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冯涛,男,数学科学学院副教授,博士生导师。2008年毕业于北京大学数学科学学院,先后在新加坡南阳理工大学、美国特拉华大学做博士后。2011.8-2014.12为浙江大学特聘研究员,2015.1-2020.12为校“百人计划”研究员。 凡是美国作家都不应该像一个英国人或一个法国人那样写作;让他像一个人那样写作吧,因为那样他肯定会像一个美国人那样写作的。(梅尔维尔) 教学与课程 自2011年秋冬学期起,负责《计算机密码学》(春夏)和《编码理论基础》(秋冬)两门本科生课程的教学工作。此外,开设《组合计数》、《有限域及其应用》等研究生课程。 科研 主要从事组合数学和代数编码理论的研究,特别是利用代数、数论工具研究具有较高对称性、正则性的组合和编码结构。成果发表在信息论杂志IEEE Transactions on Information Theory(ZJU100)或组合学专业期刊上。Researcher ID为:http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-7751-2012 部分科研项目如下: 项目编号11201418 , 差集和结合方案中若干问题的研究, 青年科学基金项目 , 2013-01-01至2015-12-31 项目编号11422112 , 组合设计理论,优秀青年科学基金项目 , 2015-01-01至2017-12-31 项目编号11771392 , 有限极空间相关的几何结构研究,面上项目 , 2018-01-01至2021-12-31 学术交流(讲座报告) 近年主办的会议: 1. International Workshop on Difference Sets, April 28-May 2, 2018 2. International Workshop on Bannai-Ito Theory, Nov 23-26, 2017 3. National Conference on Coding theory and Cryptography, Sep 1-4, 2017, Hangzhou 4. National Conference on Combinatorial Deisgns, July 8-11, 2016. 5. The International Workshop on Algebraic Combinatorics at ZJU, Sep 18-23, 2015


组合数学 代数编码


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Tao Feng,Koji Momihara,Morgan Rodgers,Qing Xiang,and Hanlin Zou:Cameron-Liebler Line Classes with parameter(q+1)^2/3,submitted 2.Ran Tao,Tao Feng,Weicong Li:A construction of minimal linear codes from partial difference sets,revised,IEEE Trans.Inf.Theory 3.Tao Feng,Weicong Li:The point regular automorphism groups of the Payne derived quadrangle of W(q),revised,J.Comb.Theory,Ser.A 4.Tao Feng,Weicong Li:On transitive ovoids of finite Hermitian polar spaces,revised,Combinatorica 5.Tao Feng,Ye Wang,Qing Xiang:On m-ovoids of symplectic polar spaces.J.Comb.Theory,Ser.A 175:105279(2020) 6.Tao Feng,Henk D.L.Hollmann,Qing Xiang:The shift bound for abelian codes and generalizations of the Donoho-Stark uncertainty principle.IEEE Trans.Inf.Theory 65(8):4673-4682(2019) 7.Tao Feng:Finite flag-transitive affine planes with a solvable automorphism group.J.Comb.Theory,Ser.A 152:225-254(2017) 8.Tao Feng,Koji Momihara,Qing Xiang:A family of m-ovoids of parabolic quadrics.J.Comb.Theory,Ser.A 140:97-111(2016) 9.Tao Feng:A characterization of two-weight projective cyclic codes.IEEE Trans.Inf.Theory 61(1):66-71(2015) 10.Tao Feng,Koji Momihara,Qing Xiang:Constructions of strongly regular Cayley graphs and skew Hadamard difference sets from cyclotomic classes.Combinatorica 35(4):413-434(2015) 11.Tao Feng,Koji Momihara,Qing Xiang:Cameron-Liebler line classes with parameter x=(q2-1)/2.J.Comb.Theory,Ser.A 133:307-338(2015) 12.Tao Zhang,Shuxing Li,Tao Feng,Gennian Ge:Some new results on the cross correlation of m-sequences.IEEE Trans.Inf.Theory 60(5):3062-3068(2014) 13.Shuxing Li,Tao Feng,Gennian Ge:On the weight distribution of cyclic codes with Niho exponents.IEEE Trans.Inf.Theory 60(7):3903-3912(2014) 14.Shuxing Li,Sihuang Hu,Tao Feng,Gennian Ge:The weight distribution of a class of cyclic codes related to Hermitian forms graphs.IEEE Trans.Inf.Theory 59(5):3064-3067(2013) 15.Tao Feng,Koji Momihara:Evaluation of the Weight distribution of a class of cyclic codes based on index 2 Gauss sums.IEEE Trans.Inf.Theory 59(9):5980-5984(2013) 16.Tao Feng,Koji Momihara:Three-class association schemes from cyclotomy.J.Comb.Theory,Ser.A 120(6):1202-1215(2013) 17.Tao Feng,Qing Xiang,Strongly regular graphs from unions of cyclotomic classes.J.Comb.Theory,Ser.B,102(4):982-995(2012) 18.Tao Feng,Qing Xiang,Cyclotomic constructions of skew Hadamard difference sets.J.Comb.Theory,Ser.A,119(1):245-256(2012) 19.Tao Feng,On cyclic codes of length 2^{2^r}-1 with two zeros whose dual codes have three weights.Des.Codes Cryptogr.62(3):253-258(2012). 20.Tao Feng,Non-abelian skew Hadamard difference sets fixed by a prescribed automorphism.J.Comb.Theory,Ser.A,118(1):27-36(2011) 21.Tao Feng,Zhi-Wei Sun,Qing Xiang,Exterior algebras and two conjectures on finite abelian groups.Israel Journal of Mathematics 182(1):425-437(2011) 22.Yin Tan,Alexander Pott,Tao Feng,Strongly regular graphs associated with ternary bent functions.J.Comb.Theory,Ser.A,117(6):668-682(2010) 23.Tao Feng,Relative(pn,p,pn,n)difference sets with gcd(p,n)=1.J.Algeb.Comb.29(1):91-106(2009) 24.Tao Feng,Difference sets with n=5p^r,Des.Codes Cryptogr.51(2),2009,175-194. 25.Tao Feng,Qing Xiang,Semi-regular relative difference sets with large forbidden subgroups.J.Comb.Theory,Ser.A,115(8):1456-1473(2008) 26.Cunsheng Ding,Tao Feng,A generic construction of complex codebooks meeting the Welch bound.IEEE Trans.Inf.Theory 53(11):4245-4250(2007)
