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工作经历 2011-04-01_2014-06-30 辽宁省海洋水产科学研究院 珍稀动物保护室 助理研究员 2018-09_2019-08 哥本哈根大学 生态与进化 访问学者 荣誉奖励 2013-01-01 水生野生动物保护海昌技术奖 2016-02-01 辽宁海洋渔业科技贡献奖 2019-10-08 海南省领军人才 2020-01-01 中国科学院青年创新促进会会员


海洋生物学 海洋生物学 海洋哺乳动物保护 海洋哺乳动物保护


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] Zhang, Peijun,Wei, Zhengzhi,Song, Xinran,Wang, Qinguo,Han, Jiabo,&Li, Songhai.(2020).Aging and Seasonal Serum Cortisol Concentrations in Captive Spotted Seals (Phoca largha) from the Liaodong Bay Colony.AQUATIC MAMMALS,46(3),266-273. 浏览/下载:65/10; 被引[WOS]:0; IF:0.908/1.06评论推荐收藏 [2] Liu, Mingming.,Lin, Mingli.,Dong, Lijun.,Xue, Tianfei.,Zhang, Peijun.,...&Li, Songhai.(2020).Group Sizes of Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins in Waters Southwest of Hainan Island, China: Insights into Rare Records of Large Groups.AQUATIC MAMMALS,46(3),259-265. 浏览/下载:45/0; 被引[WOS]:0; IF:0.908/1.06评论推荐收藏 [3] Liu, Mingming,Bejder, Lars,Lin, Mingli,Zhang, Peijun,Dong, Lijun,&Li, Songhai.(2019).Determining spatial use of the world's second largest humpback dolphin population: Implications for place-based conservation and management.AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS,11. 浏览/下载:40/0; 被引[WOS]:1; IF:3.13/2.737评论推荐收藏 [4] Liu, Mingming,Lin, Mingli,Zhang, Peijun,Xue, Tianfei,&Li, Songhai.(2019).An overview of cetacean stranding around Hainan Island in the South China Sea, 1978-2016: Implications for research, conservation and management.MARINE POLICY,101(1),147-153. 浏览/下载:99/0; 被引[WOS]:2; IF:2.235/2.532评论推荐收藏 [5] Liu, Mingzhong,Zhang, Peijun,Li, Kuan,Liu, Mingming,&Li, Songhai.(2019).Efficiency and Effect Evaluation of Remote Biopsy Sampling on Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins (Sousa chinensis) in the Northern South China Sea.AQUATIC MAMMALS,45(3),311-319. 浏览/下载:58/0; 被引[WOS]:2; IF:0.908/1.06评论推荐收藏 [6] Yuan, Yuan.,Zhang, Peijun.,Wang, Kun.,Liu, Mingzhong.,Li, Jing.,...&Qiu, Qiang.(2018).Genome Sequence of the Freshwater Yangtze Finless Porpoise.GENES,9(4). 浏览/下载:307/40; 被引[WOS]:8; IF:3.6/2.984评论推荐收藏 [7] 李款,张培君,刘明中,等. 海南三亚一头死亡中华白海豚的形态学记录[J]. 兽类学报,2018,38(02):1. 浏览/下载:378/66; 被引[WOS]:0评论推荐收藏 [8] 刘明中,李款,张培君,等. 鲸类远距离活体采样技术发展概述及其在中国鲸类研究中的应用前景[J]. 兽类学报,2018,38(02):1. 浏览/下载:307/51; 被引[WOS]:0评论推荐收藏 [9] Dong, Jianchen.,Song, Zhongchang.,Li, Songhai.,Gong, Zining.,Li, Kuan.,...&Li, Songhai.(2017).Acoustic properties of a short-finned pilot whale head with insight into temperature influence on tissues' sound velocity.JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA,142(4),1901-1912. 浏览/下载:270/52; 被引[WOS]:0; IF:1.547/1.85评论推荐收藏 [10] Yang, Liangliang,Xu, Xiaomei,Zhang, Peijun,Han, Jiabo,Li, Bing,&Berggren, Per.(2017).Classification of underwater vocalizations of wild spotted seals (Phoca largha) in Liaodong Bay, China.JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA,141(3),2256-2262. 浏览/下载:298/69; 被引[WOS]:3; IF:1.547/1.85评论推荐收藏 [11] Li,Songhai.,Lin,Mingli.,Xu,Xiao.,Xing,Luru.,Zhang,Peijun.,...&Wang,Ding.(2016).First record of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) southwest of Hainan Island, China.Marine Biodiversity Records,9(3),1. 浏览/下载:120/23; 被引[WOS]:0评论推荐收藏 [12] Li, Songhai.,Wu, Haiping.,Xu, Youhou.,Peng, Chongwei.,Fang, Liang.,...&Zhang, Peijun.(2015).Mid- to high-frequency noise from high-speed boats and its potential impacts on humpback dolphins.JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA,138(2),942-952. 浏览/下载:496/112; 被引[WOS]:16; IF:1.547/1.85评论推荐收藏 期刊论文 [1] Zhang, Peijun.,Wei, Zhengzhi.,Hui, Suk-Wai.,Abel, Grant.,Martelli, Paolo.,...&Li, Songhai.