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男、江西新干人、博士、研究员、博士生导师;主要从事猕猴桃属植物群体遗传学以及遗传育种研究;近期研究重点为猕猴桃野生居群的地方适应性进化机制、猕猴桃高密度SNP遗传图谱构建,重要农艺性状QTL定位以及猕猴桃分子育种等。已在国内外学术期刊上发表20余篇学术论文,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在New Phytologist, Conservation Biology, Annals of Botany和园艺学报等杂志发表论文20余篇。现主持有国家自然科学基金以及中国科学院STS项目等课题。招生专业:植物学;招生方向:园艺植物群体基因组与遗传育种。 1996.09-2000.07  江西农业大学园艺系攻读园艺学学士学位 2000.09-2003.07 江西农业大学园艺系攻读果树学硕士学位 2003.09-2006.06 中科院武汉植物研究所攻读植物学博士学位 2006.07-2009.08 中国科学院武汉植物园植物保育遗传学学科组 助理研究员 2009.09-2016.08 中国科学院武汉植物园猕猴桃种质资源与育种学科组 副研究员 硕士生导师 2010.11-2011.11 美国密西根大学生态与进化系 访问学者 2016.09- 中国科学院武汉植物园猕猴桃种质资源与育种学科组 研究员 博士生导师 承担科研项目情况: 国家自然科学基金面上项目:中国特有经济植物毛花猕猴桃对生境片断化的遗传响应与适应机制,2018-2021. 地方政府委托项目: 浙江泰顺县猕猴桃科技服务,2016-2021. 中国科学院STS项目:新型水果三叶木通种质创新,2017-2018. 江西省重点研发计划项目:猕猴桃优异雄株资源收集及种质资源圃建设,2016-2019. 中国科学院骨干人才计划项目:基于高密度SNP遗传图谱的猕猴桃糖酸含量的QTL定位,2016-2018. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:孑遗植物鹅掌楸分布范围限制的进化机制,2013-2016. 中国科学院优秀青年科技专项:物种分布范围限制的遗传学分析:濒危植物鹅掌楸的遗传多样性、基因流以及适应性遗传分化,2011-2013. 中国科学院武汉植物园自主部署项目:川东鄂西植物多样性的维持机制,2012-2015. 中国科学院重要方向性项目:植物园迁地保护濒危植物秤锤树的遗传学风险评估与回归引种居群的科学构建,2009-2011. 中国科学院重要方向性项目子课题:中国特有经济植物野生居群基因流动态及有益基因发掘,2007-2010. 中国科学院武汉植物园知识创新工程领域前沿项目:鹅掌楸的遗传多样性研究,2007-2009.


猕猴桃种质资源收集与性状评价 猕猴桃野生居群的居群遗传学以及进化 猕猴桃重要农艺性状形成的遗传解析与新种质创制 猕猴桃新品种选育


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Chunyan Liu, Dawei Li, Juhong Zhou, Qiong Zhang, Hua Tian, Xiaohong Yao*. 2017. Construction of a SNP-based genetic linkage map for kiwifruit using next-generation restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing (RADseq). Molecular Breeding, DOI: 10.1007/s11032-017-0729-2. Yifei Liu, Dawei Li, Qiong Zhang, Chi Song, Caihong Zhong, Xudong Zhang, Ying Wang, Xiaohong Yao, Zupeng Wang, Shaohua Zeng, Ying Wang, Yangtao Guo, Shuaibin Wang, Xinwei Li, Li Li, Chunyan Liu, Honour C. McCann, Weiming He, Yan Niu, Min Chen, Liuwen Du, Junjie Gong, Paul M. Datson, Elena Hilario, Hongwen Huang*. 2017. Rapid radiations of both kiwifruit hybrid lineages and their parents shed light on a two-layer mode of species diversification. New Phytologist 215: 877–890. Rui Guo, Jacob B. Landis, Michael J. Moore, Aiping Meng, Shuguang Jian, Xiaohong Yao*, Hengchang Wang*. 2017. Development and application of transcriptome-derived microsatellites in Actinidia eriantha (Actinidiaceae). Frontiers in Plant Science, 8: 1383. Ping Tang, Qiong Zhang, Xiaohong Yao*. 2017. Comparative transcript profiling explores differentially expressed genes associated with sexual phenotype in kiwifruit. PLos ONE 12(7): e0180542. Minghui Yan, Michael J. Moore, Aiping Meng, Xiaohong Yao, Hengchang Wang*. 2017. The first complete plastome sequence of the basal asterid family Styracaceae (Ericales) reveals a large inversion. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 303: 61-70. Peter W. Fritsch*, Xiaohong Yao, Brian Simison, Boni C. Cruz, Tao Chen. 2016. Perkinsiodendron, a new genus in the Styracaceae based on morphology and DNA sequences. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 10: 109- 117. Chunyan Liu, Qiong Zhang, Xiaohong Yao, Caihong Zhong, Chunlin Yan, Hongwen Huang*. 