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2005-2009年 青岛大学心理学系 学士 2009-2012年 中南大学湘雅二医院 硕士 2012-2016年 Department of Psychology, Macquarie University 博士 2016.12-2020.07 中国科学院心理研究所 助理研究员 2020.07-至今 中国科学院心理研究所 副研究员


1)音乐镇痛的生理和心理机制; 2)疼痛的心理-神经认知干预手段; 3)先天性失乐症(congenital amusia)发生和发展机制。

1)音乐镇痛的生理和心理机制; 2)疼痛的心理-神经认知干预手段; 3)先天性失乐症(congenital amusia)发生和发展机制。


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吕雪靖, 张立波, 李镇江, 岳路鹏, 包充宇, 张峰瑞, & 胡理*. (in press). 疼痛跨物种研究: 挑战与机遇. 中国科学: 生命科学. 张立波, 吕雪靖, & 胡理*. (in press). 疼痛发展认知神经科学:研究现状与未来趋势. 中国科学: 生命科学. 陈钰昕#, 张立波#, 吕雪靖, & 胡理*. (in press). 非侵入性神经调控电刺激技术:镇痛效果与镇痛机制. 生理学报. Li, X., Liu, Y., Ye, Q., Lu, X., & Peng, W. (in press). The linkage between first-hand pain sensitivity and empathy for others' pain: attention matters. Human Brain Mapping. Ren, Q., Lu, X. *, Zhao, Q., Zhang, H., & Hu, L. (in press). Can self-pain sensitivity quantify empathy for others?pain? Psychophysiology. Lu, X., Yi, F., & Hu, L. * (in press). Music-induced analgesia: An adjunct to pain management. Psychology of Music. 陈钰昕, 吕雪靖*, & 胡理. (2020). 主动运动和被动运动的镇痛效果及其镇痛机制. 生物化学与生物物理进展, 47(6), 498-509.. Lu, X., Thompson, W. F., Zhang, L., & Hu, L. * (2019). Music reduces pain unpleasantness: Evidence from an EEG study. Journal of Pain Research, 12, 3331-3342. 吕雪靖*, & 侯欣. (2019). 听觉预测编码: 对声音重复和变化的神经反应. 心理科学进展, 27(12), 1996-2006. 任巧悦, 孙元淼, 吕雪靖*, 黄超, & 胡理*. (2019). 基于心理生理学视角的共情研究: 方法与特点. 科学通报, 64(22), 2292-2304. Sun, Y. * #, Lu, X. #, William, M., & Thompson, W.F. (2019). Implicit violent imagery processing among fans and non-fans of music with violent themes, Royal Society Open Science,6:181580. Zhang, L., Lu, X. *, Bi, Y., & Hu, L. * (2019). Pavlov's Pain: The effect of classical conditioning on pain perception and its clinical implications. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 23(3), 19. Zhou, L., Wei, H., Zhang, H., Li, X., Bo, C., Wan, L.*, Lu, X.*, & Hu, L. (2019). The influence of expectancy level and personal characteristics on placebo effects: Psychological underpinnings. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10, 20. Yue, L., Zhang, F., Lu, X., Wan, Y.*, & Hu, L.* (2019). Simultaneous recordings of cortical local field potentials and electrocorticograms in response to nociceptive laser stimuli from freely moving rats. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 143, e58686. Sun, Y. *, Lu, X., Ho, H. T., Johnson, B. W., Sammler, D., & Thompson, W. F. (2018). Syntactic processing in music and language: Parallel abnormalities observed in congenital amusia. NeuroImage: Clinical, 19, 640-651. Wei, H.#, Zhou, L. #, Zhang, H., Chen, J., Lu, X.*, & Hu, L.* (2018). The influence of expectation on nondeceptive placebo and nocebo effects. Pain Research and Management, 2018, 8459429. 张会娟, 彭微微*, 周丽丽, 吕雪靖, 魏华, & 胡理*. (2018). 安慰剂效应的心理机制及临床应用. 中国临床心理学杂志, 26(3), 467-471. Zhang, H., Zhou, L., Wei, H., Lu, X.*, & Hu, L.* (2017). The sustained influence of prior experience induced by social observation on placebo and nocebo responses. Journal of Pain Research, 10, 2769-2780. 杨业, 汤艺, 彭微微, 吕雪靖*, 胡理*, & 陈军. (2017). 共情: 遗传-环境-内分泌-大脑机制. 科学通报, 62(32), 3729-3742. 周丽丽, 姚欣茹, 汤征宇, 任巧悦, 吕雪靖, & 胡理*. (2017). 触觉信息处理及其脑机制. 科技导报, 35(19), 37-43. Lu, X. *, Sun, Y., Ho H. T., & Thompson, W. F. (2017). Pitch contour impairment in congenital amusia: New insights from the Self-paced Audio-visual Contour Task (SACT). PLoS ONE, 12(6), e0179252. Jin, Z. #, Liu, H. #, Wu, D. *, Zhang, P., & Lu, X. (2017). Processing of emotional faces in congenital amusia: An emotional music priming event-related potential study. NeuroImage: Clinical, 14, 602-609. Sun, Y. *, Lu, X., Ho, H. T., & Thompson, W. F. (2017). Pitch discrimination associated with phonological awareness: Evidence from congenital amusia. Scientific Reports, 7, 44285.
