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招生专业 071300-生态学 学历 研究生 学位 理学博士 工作经历 1999.9-2001.6 武汉大学生命科学学院 助教 2001.7-2003.11 武汉大学生命科学学院 讲师 (2002.8-2002.10 澳大利亚昆士兰理工大学培训) 2001.7-2006.6 武汉大学生态研究所副所长 2003.12-2011.6 武汉大学生命科学学院 副教授(2004.7-2006.6 清华大学生物科学与技术系 博士后)(2009.5-2010. 6 美国康奈尔大学生态学系 访问学者) 2011.7-2013. 5 中国科学院武汉植物园 副研究员 2013.6至今 中国科学院武汉植物园 研究员中国科学院中-非联合研究中心 办公室主任




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G.A.YAN, J. W. JIANG, G. WU, X.YAN .,1998. Disappearance of linera alkylbenzen sulfonate from different cultures with Anabaena sp. HB 1017. Bulletin of Environmental contamination and Toxicology, 60:329-334.(SCI) GUOAN A*. YAN, XUE* YAN, WEI WU. 1997. Effects of the herbicide monlinate on mixptrophic growth, photosynthetic Anabaena sphaerica under different pigments, and protein content of light conditions. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 38: 144-149. (SCI) X. YAN, S. GUOXING, D. YU. 2002, Effect of N,N-Dimethyl formamide used as organic solvent on two species of green algae chlorella. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 68: 592-599.(SCI) L. ZHANG, X.YAN *. 2003. Effect of cadmium on root exudes of wheat (Triticum aestivm L.) under different cultures media. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 71: 698-705 (SCI) (通讯作者) LI YONGKE, YU DAN, YAN XUE. 2004. Are polyphenolics valuable in antiherbiyory strategies of submersed freshwater macrophytes? Archiy Fur Hydrobiologie. 161(3): 391-402. (SCI) XUE YAN, DAN YU, YONG-KE LI. 2006. The effects of elevated CO2 on clonal growth and nutrient content of submerge plant Vallisenria spinulosa. Chemosphere, 62: 595-601.(SCI) XUE YAN, DAN YU, HEYUN WANG, JINWANG WANG. 2006. Response of submerged plant (Vallisneria spinulosa) clones to lead stress in the heterogenous soil. Chemosphere, 63: 1459-1465.(SCI) JIANFANG WANG, XUE YAN*, LING ZHANG, The influence of culture factors on abiotic loss of PAHs and their derivatives from different media. The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering Li Yang,Jie Zhou,Xue Yan. 2010.Environmental Strategies Analysis of Cohousing Based on Ecological Footprint. International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering. 4314-4317. Wuhan. Yan Gao, Xue Yan*. 2012. Response of Chara globularis and Hydrodictyon reticulatum to lead pollution: their survival, bioaccumulation and defenses. Journal of Applied Phycology. 24:245-251.(SCI) (通讯作者) Xue Yan, Haowen Wang, Qingfeng Wang, Lars G. Rudstam. 2013. Risk spreading, habitat selection and division of biomass in a submerged clonal plant: Responses to heterogeneous copper pollution. Environmental Pollution. 174: 114-120 (SCI) LING YUN CHEN, JOHN K. MUCHUKU, XUE YAN, GUANGWAN HU, QINGFENG WANG. 2015. Phylogeography of Haplocarpha rueppelii (Asteraceae) suggests a potential geographic barrier for plant dispersal and gene flow in East Africa. Science Bulletin. 60(13), 1184-1192. MUNGAI T.M., OWINO A.A., MAKOKHA V.A., GAO Y., YAN X., WANG J. 2016. Occurrences and toxicological risk assessment of eight heavy metals in agricultural soils from Kenya, Eastern Africa. Environ Sci Pollut Res. DOI 10.1007/s11356-016 -7042-1. ZHOU Y.D., HU G.W., YAN X., MWACHALA G., GITURU R.W., WANG Q.F., 2016 Sedum keniense (Crassulaceae), a new species from Mt. Kenya, East Africa. Phytotaxa. 261 (2): 177–184. Yuyi Yang, Anita Awino Owino, Yan Gao, Xue Yan, Chen Xu,Jun Wang. 2016. Occurrence, composition and risk assessment of antibiotics in soils from Kenya, Africa. Ecotoxicology. DOI 10.1007/s10646-016-1673-3. YA-DONG ZHOU, YUVENALIS MBUNI, GUANG-WAN HU, XUE YAN, GEOFFREY MWACHALA, QING-FENG WANG. 2016. Zehneria subcoriacea (Cucurbitaceae), a New Species from Kenya.Phytotaxa. dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.277.3.6 严雪,于丹,李永科. 大气CO2浓度升高对沉睡克隆植物生长速率及N\P积累的影响。植物生态学报,2003,27(4):435-440. 严雪,杨永清,李永科,沈国兴,严国安. 不同营养条件下原始小球藻对蒽的富集和降解研究。 应用生态学报,2002 ,13(2)∶145-150. 严雪,严国安,沈国兴,彭金良. 三种小球藻在不同营养状态下对蒽的毒理学响应。武汉大学学报,1999, 145(16): 845-848. 严国安,沈国兴,严雪,彭金良. 农药对藻类的生态毒理学研究Ⅰ:毒性效应。环境科学进展,1998, 7(5): 96-106. 沈国兴,严国安,彭金良,严雪. 农药对藻类的生态毒理学研究Ⅱ:毒性机理及其富集和降解,环境科学进展,1999, 7(6):131-140. 严雪,沈国兴,严国安.水生植物毒性试验及在生态风险评价中的作用。上海环境科学,1998,17(7):24-27. 彭金良,严国安,沈国兴,严雪,刘永定. 酸雨对水生态系统的影响。水生生物学报,2001, 25(3): 282-288.