2016. Characterization of genome-wide simple sequence repeats and application in interspecific genetic map integration in kiwifruit. Tree Genetics & Genomes 12: 21. Aihong Yang, Christopher W. Dick, Xiaohong Yao*, Hongwen Huang. 2016. Impacts of biogeographic history and marginal population genetics on species range limits: a case study of Liriodendron chinense. Scientific Reports, 6, 25632. Aihong Yang, Na Wei, Peter W. Fritsch, Xiaohong Yao*. 2016. AFLP genome scanning reveals divergent selection in natural populations of Liriodendron chinense (Magnoliaceae) along a latitudinal transect. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, 698. Guanmei Yi, Tingting Zhao, Zhinang Yin, Ping Tang, Yingjun Qiu, Xiaohong Yao*. 2016. Mining and characterizing EST-SSR markers from ESTs of Torreya grandis. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 64: 124-128. Jinju Zhang, Zuozhou Li, Peter W. Pritsch, Hua Tian, Aihong Yang, Xiaohong Yao*. 2015. Phylogeography and genetic structure of a Tertiary relict tree species,Tapiscia sinensis (Tapisciaceae): implications for conservation. Annals of Botany 116: 727-737. Qiong Zhang, Chunyan Liu, Yifei Liu, Robert VanBuren, Xiaohong Yao, Caihong Zhong, Hongwen Huang*. 2015. High-density interspecific genetic maps of kiwifruit and the identification of sex-specific markers. DNA Research 22: 367–375. Xiaohong Yao, Lei liu, Mingke Yan, Dawei Li, Caihong Zhong, Hongwen Huang*. 2015. Exon primed intron-crossing (EPIC) markers reveals natural hybridization and introgression in Actinidia (Actinidiaceae) with sympatric distribution. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 59: 246-255. Xiaohong Yao, Ping Tang, Zuozhou Li, Dawei Li, Yifei Liu, Hongwen Huang*. 2015. The first complete chloroplast genome sequences in Actinidiaceae: genome structure and comparative analysis. PLos ONE 10(6): e0129347. Qigang Ye, Feiyan Tang, Na Wei, Xiaohong Yao*. 2014. Molecular and quantitative trait variation within and among small fragmented populations of the endangered plant species Psilopeganum sinense. Annals of Botany 113:79-86. Feiyan Tang, Qigang Ye, Xiaohong Yao*. 2014. Patterns of genetic variation in the Chinese endemic Psilopeganum sinense (Rutaceae) as revealed by nuclear microsatellites and chloroplast microsatellites. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 55:190-197. Dawei Li , Yifei Liu, Xinwei Li, Jingyun Rao, Xiaohong Yao, Caihong Zhong*. 2014. Genetic diversity in kiwifruit polyploid complexes: insights into cultivar evaluation, conservation, and utilization. Tree Genetics & Genomes 10:1451-1463. Pengfei Zhang, Zhiguang Wang, Yaling Liu, Hua Tian, Xiaohong Yao, Jinju Zhang*. 2013. Isolation and characterization of 11 polymorphic microsatellite marker in Tapiseia sinensis (Staphyleaceae). Applications in Plant Science, 1 (12): 1300051. Jinju Zhang, Chong Xing, Hua Tian, Xiaohong Yao*. 2013. Microsatellite genetic variation in the Chinese endemic Eucommia ulmoides (Eucommiaceae): implications for conservation. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 173:775-785. Xiaohong Yao, Chenhong Li, Christopher W. Dick*. 2013. Exon Primed, Intron Crossing (EPIC) markers for evolutionary studies of Ficus and other Moraceae. Applications in Plant Science 1:1300037. Xiaohong Yao, Jianyun Deng, Hongwen Huang*. 