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工作经历 Professor, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Key Laboratory of Carrying Capacity Assessment for resources and Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources. Associate Research Scientist (Faculty), Centre for Industrial Ecology, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, USA, 2013–2017. Postdoctoral Research Associate, Centre for Industrial Ecology, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, USA, 2011–2013. Postdoctoral Research Associate, Centre of Environmental Policy, Imperial College London, UK, 2007–2010. Research Assistant, Department of Industrial Ecology, Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Le­i­den Unive­rsi­ty, Netherlands, 2001–2007.


Industrial Ecology Dynamic Material Flow Analysis Sustainable Resources Management Material-Energy Nexus Sustainability of Emerging Technologies Metals Criticality Assessment


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1) Elshkaki, A., 2020. Long-term analysis of critical materials in future vehicles electrification in China and their national and global implications. Energy, 202, 117697. 2) Ciacci, L., Fishman, T., Elshkaki, A., Graedel, T.E., Vassura, I., Passarini, F., 2020. Exploring future copper demand, recycling and associated greenhouse gas emissions in the EU-28. Global Environmental Change, 63, 102093. 3) Elshkaki, A., Shen, L., Chen, W-Q., 2020. Material-energy-water nexus: Modelling the long term implications of aluminium demand and supply on global climate change up to 2050. Environmental Research, 181, 108964. 4) Zhang, H., Shen, L., Zhong, S., Elshkaki, A., 2020. Coal Resource and Industrial Structure Nexus in Energy-Rich Area: The Case of the Contiguous Area of Shanxi and Shaanxi Provinces, and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China. Resources Policy, 66, 101646. 5) Zhang, H., Shen, L., Zhong, S., Elshkaki, A., 2020. Economic Structure Transformation and Low-Carbon Development in Energy-Rich Cities: The Case of the Contiguous Area of Shanxi and Shaanxi Provinces, and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China. Sustainability, 12, 1875. 6) Elshkaki, A., 2019. Materials, energy, water, and emissions nexus impacts on the future contribution of PV solar technologies to global energy scenarios. Scientific Reports, 9, 19238. 7) Elshkaki, A., 2019. Material-energy-water-carbon nexus in China’s electricity generation system up to 2050. Energy, 189, 116355. 8) Elshkaki, A., Shen, L., 2019. Energy-material nexus: The impacts of national and international energy scenarios on critical metals use in China up to 2050 and their global implications. Energy, 180, 903-917. 9) Elshkaki, A., Graedel, T.E., Ciacci, L., Reck, B., 2018. Resource Demand Scenarios for the Major Metals. Environmental Science and Technology, 52, 5, 2491-2497. 10) Zhou, C., Elshkaki, A., Graedel, T.E., 2018. Global human appropriation of net primary production and associated resource decoupling: 2010-2050. Environmental Science and Technology, 52, 3, 1208-1215. 11) Elshkaki, A., Graedel, T.E., Reck, B. 2017. Anthropogenic nickel supply, demand, and associated energy and water use. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 125, 300-307. 12) Elshkaki, A., Graedel, T.E., Ciacci, L., Reck, B. 2016. Copper demand, supply, and associated energy use to 2050. Global Environmental Change, 39, 305-315. 13) Elshkaki, A., and Graedel, T.E. 2015. Solar cell metals and their hosts: A tale of oversupply and undersupply. Applied Energy, 158, 167-177. 14) Elshkaki, A., and Graedel, T.E. 2014. Dysprosium, the balance problem and wind power technology. Applied Energy, 136, 548-559. 15) Elshkaki, A., and Graedel, T.E. 2013. Dynamic analysis of the global metals flows and stocks in electricity generation technologies. Cleaner Production, 59, 260-273. 16) Elshkaki, A. 2013. An analysis of future platinum resources, emissions, and waste streams using a system dynamic model of its intentional and non-intentional flows and stocks. Resources Policy, 38, 241-251. 17) Oxley, T., Elshkaki, A., Kwiatkowski, L., Castillo, A., Scarbrough, T., and ApSimon, H. 2012. Pollution abatement from road transport: Cross-sectoral implications, Climate Co-benefits and behavioural change. Environmental Science and Policy, 19-20, 16-32. 18) Elshkaki, A., Voet, E. van der, Holderbeke, M. Van, Timmermans, V. 2009. Long term consequences of non-intentional flows of substances: Modelling non-intentional flows of lead in the Dutch economic system and evaluating their environmental consequences. Waste Management, 29, 1916-1928. 