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招生专业:环境科学、第四纪 招生方向:大气气溶胶、环境与气候变化 学历 2006年,中国科学院地球环境研究所,获博士学位; 2003年,长安大学,获硕士学位; 1992年,成都地质学院,获学士学位; 工作经历 2013-至今,Adjunct Senior Research Scientist, 美国Columbia University2006-至今,中国科学院地球环境研究所,助理研究员、副研究员(2008年9月起)、研究员(2010年12月起); 2008.9-2009.9,美国Columbia University访问学者,美国航空航天局(NASA)GISS研究中心,Associate Research Scientist; 2008.5-2008.8,香港理工大学,研究助理;1992-2000,新疆地矿局,助理工程师、工程师; 专利与奖励 中国科学院优秀博士论文奖; 全国百篇优秀论文提名奖; Elsevier颁发的环境科学领域2005-2010年度高引用中国作者称号 科研活动 当前主持的项目有:国家科技支撑项目;中国科学院战略性先导科技专项子课题;基金委面上项目;中国科学院重要方向性项目(青年人才类);国家科技部973项目二级专题;中国科学院“西部之光”项目;黄土与第四纪重点实验室重大研究课题等。 以往主持和参加的课题有:国家科技支撑项目子课题;中国科学院优秀博士论文项目;中国科学院重要方向性项目;科技部创新工作方法专项;国家重点实验室项目等。 合作情况 与美国Columbia University,以及NASA GISS研究中心合作


大气气溶胶、环境气候变化 全球环境和气候变化;气溶胶、沉积物、土壤黑碳;大气气溶胶及地表颗粒物污染过程;排放源谱、排放清单;元素地球化学;通过沉积物进行大气组分重建等。在国际上首次从测量方法上区分了两种不同类型的黑碳-焦碳和烟炱,并将该方法扩展到土壤、沉积物研究中,区分明燃和闷烧两种不同类型火事件。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Han Y.M., Chen L.-W.A., Huang R.J., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., Ni H.Y., Liu S.X., Fung K.K., Shen Z.X., Wei C., Wang Q.Y., Tian J., Zhao Z.Z., Prevot A.S.H., Cao J.J., 2016. Carbonaceous aerosols in megacity Xi'an, China: Implications of thermal/optical protocols comparison. Atmospheric Environment, 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.02.023. In press. 2. Han Y.M., Peteet D., Arimoto R., Cao J.J., An Z.S., Sritrairat S., Yan B.Z. Climate and fuel controls on North American paleofires: Smoldering to flaming in the Late-glacial-Holocene Transition. Sci. Rep., 6, 20719, DOI: 10.1038/srep20719. 3. Han, Y. M.; Wei, C.; Huang, R.-J.; Bandowe, B. A. M.; Ho, S. S. H.; Cao, J. J.; Jin, Z. D.; Xu, B. Q.; Gao, S. P.; Tie, X. X.; An, Z. S.; Wilcke, W., Reconstruction of atmospheric soot history in inland regions from lake sediments over the past 150 years. Scientific Reports 2016, 5:19151, Doi: 10.1038/srep19151. 4. Han Y.M., Wei C., Bandowe B.A.M., Wilcke, W., Cao J.J., Xu B.Q., Gao, S.P., Tie X.X., Li G.H., Jin, Z.D., An Z.S., 2015. Elemental carbon and polycyclic aromatic compounds in a 150-yr sediment core from Lake Qinghai, Tibetan Plateau, China: Influence of regional and local sources and transport pathways. Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (7) , 4176–4183. 5. Han Y.M., Bandowe B.A.M., Wei C., Cao J.J., Wilcke W., Wang G.H., Ni H.Y., Jin Z.D., An Z.S., Yan B.Z., 2015. Stronger association of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with soot than with char in soils and sediments. Chemosphere, 119, 1335-1345. 6. Han Y., Chen A., Cao J., Fung K., Ho F., Yan B., Zhan C., Liu S., Wei C., An Z., 2013. Thermal/Optical Methods for Elemental Carbon Quantification in Soils and Urban Dusts: Equivalence of Different Analysis Protocols. PLoS ONE, 8(12): e83462. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0083462. 7. Han Y.M., Marlon J., Cao J.J., Jin Z.D. and An Z.S., 2012. Holocene linkages between char, soot, biomass burning and climate from Lake Daihai, China. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 26, GB4017, doi:10.1029/2011GB004197. 8. Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Wu F., Zhang B.C., Zhan C.L., Wei C., Zhao Z.Z.. 2012. Geochemistry and environmental assessment of major and trace elements in the surface sediments of the Wei River, China. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 14, 2762-2771. 9. Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Yan, B. Kenna T.C., Jin Z.D., Cheng Y., Chow J.C., An Z.S., 2011. Comparison of elemental carbon in lake sediments measured by three different methods and 150-year pollution history in eastern China. Environmental Science & Technology, 45, 5287-5293. 10. Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Kenna T.C., Yan, B. Jin Z.D., Wu F., An Z.S., 2011. Distribution and ecotoxicological significance of trace element contamination in a ~150 yr record of sediments in Lake Chaohu, eastern China. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13, 743-752. 11. Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Lee S.C., Ho K.F., An Z.S., 2010. Different characteristics of char and soot in the atmosphere and their ratio as an indicator for source identification in Xi’an, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, 595-607. 12. Han Y.M., Lee S.C., Cao J.J., Ho K.F., An Z.S., 2009. Spatial distribution and seasonal variation of char-EC and soot-EC in the atmosphere over China. Atmospheric Environment, 43, 6066-6073. 13. Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., An Z.S., Liu S.X., 2009. Elemental carbon in urban soils and road dusts in Xi'an, China and its implication for air pollution. Atmospheric Environment, 43, 2464-2470. 14. Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Posmentier E.S., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., Fung K., Jin Z.D., Liu S.X., An Z.S., 2009. The effect of acidification on the determination of elemental carbon, char-, and soot-elemental carbon in soils and sediments. Chemosphere, 75, 92-99. 15. Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Jin Z.D., An Z.S., 2009. Elemental composition of aerosols in Daihai, a rural area in the front boundary of the summer Asian monsoon. Atmospheric Research, 92, 229-235. 16. Han Y.M., Han Z.W., Cao J.J., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., An Z.S., Liu S.X., Zhang R.J., 2008. Distribution and origin of carbonaceous aerosol over a rural high-mountain lake area, Northern China and its transport significance. Atmospheric Environment, 42, 2405-2414. 17. Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Posmentier E.S., Fung K., Tian H., An Z.S., 2008. Particulate-associated potentially harmful elements in urban road dusts in Xi’an, China. Applied Geochemistry, 23, 835-845. 18. Han Y.M., Cao J.J., An Z.S., Chow J.C., Waston J.G., Jin Z.D., Fung K., Liu S.X., 2007. Evaluation of the thermal/optical reflectance method for quantification of elemental carbon in sediments. Chemosphere 69, 526-533. 19. Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., Fung K., Jin Z.D., Liu S.X., An Z.S., 2007. Evaluation of the thermal/optical reflectance method for discrimination between char- and soot-EC. Chemosphere 69, 569-574. 20. Han Y.M., Jin Z.D., Cao J.J., Posmentier E.S., An Z.S., 2007. Atmospheric Cu and Pb deposition and transport in lake sediments in a remote mountain area, Northern China. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 179, 167-181. 21. Han Y.M., Du P.X., Cao J.J., Posmentier E.S., 2006. Multivariate analysis of heavy metal contamination in urban dusts of Xi’an, Central China. Science of the Total Environment, 355, 176-186.
