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杨燕,1979年10月出生,副教授,博士生导师。中组部国家万人计划青年拔尖人才、侯德封矿物岩石地球化学青年科学家奖获得者、浙江大学林百欣高科技奖获得者。 主要利用高温高压谱学、大数据等手段,研究地幔矿物学、矿物中的挥发分及其大气环境效应、矿物材料学。在《Earth and Planetary Science Letters》、《American Mineralogist》、《European Journal of Mineralogy》、《Physics and Chemistry of Minerals》等期刊发表论文20余篇。承担国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目和浙江省自然科学基金面上项目。指导的研究生多次获得国家奖学金、浙江大学三好研究生、优秀研究生等荣誉。 指导的博士生发表论文: 1.Wendi Liu,Yan Yang*,Qunke Xia,Yu Ye,Zhongping Wang,Peipei Zhang,Guowu Li.Water decreases displacive phase transition temperature in alkali feldspar.European Journal of Mineral.2018.DOI:10.1127/ejm/2018/0030-2775.SCI 2.Wendi Liu,Yan Yang*,Kongyang Zhu,Qunke Xia.Temperatue dependecnes of hydrous species in feldspars.Physics and Chemistry of Minerals.2018.DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s00269-018-0946-1.SCI 3.Wendi Liu,Yan Yang*,Vincent Busigny,Qunke Xia.Intimate link between ammonium loss of phengite and the deep Earht's water cycle.Earth and Planetary Science Letters.2019.513:95-102.SCI 4.Weihua Huang,Yan Yang*,Zeming Qi,Wendi Liu,Zhongping Wang,Qunke Xia,Yan Liu,Qunke Xia.Ammonium impacts on vibrations of hydroxyl and lattice of phengite at high temperature and high pressure.2020.Journal of Earth Science,https://doi.org/10.1007/s12583-020-1113-4.SCI 5.Weihua Huang,Yan Yang*,Anton Beran,Qunke Xia.High temperature behvior of ammonium and impacts on stabilities of feldspar.2020.In preparation for Chemical Geology.SCI 6.Jiaqi Sun,Yan Yang*,Jannick Ingrin,Zhongping Wang,Qunke Xia.Impact of fluorine on the breakdown of phlogopite:implications for fluorine and water cycling in subduction zones.2020.American Mineralogist,under review.SCI 指导的本科生待发表论文: Yang Jin,Yan Yang*,Wei Sun.Thermal stabilities of water in the mantle transition zone.2020.In preparation for American Mineralogist. 欢迎博士后和研究生加入进行矿物科学的研究! 1、主讲本科课程《现代分析技术》,80学时 侧重谱学原理及其常规矿物学应用。 2、主讲研究生课程《矿物谱学》,48学时 侧重高温高压谱学在矿物学研究中的应用及其对地球科学的意义。 3、合讲博士生课程《矿物学岩石学进展》 矿物中的挥发分 研究手段: 高温高压谱学、大数据 研究成果: 与美国科罗拉多大学的Joseph Smyth教授以及法国巴黎大学的Vincent Busigny教授、里尔大学的Jannick Ingrin教授合作,研究地球深部矿物中挥发分的循环机制和宏观效应。在地幔矿物中水的赋存和迁移机制、水对地幔热力学性质的影响、俯冲带氮、氟和水的迁移等方面开展了系列工作。 1.提出研究名义上无水矿物中氢的结合机制的新途径 该工作是利用原位变温红外光谱技术来研究NAMs中氢的结合机制的首次尝试,提供了一条研究NAMs中氢的结合机制的新途径。 2.发现了高温高压条件下氢在NAMs晶格中占位的迁移及其对NAMs晶格的影响 在原位高温高压下研究长石、单斜辉石和橄榄石中的氢,发现高温高压下氢在这些矿物晶格中发生迁移和重组,弥补了目前对NAMs中氢缺陷的认识主要是基于常温常压下的红外光谱的明显缺陷,为解释和预测水的宏观效应提供了新的依据。将NAMs中的氢和晶格在高温下的行为相结合,首次发现水能提高橄榄石的热容、降低碱性长石的位移相变温度,为认识地球深部的热力学函数和地壳地震波速提供了新的依据和参考。 3.揭示了高温高压下云母的脱氮动力学及其对俯冲带水迁移的影响 首次得出多硅白云母在俯冲温度下的脱氮速率和机制,首次把俯冲带氢和氮的循环联系起来。该研究不仅有助于评估俯冲温压条件下多硅白云母中氮的保存,而且揭示了氮对氢的行为的制约,为认识地球深部水循环提供了新的视角。 奖励荣誉 2016年中国矿物岩石地球化学学会“侯德封”青年科学家奖 2019年浙江大学林百科高科技奖 2020年中组部国家万人计划青年拔尖人才 学术交流(讲座报告) 2019西班牙巴塞罗那Goldschimidt大会口头报告 2018浙江工业大学化工学院讲座报告 2018中国北京中国地球科学联合学术年会邀请报告 2018澳大利亚墨尔本第22届国际矿物学大会口头报告 2018中国绵阳第八届全国矿物科学和矿物工程学术会议邀请报告/专题主持人 2017安徽青阳矿物物理和矿物结构专业委员会会议 2017中国北京中国地球科学联合学术年会口头报告 2017中国西安中国矿物岩石地球化学学会学术年会邀请报告 2016中国北京第七届全国矿物科学和矿物工程学术会议邀请报告 2016中国北京中国地球科学联合学术年会口头报告 2016日本横滨哥德斯密特大会口头报告 实验室介绍 红外光谱实验室 原位高温(室温-1300摄氏度)近-中红外光谱


地幔矿物学 矿物中的挥发分及其大气环境效应 矿物演化与地球历史 矿物材料学



