2015年05月至今, 浙江大学数学科学学院,教授;
2011年10月-2012年10月,Carnegie Mellon University,访问学者;
Improved formulations of the joint order batching and picker routing problem (IJOR 2023)被选为IJPR 2024 Top Trending Article;
Transfer learning in information criteria-based feature selection (JMLR 2022)被选为NeurIPS 2022 亮点论文;
IEEE,Senior Member (2012)。
迄今,已培养博士9名、硕士20名,就业涉及高校、IT、政府、互联网、金融等部门。在众多毕业生中,有2位博士毕业生毕业后直接入职世界名校---苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zürich,爱因斯坦的母校)博士后、1位在浙大控制学院做博士后。
Journal Paper
Yannian Kou, Qiuqiang Lin, Chuanhou Gao. ORIC: Feature interaction detection through online random interaction chains for click-through rate prediction. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, to appear.
Xiaopeng Shi, Chuanhou Gao, Denis Dochain. Controlling the occurrence sequence of reaction modules through biochemical relaxation oscillators. Automatica, to appear.
Xiaoyu Zhang, Chuanhou Gao, Denis Dochain. Network combination to persistence of high-dimensional delayed complex balanced mass-action systems. Automatica, to appear.
Jiusun Zeng, Cheng Lu, Le Yao, Yi Liu, Shihua Luo, Fei Wang, Chuanhou Gao. Robust stacked probabilistic latent variable model for fault isolation of dynamic process with outliers. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2024; 21(4): 6460-6472.
Sen Xue, Chuanhou Gao. Use statistical analysis to approximate integrated order batching problem. International Journal of Production Research, 2024; 62(12): 4349-4371.
陆思洁,范頔,渐令,郜传厚. 集成数据挖掘知识的可解释最优超球体支持向量机. 控制理论与应用, 2024; 41(3): 375-384.
Shaohan Chen, Zhou Fang, Sijie Lu, Chuanhou Gao. Efficacy of regularized multi-task learning based on SVM models. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2024; 54(3): 1339-1352.
Xiaoyu Zhang, Chuanhou Gao, Denis Dochain. On persistence of some W_I-endotactic chemical reaction networks. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2023; 68(12): 7420-7435.
Zhou Fang, Chuanhou Gao, Denis Dochain. Stochastic weak passivity for weakly stabilizing stochastic systems with nonvanishing noise. Systems & Control Letters, 2023; 180: 105606.
Kai Zhang, Chuanhou Gao. Improved formulations of the joint order batching and picker routing problem. International Journal of Production Research, 2023; 61(21): 7386-7409. 被IJPR评为2024年top trending ariticle! cons!
Zeyang Zhang, Chuanhou Gao, Jim Luedtke. New valid inequalities and formulations for the static joint chance-constrained lot-sizing problem. Mathematical Programming, 2023; 199(1-2): 639-669.
Qiuqiang Lin, Chuanhou Gao. Discovering categorical main and interaction effects based on association rule mining. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2023; 35(2): 1379-1390.
Xiaoyu Zhang, Zhou Fang, Chuanhou Gao, Denis Dochain. On the relation between $omega$-limit set and boundaries of mass-action chemical reaction networks. Automatica, 2023; 149: 110828.
Shaohan Chen, Chuanhou Gao, Ping Zhang. Incorporation of data-mined knowledge into black-box SVM for interpretability. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2023; 14(1):Article 6, 1-22.
Yafei Lu, Chuanhou Gao, Denis Dochain. Chemical reaction network decomposition technique for stability analysis. Automatica, 2022; 146: 110650.
Yafei Lu, Chuanhou Gao, Denis Dochain. Lyapunov function PDEs to the stability of some complex balancing derivative and compound networks. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2022; 67(10): 5026-5038.
Shaohan Chen, Nick Sahinidis, Chuanhou Gao. Transfer learning in information criteria-based feature selection. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2022; 23(134): 1-105. 受NeurIPS 2022 邀请到会宣读论文,并被选为Spotlight论文。
Yafei Lu, Zhou Fang, Chuanhou Gao, Denis Dochain. Noise-to-state exponentially stabilizing (state, input)-disturbed CSTRs with non-vanishing noise. Automatica, 2022; 142: 110387.
Zeyang Zhang, Yafei Lu, Xinjie Wang, Chuanying Cheng, Chuanhou Gao. A data-based compact high-order Volterra model for complex blast furnace system. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022; 18(9): 5827-5837.
Yuxuan Dong, Yan Yao, Jiusun Zeng, Shihua Luo, Chuanhou Gao. Isolation of over-temperature fault in an industrial boiler using tree-structured sparsity based reconstruction. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2022; 61(19): 6575-6586.
Tian Zhang, Chuanhou Gao. Stability with general decay rate of hybrid neutral stochastic pantograph differential equations driven by Levy noise. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, 2022; 27(7): 3725-3747.
Chuanhou Gao, Qiuqiang Lin, Jiasheng Ni, Wei Guo, Qihui Li. A non-uniform delay-coordinate embedding based multiscale predictor for blast furnace systems. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2021; 29(5): 2223-2230.
Xiaoyu Zhang, Chuanhou Gao. Persistence of delayed complex balanced chemical reaction networks. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2021; 66(4): 1658-1669.
Wei Chen, Jiusun Zeng, Xiaobin Xu, Shihua Luo, Chuanhou Gao. Structured sparsity modeling for improved multivariate statistical analysis based fault isolation. Journal of Process Control, 2021; 98(2): 66-78.
Zhou Fang, Chuanhou Gao. Time-domain boundedness of noise-to-state exponentially stable systems. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 2020; 26(4): 105, 23pp.
Zhou Fang, Arjan van der Schaft, Chuanhou Gao. A graphic formulation of non-isothermal chemical reaction systems and the analysis of detailed balanced networks. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 2020; 19(4): 2594-2627.
Zhou Fang, Bayu Jayawardhana, Arjan van der Schaft, Chuanhou Gao. Adaptation mechanisms in phosphorylation cycles by allosteric binding and gene autoregulation. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2020; 59(8): 3457-3470.
Shaohan Chen, Chuanhou Gao. Linear priors mined and integrated for transparency of blast furnace black-box SVM model. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020; 16(6): 3862-3870.
Associate editor, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (2021.01-);
Associate editor, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing (2022.06-);
Associate editor, IEEE Control Systems Society Technology Conferences Editorial Board (2020.01-);
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (2013)、ISIJ International (2010)、Journal of Applied Mathematics (2012)客座编委。