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教育及工作经历 2001.9至今,浙江大学地球科学学院,教授,博导 2008.4 - 2008.8,澳大利亚墨尔本大学,访问学者 1999.9 - 2001.7,浙江大学,博士后 1996.9 - 1999.7,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,构造地质学专业,博士 1989.7 - 1996.9,江汉石油学院 ,副教授 1986.9 - 1989.7,西北大学,构造地质学专业,硕士 1982.7-1986.9,江汉石油学院 ,讲师 1978.9 - 1982.7,江汉石油学院,石油地质学专业,本科 教学与课程 《盆地分析》,研究生,主讲 《沉积学与岩相古地理》,本科大二,主讲 《沉积岩石学》,本科大二,主讲 奖励荣誉 1. 2017年浙江省自然科学二等奖,《阿尔金断裂新生代活动方式及其与柴达木盆地的耦合分析》,第一完成人。 科研 2018.7 - 2019.12,冀中坳陷北部重点潜山带多期构造叠合及演化特征研究(中国石油华北油田委托项目,主持) 2017.9 - 2018. 9, 鄂尔多斯盆地南缘构造特征及其成因机制(中国石油勘探开发研究院项目,主持) 2017.7 - 2018.7,库车东部侏罗系阿合组构造应力场解析与数值模拟(中国石油塔里木油田公司委托项目,主持) 2017.9 - 2018. 12, 柴达木盆地燕山构造运动对油气成藏的控制(青海油田企业委托项目,主持) 2017.9 - 2020.12 ,鄂尔多斯盆地克拉通盆地深层构造特征与控藏作用(国家科技重大专项,主持) 2016.1 - 2020.12,中国西部前陆褶皱冲断带多阶段演化过程与构造变形(国家科技重大专项,主持) 2016.7 - 2020.6,华北古陆中新元古代原型盆地及差异改造( 国家科技部,,主持) 2014. 1 - 2017. 12,青藏高原北缘库木库里-祁曼塔格-柴达木西南地区的新生代差异隆升过程及机制 (国家自然科学基金项目,主持) 2011.9 - 2015.12,复杂含油气盆地构造及其控油气作用(国家科技重大专项,主持) 2011.9 - 2015.12,中西部前陆盆地构造特征研究(国家科技重大专项,主持) 2011.11 - 2012. 5,鄂尔多斯盆地中西部地区古生代构造演化特征及其对奥陶系沉积层序发育的影响(中石油课题,主持) 2008.8-2010.1,柴达木盆地典型剖面解析(中石油课题,主持) 2009.9-2010.5,全球含油气盆地构造研究(中石油课题,主持) 2009.04-2009.07,四川盆地东缘构造特征及对油气聚集的影响(中石油课题,主持)


1. 盆地分析:主要研究中国含油气盆地(如柴达木、塔里木、鄂尔多斯、四川和渤海湾等盆地)的构造变形与沉积演化特征,在此基础上分析其成盆机制和油气勘探意义,研究方法包括地震数据解释、野外地质考察、沉积学分析、构造物理和数值模拟等。 2. 造山带与盆地构造耦合:重点关注祁连山、阿尔金山、昆仑山和秦岭等造山带与相邻沉积盆地之间的沉积、构造耦合分析,研究方法包括地震数据解释、野外地质考察、沉积分析、热年代学、物理和数值模拟等。 3. 盆地演化过程的石油地质学研究:重点关注中国大型含油气沉积盆地构造过程与油气富集的规律性研究,研究方法地震数据解释、数值模拟、油气富集区带的构造解析等。


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Cenozoic tilting history of the south slope of the Altyn Tagh as revealed by seismic profiling: Implications for the kinematics of the Altyn Tagh fault bounding the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau[J],GEOSPHERE,2016,12,884-899 Provenance evolution of the Jurassic northern Qaidam Basin (West China) and its geological implications: evidence from detrital zircon[J],International Journal of Earth Sciences,2017,1-14 Impact of wind erosion on detecting active tectonics from geomorphic indexes in extremely arid areas[J],GEOMORPHOLOGY,2014,39-54 Cenozoic fault systems in southwest Qaidam Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau: Geometry, temporal development, and significance for hydrocarbon accumulation[J],2014,AAPG,98(6),1213-1234 Cenozoic tectonic and sedimentary evolution of southern Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau and its implication for the rejuvenation of Eastern Kunlun Mountains[J],2014,Science China Earth Science,55(6): 926-939 Transition of tectonic stress field and hydrocarbon significance of the Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic in Xuanhan-Daxian region, northeastern Sichuan Basin[J],2013,ACTA PETROLEI SINICA,34(1),59-70 Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Northern Qaidam Basin, NW China: Implications for the earliest Cretaceous intracontinental tectonism[J],CRETACEOUS RESEARCH,2011,32(4),552-564 Construction and structural analysis of regional geological sections of the southern Daba Shan thrust-fold belts[J],ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA,2011,27(3),689-698 Structural analysis of the Micang Shan basement-involved thrust belt in the western edge of the Yangtze Block[J],ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA,2011,27(3),681-688 Distribution and origin of the Late Paleozoic-Mesozoic rift systems in the northern margin of the Yangtze block[J],ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA,2011,27(3),721-731 Basin-mountain system and tectonic coupling between Yangtze block and South Qinling orogen[J],ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA,2011,27(3),601-611 The spatial relationship of the Southern Tien Shan and Pamir of Western Kunlun thrust belts[J],Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of China University of Mining and Technology,2010,39(6),881-885 Unconformity in the Lower Triassic of Micangshan Area, northern Sichuan Province: Its discovery and significance.[J],ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA,2010,26(4),1313-1321 The unconformity in Miocene sequence of western Qaidam Basin and its tectonic significance[J],SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES,2010,53(8),1126-1133 Characteristics of late cretaceous faults of the eastern segment of the northern Qaidam basin, NW China[J],Mining Science and Technology (China),2009,19(1),108-114 Conceptual models for fracturing in fault related folds[J],Mining Science and Technology (China),2010,20(1),103-108
