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教育背景 2006-09-01_2011-06-01 中科院广州地球化学研究所 博士 2002-09-01_2006-06-01 中国地质大学(武汉) 学士 工作经历 2013-07-01_2016-01-01 中科院三亚深海科学与工程研究所 深海科学部 副研究员 2011-09-01_2013-06-01 西南交通大学 地球科学与环境工程学院 讲师


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

期刊论文 [1] Xu, Hengchao.,Peng, Xiaotong.,Ta, Kaiwen.,Song, Taoran.,Du, Mengran.,...&Qu, Zhiguo.(2020).Structure and Composition of Micro-Manganese Nodules in Deep-Sea Carbonate from the Zhaoshu Plateau, North of the South China Sea.MINERALS,10(11),20. 浏览/下载:11/0; 被引[WOS]:0; IF:2.088/2.034评论推荐收藏 [2] Xu, Hengchao.,Du, Mengran.,Li, Jiangtao.,Zhang, Haibin.,Chen, Wanli.,...&Peng, Xiaotong.(2020).Spatial distribution of seepages and associated biological communities within Haima cold seep field, South China Sea.JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH,165,9. 浏览/下载:17/0; 被引[WOS]:1; IF:1.888/2.024评论推荐收藏 [3] Chen, Zhiyan.,Li, Jiwei.,Li, Xinxin.,Chen, Shun.,Dasgupta, Shamik.,...&Peng, Xiaotong.(2020).Characteristics and implications of isoprenoid and hydroxy tetraether lipids in hadal sediments of Mariana and Yap Trenches.CHEMICAL GEOLOGY,551,8. 浏览/下载:29/0; 被引[WOS]:0; IF:3.347/4.038评论推荐收藏 [4] Zhang, Zhe-Xuan.,Li, Jiwei.,Chen, Zhiyan.,Sun, Zhilei.,Yang, Huan.,...&Peng, Xiaotong.(2020).The effect of methane seeps on the bacterial tetraether lipid distributions at the Okinawa Trough.MARINE CHEMISTRY,225,9. 浏览/下载:33/0; 被引[WOS]:0; IF:2.457/2.912评论推荐收藏 [5] Wang, Shiming,Ma, Changqian,Yang, Ying,Li, Jiwei,Zhang, Jinyang,&Pei, Qiuming.(2020).An Early Cretaceous record of trachyte from the red bed basin of the southwest Dabie Orogen, Central China: Implications for tectonic evolution and geodynamics.GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL,55(7),5101-5118. 浏览/下载:23/0; 被引[WOS]:0; IF:2.978/2.26评论推荐收藏 [6] Zhou, Junlie.,Du, Mengran.,Li, Jiwei.,Xu, Hengchao.,Ta, Kaiwen.,...&Peng, Xiaotong.(2020).Phosphorus Species in Deep-Sea Carbonate Deposits: Implications for Phosphorus Cycling in Cold Seep Environments.MINERALS,10(7),17. 浏览/下载:18/0; 被引[WOS]:0; IF:2.088/2.034评论推荐收藏 [7] Peng, X..,Guo, Z..,Du, M..,Czaja, A. D..,Papineau, D..,...&Dasgupta, S..(2020).Past endolithic life in metamorphic ocean crust.GEOCHEMICAL PERSPECTIVES LETTERS,14,14-19. 浏览/下载:53/0; 被引[WOS]:0评论推荐收藏 [8] Chen, M..,Du, M..,Jin, A..,Chen, S..,Dasgupta, S..,...&Peng, X..(2020).Forty-year pollution history of microplastics in the largest marginal sea of the western Pacific.GEOCHEMICAL PERSPECTIVES LETTERS,13,42-47. 浏览/下载:93/0; 被引[WOS]:2评论推荐收藏 [9] Wei, Jiangong.,Li, Jiwei.,Wu, Tingting.,Zhang, Wei.,Li, Jiangtao.,...&Chen, Wanli.(2020).Geologically controlled intermittent gas eruption and its impact on bottom water temperature and chemosynthetic communities-A case study in the "HaiMa" cold seeps, South China Sea.GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL,13. 浏览/下载:71/0; 被引[WOS]:2; IF:2.978/2.26评论推荐收藏 [10] Du, M..,Peng, X..,Seyfried, W. E., Jr..,Ta, K..,Guo, Z..,...&Xu, H..(2019).Fluid discharge linked to bending of the incoming plate at the Mariana subduction zone.GEOCHEMICAL PERSPECTIVES LETTERS,11(1),1-5. 浏览/下载:191/0; 被引[WOS]:5评论推荐收藏 [11] Peng, X..,Dasgupta, S..,Zhong, G..,Du, M..,Xu, H..,...&Li, J..(2019).Large debris dumps in the northern South China Sea.MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN,142(1),164-168. 浏览/下载:77/0; 被引[WOS]:5; IF:3.146/3.78评论推荐收藏 [12] Ta, Kaiwen.,Peng, Xiaotong.,Xu, Hengchao.,Du, Mengran.,Chen, Shun.,...&Zhang, Chuanlun.(2019).Distributions and Sources of Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers in Sediment Cores From the Mariana Subduction Zone.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES,124(4),857-869. 浏览/下载:89/0; 被引[WOS]:4; IF:3.395/4.082评论推荐收藏 [13] Li, Jiwei.,Li, Ling.,Bai, Shijie.,Ta, Kaiwen.,Xu, Hengchao.,...&Peng, Xiaotong.(2019).New insight into the biogeochemical cycling of methane, S and Fe above the Sulfate-Methane Transition Zone in methane hydrate-bearing sediments: A case study in the Dongsha area, South China Sea.DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS,145(1),97-108. 浏览/下载:129/0; 被引[WOS]:3; IF:2.48/2.735评论推荐收藏 [14] Xu, Hengchao.,Peng, Xiaotong.,Chen, Shun.,Li, Jiwei.,Dasgupta, Shamik.,...