2012. Genetic diversity in Eucommia ulmoides (Eucommiaceae), an endangered traditional Chinese medicinal plant. Conservation Genetics 13:1499–1507. Hua Tian, Ming Kang, Yifei Liu, Qigang Ye, Xiaohong Yao*. 2012. High genetic diversity in remnant natural populations of Myricaria laxiflora, a species once considered to be extinct in the wild. Aquatic Botany 103: 48-53. Jinju Zhang, Qigang Ye, Puxin Gao, Xiaohong Yao*. 2012. Genetic footprints of habitat fragmentation in the extant populations of Sinojackia (Styracaceae): implications for conservation. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 170: 232-242. Aihong Yang, Jinju Zhang, Hua Tian, Xiaohong Yao*. 2012. Characterization of 39 novel EST-SSR markers for Liriodendron tulipifera and cross-species amplification in L.chinense (Magnoliaceae). American Journal of Botany e460-e464. Xiaohong Yao, Jinju Zhang, Qigang Ye, Hongwen Huang*. 2011. Fine-scale spatial genetic structure and gene flow in a small, fragmented population of Sinojackia rehderiana (Styracaceae), an endangered tree species endemic to China. Plant Biology 13: 401-410. Aihong Yang, Jinju Zhang, Xiaohong Yao, Hongwen Huang*. 2011. Chloroplast microsatellites primers for Liriodendron tulipifera (Magnoliaceae) and cross-species amplification in L. chinense. American Journal of Botany, e123-126. Li Li, Xiaohong Yao, Caihong Zhong, Xuzhong Chen, Hongwen Huang *. 2010. Akebia: a potential new fruit crop in China. Hortscience, 45: 4-10 (cover story). Jinju Zhang, Qigang Ye, Xiaohong Yao*, Hongwen Huang*. 2010. Spontaneous interspecific hybridization and patterns of pollen dispersal in ex situ populations of tree species (Sinojackia xylocarpa) that is extinct in the wild species. Conservation Biology 24: 246-255. Jinju Zhang, Qigang Ye, Xiaohong Yao*, Hongwen Huang. 2010. Microsatellite diversity and mating system of Sinojackia xylocarpa (Styracaceae), a species extinct in the wild. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 38:154-159. Puxin Gao, Aihong Yang, Xiaohong Yao*, Hongwen Huang. 2009. Isolation and characterization of nine polymorphic microsatellite loci in the endangered shrub Disanthus cercidifolius var. longipes (Hamamelidaceae). Molecular Ecology Resources 9: 1047-1049. Li Li, Xiaohong Yao, Xuzhong Chen, Hongwen Huang*. 2009. Development and characterization of microsatellite loci in Chinese medicinal plant Akebia trifoliate ssp. australis and cross-species amplification in closely related taxa. Conservation Genetics, 10: 959-962. Xiaohong Yao, Qigang Ye, P. W. Fritsch, B. C. Cruz, Hongwen Huang*. 2008. Phylogeny of Sinojackia (Styracaceae) based on DNA sequence and microsatellite data: implications for taxonomy and conservation. Annals of Botany 101: 651-659. Xiaohong Yao, Jinju Zhang, Qigang Ye, Hongwen Huang*. 2008. Characterization of 14 novel microsatellite loci in the endangered Liriodendron chinense (Magnoliaceae) and cross-species amplification in closely related taxa. Conservation Genetics 9: 483-485. Jinju Zhang, Xiaohong Yao, Xinzeng Wei, Lei Chen, Mingxi Jiang*. 2008. Development and characterization of 14 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the endangered tree Euptelea pleiospermum (Eupteleaceae). Molecular Ecology Resources 8: 314–316. Feiyan Tang, Qigang Ye, Xiaohong Yao, Hongwen Huang*. 