19) Oxley, T., Valiantis, M., Elshkaki, A., and ApSimon H. M. 2009. Background, Road and Urban Transport modelling of Air quality Limit values (The BRUTAL model). Environmental Modelling and Software, 24, 1036-1050. 20) Elshkaki, A. 2008. Reply to: A discussion of the paper, Elshkaki et al., ‘‘Dynamic stock modelling: a method for the identification and estimation of future waste streams and emissions based on past production and product stock characteristics’’, Energy, 33, 834-835. 21) Guinee, J., Heijungs, R., Kleijn, R., Voet, E. van der, Koning, A., Oers, L. van, Elshkaki, A., Huele, R., Suh, S., and Sleeswijk, A. W. 2006. Human and ecological life cycle tools for the integrated assessment of systems. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 11, 19-28. 22) Elshkaki, A., Voet, E. van der, Holderbeke, M. Van, and Timmermans, V. 2005. Dynamic Stock modelling: A method for the identification and estimation of future waste streams and emissions based on past production and product stock characteristics. Energy, 30, 1353-1363. 23) Elshkaki, A., Voet, E. van der, Holderbeke, M. Van, and Timmermans, V. 2004. The environmental and economic consequences of the developments of lead stocks in the Dutch economic system. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 42, 133-154. 24) Elshkaki, A., 2014. Material Energy Nexus: The Impacts of Metals Supply and Demand on the Future Solar Power Technologies. In Stephen Bailey (Editor). Solar Power: Technologies, Environmental Impacts and Future Prospects. Nova Science Publisher, ISBN: 978-1-63321-317-3. 25) Graedel, T.E., Elshkaki, A., and Voet, E. van der, 2014. Entangled Circles: Energy and Its Resource Connections. In Kramer G.J. and Vermeer B. (Editors). The colours of energy: Essays on the future of our energy system. Shell International B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ISBN: 978-90-9028343-2. 26) Elshkaki A. 2007. System analysis of stock buffering - Development of a dynamic substance flow-stock model for the identification and estimation of future resources, waste streams and emissions. Ph.D. Thesis. Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands, ISBN 978-90-9022084-0. 27) Elshkaki, A., and Voet, E. van der. 2006. The consequences of the use of platinum in new technologies on its availability and on other metal cycles. In Loeffe, C. V., (Editor). Conservation and Recycling of Resources: New Research. Nova Science Publisher, ISBN 1-60021-125-9. 28) Elshkaki, A., Voet, E. van der, Holderbeke, M. van, and Timmermans, V. 2004. Dynamic Stock modelling: A method for the identification and estimation of future waste streams and emissions based on past production and product stock characteristics. In Afgan, N.H., Bogdan, Z. and Duic, N. (Editors). Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. A.A. Balkema Publishers, ISBN 90-5809-662-9. 29) Shen, L., Zhong, S., Elshkaki, A., Zhang, H., 2019. Energy-cement-carbon emission nexus and its implications for future urbanization in China. Proceeding of the 14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. Dubrovnik, Croatia. 30) Elshkaki, A., Voet, E. van der, Holderbeke, M. van, and Timmermans, V. 2002. The Economy of chemicals: combing substance characteristics with socio-economic information in a dynamic SFA model. Proceeding of the Fifth International Conference on EcoBalance, Tsukuba, Japan. 31) Elshkaki, A., Voet, E. van der, Holderbeke, M. van, and Timmermans, V. 2002. Dynamic Stock modelling: A method for the identification and estimation of future waste streams and emissions based on past production and product stock characteristics. Proceeding of the first Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. Dubrovnik, Croatia. 32) Elshkaki, A., Voet, E. van der, Holderbeke, M. Van, Timmermans, V. Claeys, P. and Geerken, T., 2004. Development of a dynamic model for substance flow analysis: Part 1 – General stock model. Report No. 2004/IMS/R/292. Belgium: Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO). 33) Elshkaki, A., Voet, E. van der, Holderbeke, M. Van, Timmermans, V. Claeys, P. and Geerken, T., 2004. Development of a dynamic model for substance flow analysis: Part 2 – Integration of stock and flow model. Report No. 2004/IMS/R/293. Belgium: Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO). 34) Kleijn, R., Elshkaki, A., Koning, de A., Tukker, A., 2001. Literature Study on Degradation Products of Known Emissions. CML working paper, Leiden University, The Netherlands. 35) Kleijn, R., Elshkaki, A., Koning, de A., Tukker, A., 2001. Literature Study on Unknown Organochlorine Compounds in the Environment from Anthropogenic Source. CML working paper, Leiden University, The Netherlands.