(2020).Sexual maturity, seasonal estrus, and gestation in female Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphinsTursiops aduncusinferred from serum reproductive hormones.INTEGRATIVE ZOOLOGY,11. 浏览/下载:20/0; 被引[WOS]:0; IF:2.07/1.705评论推荐收藏 [2] Zhang PJ,&etal.(2020).Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin genome reveals insights into chromosome evolution and the historical demography of a vulnerable species.iScience. 浏览/下载:3/0; 被引[WOS]:0评论推荐收藏 [3] Zhang, Peijun,Wei, Zhengzhi,Song, Xinran,Wang, Qinguo,Han, Jiabo,&Li, Songhai.(2020).Aging and Seasonal Serum Cortisol Concentrations in Captive Spotted Seals (Phoca largha) from the Liaodong Bay Colony.AQUATIC MAMMALS,46(3),266-273. 浏览/下载:65/10; 被引[WOS]:0; IF:0.908/1.06评论推荐收藏 [4] Liu, Mingming.,Lin, Mingli.,Dong, Lijun.,Xue, Tianfei.,Zhang, Peijun.,...&Li, Songhai.(2020).Group Sizes of Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins in Waters Southwest of Hainan Island, China: Insights into Rare Records of Large Groups.AQUATIC MAMMALS,46(3),259-265. 浏览/下载:45/0; 被引[WOS]:0; IF:0.908/1.06评论推荐收藏 [5] Liu, Mingming,Bejder, Lars,Lin, Mingli,Zhang, Peijun,Dong, Lijun,&Li, Songhai.(2019).Determining spatial use of the world's second largest humpback dolphin population: Implications for place-based conservation and management.AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS,11. 浏览/下载:40/0; 被引[WOS]:1; IF:3.13/2.737评论推荐收藏 [6] Liu, Mingming,Lin, Mingli,Zhang, Peijun,Xue, Tianfei,&Li, Songhai.(2019).An overview of cetacean stranding around Hainan Island in the South China Sea, 1978-2016: Implications for research, conservation and management.MARINE POLICY,101(1),147-153. 浏览/下载:99/0; 被引[WOS]:2; IF:2.235/2.532评论推荐收藏 [7] Liu, Mingzhong,Zhang, Peijun,Li, Kuan,Liu, Mingming,&Li, Songhai.(2019).Efficiency and Effect Evaluation of Remote Biopsy Sampling on Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins (Sousa chinensis) in the Northern South China Sea.AQUATIC MAMMALS,45(3),311-319. 浏览/下载:58/0; 被引[WOS]:2; IF:0.908/1.06评论推荐收藏 [8] Yuan, Yuan.,Zhang, Peijun.,Wang, Kun.,Liu, Mingzhong.,Li, Jing.,...&Qiu, Qiang.(2018).Genome Sequence of the Freshwater Yangtze Finless Porpoise.GENES,9(4). 浏览/下载:307/40; 被引[WOS]:8; IF:3.6/2.984评论推荐收藏 [9] 李款,张培君,刘明中,等. 海南三亚一头死亡中华白海豚的形态学记录[J]. 兽类学报,2018,38(02):1. 浏览/下载:378/66; 被引[WOS]:0评论推荐收藏 [10] 刘明中,李款,张培君,等. 鲸类远距离活体采样技术发展概述及其在中国鲸类研究中的应用前景[J]. 兽类学报,2018,38(02):1. 浏览/下载:307/51; 被引[WOS]:0评论推荐收藏 [11] Dong, Jianchen.,Song, Zhongchang.,Li, Songhai.,Gong, Zining.,Li, Kuan.,...&Li, Songhai.(2017).Acoustic properties of a short-finned pilot whale head with insight into temperature influence on tissues' sound velocity.JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA,142(4),1901-1912. 浏览/下载:270/52; 被引[WOS]:0; IF:1.547/1.85评论推荐收藏 [12] Yang, Liangliang,Xu, Xiaomei,Zhang, Peijun,Han, Jiabo,Li, Bing,&Berggren, Per.(2017).Classification of underwater vocalizations of wild spotted seals (Phoca largha) in Liaodong Bay, China.JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA,141(3),2256-2262. 浏览/下载:298/69; 被引[WOS]:3; IF:1.547/1.85评论推荐收藏 [13] Li,Songhai.,Lin,Mingli.,Xu,Xiao.,Xing,Luru.,Zhang,Peijun.,...&Wang,Ding.(2016).First record of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) southwest of Hainan Island, China.Marine Biodiversity Records,9(3),1. 浏览/下载:120/23; 被引[WOS]:0评论推荐收藏 [14] Li, Songhai.,Wu, Haiping.,Xu, Youhou.,Peng, Chongwei.,Fang, Liang.,...&Zhang, Peijun.(2015).Mid- to high-frequency noise from high-speed boats and its potential impacts on humpback dolphins.JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA,138(2),942-952. 浏览/下载:496/112; 被引[WOS]:16; IF:1.547/1.85评论推荐收藏
