5 (129):106959-106970 Fabrication of a sensitive gas sensor based on PPy/TiO2 nanocomposites films by layer-by-layer self-assembly and its application in food storage Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2016, 233(5): 337–346 Fast determination of lycopene content and soluble solid content of cherry tomatoes using metal oxide sensors based electronic nose Acta Alimentaria 2016,45(2) :182-189 Internal quality detection of Chinese pecans (Carya cathayensis) during storage using electronic nose responses combined with physicochemical methods Postharvest Biology and Technology 2016, 118: 17-25 Research on mechanics properties of crop stalks: A review International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 2016, 9 (6 ): 10-19 Determination of the flavours and marked ages of rice wines using a taste sensing system combined with the Weber-Fechner law and chemometric methods Analytical Methods 2016, 8 ( 33) : 6361-6371 Differentiation of tomato seedlings with different mechanical damage severities using E-nose and GC-MS Transactions of the ASABE 2016, 59(5):1069-1078 A novel framework for analyzing MOS E-nose data based on voting theory: Application to evaluate the internal quality of Chinese pecans Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2017, 242 : 511-521 Discrimination of American ginseng and Asian ginseng using electronic nose and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry coupled with chemometrics Journal of Ginseng Research 2017,41(1): 85–95 Quality tracing of peanuts using an array of metal-oxide based gas sensors combined with chemometrics methods Postharvest Biology and Technology 2017, 128: 98-104 An optimization of the MOS electronic nose sensor array for the detection of Chinese pecan quality Journal of food Engineering 2017, 203 : 25-31 The prediction of food additives in the fruit juice based on electronic nose with chemometrics Food chemistry 2017, 230 : 208-214 Prediction of egg storage time and yolk index based on electronic nose combined with chemometric methods LWT - Food Science and Technology 2017, 82 : 369-376 Nickel and copper foam electrodes modified with graphene or carbon nanotubes for electrochemical identification of Chinese rice wines Microchim Acta 2017, 184 (9) : 3441-3451 Qualitative and quantitative analysis on fatty acid profiles of Chinese pecans (Carya cathayensis) during storage using electronic nose combined with chemometrics methods RSC Advances 2017, 7, 46461 Discrimination among tea plants either with different invasive severities or different invasive times using MOS electronic nose combined with a new feature extraction method Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2017, 143: 293-301 Assessment of high pressure processed mandarin juice in the headspace by using electronic nose and chemometric analysis Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2017, 42 : 33-41 Identification of the Rice Wines with Different Marked Ages by Electronic Nose Coupled with Smartphone and Cloud Storage Platform Sensors 2017, 17 (11): Monitoring the fermentation, post-ripeness and storage processes of set yogurt using voltammetricelectronic tongue Journal of food Engineering 2017, 203: 41-52 Fabrication of a sensor array based on quartz crystal microbalance and the application in egg shelf life evaluation Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2018, 265: 394-402 The measurement principles, working parameters and configurations of voltammetric electronic tongues and its applications for foodstuff analysis Journal of food Engineering 2018,217: 75-92


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