张朋,浙江大学统计学教授,南开大学信息科学学士和金融硕士, 约克大学和滑铁卢大学统计硕士和博士。2006-2012年在阿尔伯塔大学数学和统计科学系任助理教授,加拿大统计学会会员。跨学科合作项目涵盖人工智能、生物医学、教育、金融等领域。主持自然科学基金面上项目,加拿大自然和工程科学基金项目2项。
Mao Ye,PENG ZHANG and Lizhen Nie(2018).“Clustering sparse binary data with hierarchical Bayesian Bernoulli mixture model.”Journal of Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,123(2018),32--49;
PENG ZHANG.simplexreg:An R Package for Regression Analysis of Proportional Data Using the Simplex Distribution,71,11:1-21.
Niu X,Li P and PENG ZHANG(2015).“Testing homogeneity in a scale mixture of normal distributions.”Statistical Papers,2015,2,1-18.
PENG ZHANG,Luo D,Li P,Sharpsten L and Medeiros F(2015).“Log-gamma linear mixed effects models for multiple outcomes with application to a longitudinal glaucoma study”.Biometrical Journal.57(2015)5,766–776.
PENG ZHANG,Liu J,Dong J,Holovati JL,Letcher B and McGann LE(2012).“A Bayesian adjustment for multiplicative measurement errors for a calibration problem with application to a stem cell study”Biometrics68:268-274.
Niu X,Li P and PENG ZHANG(2011).“Testing homogeneity in a multivariate mixture model”Canadian Journal of Statistics 39:218-238.
Browne J,Gill J,Dong J,Rose C,Johnston O,PENG ZHANG,Landsberg D and Gill J(2011).“The Impact of pancreas transplantation on kidney allograft survival”American Journal of Transplantation 11-9:1951-1958.
PENG ZHANG,Qiu Z,Fu Y and Song P X-K(2009).“Robust transformation mixed-effects models for longitudinal continuous proportional data”Canadian Journal of Statistics 37:266-281.
PENG ZHANG,Song P X-K,Qu A and Greene T(2008).“Efficient estimation for patient-specific rates of disease progression using non-normal linear mixed models”Biometrics 64:29-38.
Song P X-K,PENG ZHANG and Qu A(2007).”Maximum likelihood inference in robust linear mixed-effects models using multivariate t distributions”Statistica Sinica 17:929-943.
PENG ZHANG,Wang X and Song P X-K(2006).“Clustering categorical data based on distance vectors”.Journal of the American Statistical Association 101:355-367.