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教育背景 2005-09--2008-07 中国林科院资源信息研究所 博士 2002-09--2005-07 东北林业大学 硕士 1998-09--2002-07 东北林业大学 学士 工作简历 2018-07~现在, 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所, 研究员 2011-04~2018-06,中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所, 副研究员 2008-07~2011-03,中国科学院遥感应用研究所, 助理研究员 奖励信息 (1) 高分辨率遥感林业应用技术与服务平台, 二等奖, 国家级, 2018 (2) 高分辨率遥感林业应用技术与服务平台, 一等奖, 部委级, 2017 (3) 全国生态环境十年变化(2000-2010年)遥感调查与评估, 特等奖, 部委级, 2016




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1) 近实时中高空间分辨率森林火灾监测系统展望, 遥感学报, 2020, 通讯作者 (2) 全球森林分布产品中国区域可靠性比较分析, 林业资源管理, 2020, 通讯作者 (3) Comparison of Different Multispectral Sensors for Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation-Fraction Retrieval, Remote Sensing, 2020, 通讯作者 (4) 基于Google Earth Engine 与机器学习的省级尺度零散分布草地生物量估算, 测绘通报, 2019, 通讯作者 (5) The Potential of Multispectral Vegetation Indices Feature Space for Quantitatively Estimating the Photosynthetic, Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation and Bare Soil Fractions in Northern China, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 2019, 第 3 作者 (6) Changes in wetlands and surrounding land cover in a desert area under the influences of human and climatic factors: A case study of the Hongjian Nur region, Ecological indicators, 2019, 第 3 作者 (7) Monitoring the response of vegetation dynamics to ecological engineering in the Mu Us Sandy Land of China from 1982 to 2014, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2019, 第 3 作者 (8) Characteristics and simulation of snow interception by the canopy of primary spruce‐fir Korean pine forests in the Xiaoxing'an Mountains of China, Ecology and evolution, 2019, 通讯作者 (9) 高时空分辨率植被覆盖获取方法及其在土壤侵蚀监测中的应用, 生态学报, 2019, 通讯作者 (10) 基于Google Earth Engine与机器学习的大尺度30m分辨率沙地灌木覆盖度估算, 生态学报, 2019, 通讯作者 (11) 全球森林分布产品中国区域可靠性比较分析, 林业资源管理, 2018, 通讯作者 (12) Nonlinear spectral mixture effects for photosynthetic/non-photosynthetic vegetation cover estimates of typical desert vegetation in western China, PLOS ONE, 2017, 通讯作者 (13) A 2001–2015 Archive of Fractional Cover of Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation for Beijing and Tianjin Sandstorm Source Region, Data, 2017, 第 1 作者 (14) 基于MODIS-NDVI 数据的大区域森林病虫害理赔指数构建及应用, 林业资源管理, 2017, 通讯作者 (15) Comparison of methods for estimating fractional cover of photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic vegetation in the otindag sandy land using gf-1 wide-field view data, Remote Sens-Basel, 2016, 第 1 作者 (16) Derivation of the green vegetation fraction of the whole china from 2000 to 2010 from modis data, Earth Interactions, 2016, 第 1 作者 (17) Did ecological engineering projects have a significant effect on large-scale vegetation restoration in beijing-tianjin sand source region, china? A remote sensing approach, Chinese Geogr Sci, 2016, 第 1 作者 (18) 浑善达克沙地光合/非光合植被及裸土光谱混合机理分析, 光谱学与光谱分析, 2016, 通讯作者 (19) 线性/非线性光谱混合模型估算白刺灌丛植被覆盖度, 遥感学报, 2016, 通讯作者 (20) Land degradation dynamic in the first decade of twenty-first century in the beijing–tianjin dust and sandstorm source region, Environ Earth Sci, 2015, 第 1 作者 (21) 基于Hyperion的锡林郭勒草原光合植被、非光合植被覆盖度估算, 生态学报, 2015, 通讯作者 (22) Soil Erosion and Sediment-Yield Prediction at Basin Scale in Upstream Watershed of Miyun Reservoir, Journal of Hydrologic engineering, 2014, 第 1 作者 (23) Object-based approach to national land cover mapping using HJ satellite imagery, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2014, 通讯作者 (24) Rainfall and Vegetation Coupling Index for soil erosion risk mapping, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2014, 第 1 作者