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*代表通讯作者 21. Weihua Huang, Yan Yang*, Zeming Qi, Wendi Liu, Zhongping Wang, Qunke Xia, Yan Liu, Qunke Xia. 2020. Journal of Earth Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12583-020-1113-4. SCI 20.Yan Yang*, Jannic Ingrin, Wendi Liu, Weihua Huang, Xiaoyan Gu, Qunke Xia. Behaviour and origin of hydrogen defects in natural orthopyroxene during high-temperature processes. 2020. American Mineralogist, https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2021-7741. SCI 19.Yan Yang*, Wendi Liu, Zeming Qi, Zhongping Wang, Joe Smyth, Qunke Xia. Re-distribution of water sites in olivine at high temperature and pressure. 2019. American Mineralogist, 104: 878-889. SCI 18. Wendi Liu, Yan Yang*, Vincent Busigny, Qunke Xia. Intimate link between ammonium loss of phengite and the deep Earht's water cycle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2019. 513: 95-102. SCI 17. Dan Liu, Youwei Peng, Yu Ye, Zhenmin Jin, Joe Smyth, Yan Yang, Zengming Zhang, Zhongping Wang. In-situ high-temperature vibrational spectra for synthetic and natural clinohumite: Implications for dense hydrous magnesium silicates in subduction zones. American Mineralogist. 2019. 104: 53-63. SCI 16. Yan Yang*, Jannic Ingrin, Qunke, Xia, Wendi Liu. Nature of hydrogen defects in clinopyroxenes from room temperature up to 1000 oC:Implication for the preservation of hydrogen in the upper mantle and impact on electrical conductivity. American Mineralogist. 2019. 104: 79-93. SCI 15. Xiang Wang, Yu Ye, Xiang Wu, Joe Smyth, Yan Yang, Zengming Zhang, Zhongping Wang. High-temperature Raman and FTIR study of aragonite-group carbonates. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00269-018-0986-6. SCI 14. Yan Yang*, Qunke Xia, Wendi Liu. In situ infrared spectroscopic studies of hydrogen defects in clinopyroxenes up to 1000 ℃. Proceedings of XXII Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association. 2018. p. 393. Geological Society of Australia Inc. (国际会议摘要) 13. Wendi Liu, Yan Yang*, Qunke Xia, Yu Ye, Zhongping Wang, Peipei Zhang, Guowu Li. Water decreases displacive phase transition temperature in alkali feldspar. European Journal of Mineral. 2018. DOI: 10.1127/ejm/2018/0030-2775. SCI 12. Wendi Liu, Yan Yang*, Kongyang Zhu, Qunke Xia. Temperatue dependecnes of hydrous species in feldspars. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00269-018-0946-1. SCI 11. Yan Yang*, Vincent Busigny, Zhongping Wang, Qunke Xia. The fate of ammonium in phengite during high temperatures. American Mineralogist. 2017, doi: https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2017-6094 SCI 10. Yan Yang*, Zhongping Wang, Zhenzhen Tian, Qunke Xia, Guowu Li, High-temperature phase transition and local structure of a hydrous anorthoclase. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. 2016, 43: 111-118 SCI 9. Yan Yang*, Zhongping Wang, Joseph R Smyth, Jia Liu, Qunke Xia. Water effects on the anharmonic properties of forsterite. American Mineralogist. 2015, 100, 2185-2190 SCI 8. Yan Yang*, Qunke Xia, Peipei Zhang. Evolutions of OH groups in diopside and feldspars with temperature. 2014. European Journal of Mineral. 2015,27: 185-192 SCI 7. Yan Yang, Qunke Xia*, Min Feng, Shaochen Liu. OH in nature orthopyroxene: an in situ FTIR investigation at varying temperatures. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. 2012, 39: 413-418 SCI 6. Yan Yang, Qunke Xia*, Min Feng, Xiaoyan Gu. In situ FTIR investigations at varying temperatures on hydrous components in rutile. American Mineralogist. 2011, 96: 1851-1855 SCI 5. Yan Yang, Qunke Xia*, Min Feng, Peipei Zhang. Temperature dependence of IR absorption of OH species in clinopyroxene. American Mineralogist. 2010, 95: 1439-1443 SCI 4、杨燕. 名义上无水矿物的原位高温分子光谱. 矿物岩石地球化学通报. 2017, 36: 48-58. (综述) 3、杨燕, 夏群科, 冯敏. 名义上无水矿物中“水”的原位变温红外光谱研究. 岩石学报. 2011, 27: 566-578 SCI (综述) 2、杨燕, 夏群科, 李佩, 郝艳涛, 杨晓志. 辉石中结构羟基变温行为的红外光谱初步研究. 岩石矿物学杂志. 2007, 26(4): 335-339 1、杨燕, 夏群科, 李佩, 郝艳涛, 杨晓志. 单斜辉石中缺陷OH结合机理的变温红外光谱实验研究. 岩石矿物学杂志. 2007, 26 (5), 429-435