2008. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Psilopeganum sinense Hemsl (Rutaceae), an endangered herb endemic to Yangtze River valley. Molecular Ecology Resources 8: 227–229. Xiaohong Yao, Qigang Ye, Ming Kang, Hongwen Huang*. 2007. Microsatellites analysis reveals interpopulation differention and gene flow in endangered tree Changiostyrax dolichocarpa (Styracaceae) with fragmented distribution in central China. New Phytologist 176: 472–480. Xiaohong Yao, Qigang Ye, Jiwen Ge, Ming Kang, Hongwen Huang*. 2007. A new species of Sinojackia (Styracaceae) from Hubei, central China. Novon 17: 138–140. Xiaohong Yao, Li Gao, Bo Yang*. 2007. Genetic diversity of wild Cymbidium goeringii (Orchidaceae) populations from Hubei based on ISSR analysis. Frontiers of Biology in China 2: 419–424. Xiaohong Yao, Qigang Ye, Ming Kang, Jianfeng Zhou, Yanqin Xu, Ying Wang, Hongwen Huang*. 2006. Characterization of microsatellite markers in the endangered Sinojackia xylocarpa (Styracaceae) and cross-species amplification in closely related taxa. Molecular Ecology Notes 6: 133–136. Qigang Ye#, Xiaohong Yao#, Shengju Zhang, Ming Kang, Hongwen Huang*. 2006. Potential risks of hybridization in ex situ collections of two endangered species of Sinojackia Hu (Styracaceae). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 48: 867–872 (# co-first authors). Ming Kang, Li Pan, Xiaohong Yao and Hongwen Huang. 2006. Development and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in endangered fern Adiantum reniforme var. sinense. Conservation genetics 7: 807-810. Lei Chen, Donald H. Les, Liming Xu, Xiaohong Yao, Ming Kang, Hongwen Huang*. 2006. Isolation and characterization of a set of microsatellite loci in the submerged macrophyte, Vallisneria spinulosa Yan (Hydrocharitaceae). Molecular Ecology Notes 6: 1243-1245. Xiaobiao Xu*, Xiaohong Yao, Hua Chen. 2003. Applications of Modern Biotechnology on Kiwifruit. Acta Hort 610: 525-531. 中文期刊论文 闫明科,徐强,刘春燕,张琼,姚小洪*.2015.基于microRNA深度测序的猕猴桃性别分化初探.园艺学报 42:1260-1272. 杨爱红,张金菊, 田 华, 姚小洪* 黄宏文.2014.鹅掌楸贵州烂木山居群的微卫星遗传多样性及空间遗传结构. 生物多样性 22: 375–384. 刘磊,姚小洪,黄宏文*.2013.猕猴桃EPIC标记开发及其在猕猴桃属植物系统发育分析中的应用.园艺学报 40:1162-1168. 阮咏梅,张金菊,姚小洪,叶其刚*.2012.黄梅秤锤树孤立居群的遗传多样性与小尺度空间遗传结构.生物多样性 20:460-469. 杜玮炜,姚小洪,黄宏文*.2009.环境胁迫对雷公藤中雷公藤红素含量的影响.植物生态学报 33:180-185. 田华,康明,李丽,姚小洪,黄宏文*.2009.中国板栗自然居群微卫星(SSR)遗传多样性.生物多样性 17:296-302. 张金菊,叶其刚,姚小洪,张胜菊,黄宏文*.2008.片断化生境中濒危植物黄梅秤锤树的开花生物学、繁育系统与生殖成功的初步研究.植物生态学报 32:743-750. 姚小洪,叶其刚,康明,黄宏文*.2005.秤锤树属与长果安息香属植物的地理分布及其濒危现状.生物多样性 13:339-346. 姚小洪,徐小彪,高浦新,李作洲,黄宏文*.2005.江西猕猴桃属(Actinidia)植物的分布及其区系特征.武汉植物学研究 23:256-261. 姚小洪,徐小彪*,陈华,蔡祖国,黄珊珊.2003.江西猕猴桃属植物POD同工酶研究.江西农业大学学报 25:544-548. 专著 黄宏文,钟彩虹,姜正旺,李新伟,姚小洪,李大卫等编著.2013.《猕猴桃属:分类、资源、驯化、栽培》.北京:科学出版社. 黄宏文,钟彩虹......姚小洪等. 2013. 中国猕猴桃种质资源.北京:林业出版社. Xiaohong Yao, Hongwen Huang. 2016. Cytoplasmic DNA in Actinidia. In: Raffaele Testolin, Hongwen Huang, A. Ross Ferguson (editors). The Kiwifruit Genome. Springer, Switzerland.


中国园艺学会猕猴桃分会理事 Annals of Botany, Genetica, Scientific Reports,Tree Genetics and Genomes, Molecular Breeding, Plant Ecology, Scientia Horticulturae, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology,生物多样性,园艺学报,生态学报和植物科学学报审稿专家。