&Du, Mengran.(2018).Macrofaunal burrowing enhances deep-sea carbonate lithification on the Southwest Indian Ridge.BIOGEOSCIENCES,15(21),6387-6397. 浏览/下载:178/0; 被引[WOS]:1; IF:3.851/4.618评论推荐收藏 [15] Li, Jiwei,Peng, Xiaotong,Bai, Shijie,Chen, Zhiyan,Van Nostrand, Joy D.,&Peng, Xiaotong.(2018).Biogeochemical processes controlling authigenic carbonate formation within the sediment column from the Okinawa Trough.GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA,222(1),363-382. 浏览/下载:168/0; 被引[WOS]:22; IF:4.609/4.847评论推荐收藏 [16] Peng, X..,Chen, M..,Chen, S..,Dasgupta, S..,Xu, H..,...&Bai, S..(2018).Microplastics contaminate the deepest part of the world's ocean.GEOCHEMICAL PERSPECTIVES LETTERS,9(1),1-5. 浏览/下载:83/0; 被引[WOS]:67评论推荐收藏 [17] Ta, Kaiwen.,Peng, Xiaotong.,Chen, Shun.,Xu, Hengchao.,Li, Jiwei.,...&Lin, Ying.(2017).Hydrothermal nontronite formation associated with microbes from low-temperature diffuse hydrothermal vents at the South Mid-Atlantic Ridge.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES,122(9),2375-2392. 浏览/下载:356/0; 被引[WOS]:2; IF:3.395/4.082评论推荐收藏 [18] Peng, Xiaotong.,Guo, Zixiao.,Chen, Shun.,Sun, Zhilei.,Xu, Hengchao.,...&Du, Mengran.(2017).Formation of carbonate pipes in the northern Okinawa Trough linked to strong sulfate exhaustion and iron supply.GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA,205(1),1-13. 浏览/下载:497/112; 被引[WOS]:19; IF:4.609/4.847评论推荐收藏 [19] Li, Jiwei,Peng, Xiaotong,Zhang, Lixue,Jiang, Lei,&Chen, Shun.(2016).Linking Microbial Community Structure to S, N and Fe Biogeochemical Cycling in the Hot Springs at the Tengchong Geothermal Fields, Southwest China.GEOMICROBIOLOGY JOURNAL,33(2),135-150. 浏览/下载:312/0; 被引[WOS]:2; IF:1.485/1.71评论推荐收藏 [20] Sun, Weimin,Li, Jiwei,Jiang, Lei,Sun, Zhilei,Fu, Meiyan,&Peng, Xiaotong.(2015).Profiling microbial community structures across six large oilfields in China and the potential role of dominant microorganisms in bioremediation.APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY,99(20),8751-8764. 浏览/下载:261/0; 被引[WOS]:20; IF:3.42/3.716评论推荐收藏 [21] Sun, Weimin.,Xiao, Tangfu.,Sun, Min.,Dong, Yiran.,Ning, Zengping.,...&Li, Jiwei.(2015).Diversity of the Sediment Microbial Community in the Aha Watershed (Southwest China) in Response to Acid Mine Drainage Pollution Gradients.APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY,81(15),4874-4884. 浏览/下载:200/0; 被引[WOS]:42; IF:3.807/4.282评论推荐收藏 [22] Sun, Weimin,Dong, Yiran,Gao, Pin,Fu, Meiyan,Ta, Kaiwen,&Li, Jiwei.(2015).Microbial communities inhabiting oil-contaminated soils from two major oilfields in Northern China: Implications for active petroleum-degrading capacity.JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY,53(6),371-378. 浏览/下载:289/0; 被引[WOS]:22; IF:1.924/1.825评论推荐收藏 [23] Sun, Zhilei,Li, Jun,Huang, Wei,Dong, Hailiang,Little, Crispin T. S.,&Li, Jiwei.(2015).Generation of hydrothermal Fe-Si oxyhydroxide deposit on the Southwest Indian Ridge and its implication for the origin of ancient banded iron formations.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES,120(1),187-203. 浏览/下载:190/0; 被引[WOS]:9; IF:3.395/4.082评论推荐收藏 [24] Li, Jiwei,Sun, Weimin,Wang, Shiming,Sun, Zhilei,Lin, Sixiang,&Peng, Xiaotong.(2014).Bacteria diversity, distribution and insight into their role in S and Fe biogeochemical cycling during black shale weathering.ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY,16(11),3533-3547. 浏览/下载:299/0; 被引[WOS]:22; IF:5.395/5.965评论推荐收藏 [25] Li, Jiwei,Peng, Xiaotong,Zhou, Huaiyang,Li, Jiangtao,Sun, Zhilei,&Chen, Shun.(2014).Microbial Communities in Semi-consolidated Carbonate Sediments of the Southwest Indian Ridge.JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY,52(2),111-119. 浏览/下载:155/0; 被引[WOS]:8; IF:1.924/1.825评论推荐收藏 [26] Li, Jiwei,Peng, Xiaotong,Zhou, Huaiyang,Li, Jiangtao,&Sun, Zhilei.(2013).Molecular evidence for microorganisms participating in Fe, Mn, and S biogeochemical cycling in two low-temperature hydrothermal fields at the Southwest Indian Ridge.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES,118(2),665-679. 浏览/下载:267/36; 被引[WOS]:24; IF:3.395/4.082评论推荐收藏
